Drop Shadow Frame (dropshadow)

Drop Shadow Frame

A widget providing a drop shadow (gaussian blur effect) around another widget.

class orangecanvas.gui.dropshadow.DropShadowFrame(parent: ~PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget | None = None, color: ~PyQt5.QtGui.QColor = <PyQt5.QtGui.QColor object>, radius: int = 5, **kwargs: ~typing.Any)[source]

Bases: QWidget

A widget drawing a drop shadow effect around the geometry of another widget (works similar to QFocusFrame).

  • parent (QObject) – Parent object.

  • color (QColor) – The color of the drop shadow.

  • radius (float) – Shadow radius.

setColor(color: QColor | GlobalColor) None[source]

Set the color of the shadow.

color() QColor[source]

Return the color of the drop shadow.

By default this is a color from the palette (for self.foregroundRole())

setRadius(radius: int) None[source]

Set the drop shadow’s blur radius.

radius() int[source]

Return the shadow blur radius.

setWidget(widget: QWidget | None) None[source]

Set the widget around which to show the shadow.

widget() QWidget | None[source]

Return the widget that was set by setWidget.

paintEvent(self, a0: QPaintEvent | None)[source]
eventFilter(self, a0: QObject | None, a1: QEvent | None) bool[source]