Source code for orangecanvas.gui.dropshadow

Drop Shadow Frame

A widget providing a drop shadow (gaussian blur effect) around another

from typing import Optional, Any, Union, List

from AnyQt.QtWidgets import (
    QWidget, QGraphicsScene, QGraphicsRectItem, QGraphicsDropShadowEffect,
    QStyleOption, QAbstractScrollArea, QToolBar
from AnyQt.QtGui import (
    QPainter, QPixmap, QColor, QPen, QPalette, QRegion, QPaintEvent
from AnyQt.QtCore import (
    Qt, QPoint, QPointF, QRect, QRectF, QSize, QSizeF, QEvent, QObject
from AnyQt.QtCore import pyqtProperty as Property

def render_drop_shadow_frame(pixmap, shadow_rect, shadow_color,
                             offset, radius, rect_fill_color):
    # type: (QPixmap, QRectF, QColor, QPointF, float, QColor) -> QPixmap
    scene = QGraphicsScene()
    rect = QGraphicsRectItem(shadow_rect)
    effect = QGraphicsDropShadowEffect(color=shadow_color,

    scene.setSceneRect(QRectF(QPointF(0, 0), QSizeF(pixmap.size())))
    painter = QPainter(pixmap)
    return pixmap

[docs]class DropShadowFrame(QWidget): """ A widget drawing a drop shadow effect around the geometry of another widget (works similar to :class:`QFocusFrame`). Parameters ---------- parent : :class:`QObject` Parent object. color : :class:`QColor` The color of the drop shadow. radius : float Shadow radius. """ def __init__(self, parent=None, color=QColor(), radius=5, **kwargs): # type: (Optional[QWidget], QColor, int, Any) -> None super().__init__(parent, **kwargs) self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_TransparentForMouseEvents, True) self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_NoChildEventsForParent, True) self.setFocusPolicy(Qt.NoFocus) self.__color = QColor(color) self.__radius = radius self.__offset = QPoint(0, 0) self.__widget = None # type: Optional[QWidget] self.__widgetParent = None # type: Optional[QWidget] self.__cachedShadowPixmap = None # type: Optional[QPixmap]
[docs] def setColor(self, color): # type: (Union[QColor, Qt.GlobalColor]) -> None """ Set the color of the shadow. """ if not isinstance(color, QColor): color = QColor(color) if self.__color != color: self.__color = QColor(color) self.__updatePixmap()
[docs] def color(self): # type: () -> QColor """ Return the color of the drop shadow. By default this is a color from the `palette` (for `self.foregroundRole()`) """ if self.__color.isValid(): return QColor(self.__color) else: return self.palette().color(self.foregroundRole())
color_ = Property(QColor, fget=color, fset=setColor, designable=True, doc="Drop shadow color")
[docs] def setRadius(self, radius): # type: (int) -> None """ Set the drop shadow's blur radius. """ if self.__radius != radius: self.__radius = radius self.__updateGeometry() self.__updatePixmap()
[docs] def radius(self): # type: () -> int """ Return the shadow blur radius. """ return self.__radius
radius_ = Property(int, fget=radius, fset=setRadius, designable=True, doc="Drop shadow blur radius.") def setOffset(self, offset): # type: (QPoint) -> None if self.__offset != QPoint(offset): self.__offset = QPoint(offset) self.__updateGeometry() self.__updatePixmap() def offset(self): # type: () -> QPoint return QPoint(self.__offset) offset_ = Property(QPoint, fget=offset, fset=setOffset, designable=True, doc="Drop shadow offset.")
[docs] def setWidget(self, widget): # type: (Optional[QWidget]) -> None """ Set the widget around which to show the shadow. """ if self.__widget: self.__widget.removeEventFilter(self) self.__widget = widget if widget is not None: widget.installEventFilter(self) # Find the parent for the frame # This is the top level window a toolbar or a viewport # of a scroll area parent = widget.parentWidget() while not (isinstance(parent, (QAbstractScrollArea, QToolBar)) or \ parent.isWindow()): parent = parent.parentWidget() if isinstance(parent, QAbstractScrollArea): parent = parent.viewport() self.__widgetParent = parent self.setParent(parent) self.stackUnder(widget) self.__updateGeometry() self.setVisible(widget.isVisible())
[docs] def widget(self): # type: () -> Optional[QWidget] """ Return the widget that was set by `setWidget`. """ return self.__widget
[docs] def paintEvent(self, event): # type: (QPaintEvent) -> None # TODO: Use QPainter.drawPixmapFragments on Qt 4.7 if self.__widget is None: return opt = QStyleOption() opt.initFrom(self) radius = self.__radius offset = self.__offset pixmap = self.__shadowPixmap() pixr = pixmap.devicePixelRatio() assert pixr == self.devicePixelRatioF() shadow_rect = QRectF(opt.rect) widget_rect = QRectF(self.__widget.geometry()) widget_rect.moveTo(radius - offset.x(), radius - offset.y()) left = top = right = bottom = radius * pixr pixmap_rect = QRectF(QPointF(0, 0), QSizeF(pixmap.size())) # Shadow casting rectangle in the source pixmap. pixmap_shadow_rect = pixmap_rect.adjusted(left, top, -right, -bottom) pixmap_shadow_rect.translate(-offset.x() * pixr, -offset.y() * pixr) source_rects = self.__shadowPixmapFragments(pixmap_rect, pixmap_shadow_rect) target_rects = self.__shadowPixmapFragments(shadow_rect, widget_rect) painter = QPainter(self) for source, target in zip(source_rects, target_rects): painter.drawPixmap(target, pixmap, source) painter.end()
[docs] def eventFilter(self, obj, event): # type: (QObject, QEvent) -> bool etype = event.type() if etype == QEvent.Move or etype == QEvent.Resize: self.__updateGeometry() elif etype == QEvent.Show: self.__updateGeometry() elif etype == QEvent.Hide: self.hide() return super().eventFilter(obj, event)
def __updateGeometry(self): # type: () -> None """ Update the shadow geometry to fit the widget's changed geometry. """ assert self.__widget is not None widget = self.__widget parent = self.__widgetParent radius = self.radius_ offset = self.__offset pos = widget.pos() if parent is not None and parent != widget.parentWidget(): pos = widget.parentWidget().mapTo(parent, pos) geom = QRect(pos, widget.size()) geom = geom.adjusted(-radius, -radius, radius, radius) geom = geom.translated(offset) if geom != self.geometry(): self.setGeometry(geom) # Set the widget mask (punch a hole through to the `widget` instance. rect = self.rect() mask = QRegion(rect) rect = rect.adjusted(radius, radius, -radius, -radius) rect = rect.translated(-offset) transparent = QRegion(rect) mask = mask.subtracted(transparent) self.setMask(mask) def __updatePixmap(self): # type: () -> None """Invalidate the cached shadow pixmap.""" self.__cachedShadowPixmap = None def __shadowPixmapForDpr(self, dpr=1.0): # type: (float) -> QPixmap """ Return a shadow pixmap rendered in `dpr` device pixel ratio. """ offset = self.offset() radius = self.radius() color = self.color() fill_color = self.palette().color(QPalette.Window) rect_size = QSize(int(50 * dpr), int(50 * dpr)) left = top = right = bottom = int(radius * dpr) # Size of the pixmap. pixmap_size = QSize(rect_size.width() + left + right, rect_size.height() + top + bottom) shadow_rect = QRect(QPoint(left, top) - offset * dpr, rect_size) pixmap = QPixmap(pixmap_size) pixmap.fill(Qt.transparent) pixmap = render_drop_shadow_frame( pixmap, QRectF(shadow_rect), shadow_color=color, offset=QPointF(offset * dpr), radius=radius * dpr, rect_fill_color=fill_color ) pixmap.setDevicePixelRatio(dpr) return pixmap def __shadowPixmap(self): # type: () -> QPixmap if self.__cachedShadowPixmap is None \ or self.__cachedShadowPixmap.devicePixelRatioF() \ != self.devicePixelRatioF(): self.__cachedShadowPixmap = self.__shadowPixmapForDpr( self.devicePixelRatioF()) return QPixmap(self.__cachedShadowPixmap) def __shadowPixmapFragments(self, pixmap_rect, shadow_rect): # type: (QRect, QRect) -> List[QRectF] """ Return a list of 8 QRectF fragments for drawing a shadow. """ s_left, s_top, s_right, s_bottom = \ shadow_rect.left(),, \ shadow_rect.right(), shadow_rect.bottom() s_width, s_height = shadow_rect.width(), shadow_rect.height() p_width, p_height = pixmap_rect.width(), pixmap_rect.height() top_left = QRectF(0.0, 0.0, s_left, s_top) top = QRectF(s_left, 0.0, s_width, s_top) top_right = QRectF(s_right, 0.0, p_width - s_width, s_top) right = QRectF(s_right, s_top, p_width - s_right, s_height) right_bottom = QRectF(shadow_rect.bottomRight(), pixmap_rect.bottomRight()) bottom = QRectF(shadow_rect.bottomLeft(), pixmap_rect.bottomRight() - \ QPointF(p_width - s_right, 0.0)) bottom_left = QRectF(shadow_rect.bottomLeft() - QPointF(s_left, 0.0), pixmap_rect.bottomLeft() + QPointF(s_left, 0.0)) left = QRectF(pixmap_rect.topLeft() + QPointF(0.0, s_top), shadow_rect.bottomLeft()) return [top_left, top, top_right, right, right_bottom, bottom, bottom_left, left]