Scheme Editor (schemeedit)

Scheme Editor Widget

class orangecanvas.document.schemeedit.SchemeEditWidget(parent=None)[source]

Bases: QWidget

A widget for editing a Scheme instance.


Undo command has become available/unavailable.


Redo command has become available/unavailable.


Document modified state has changed.


Undo command was added to the undo stack.


Item selection has changed.


Document title has changed.


Document path has changed.

class OpenAnchors(value)[source]

Bases: Enum

Interactions with individual anchors

Never = 'Never'

Channel anchors never separate

Always = 'Always'

Channel anchors separate on hover

OnShift = 'OnShift'

Channel anchors separate on hover on Shift key

toolbarActions() List[QAction][source]

Return a list of actions that can be inserted into a toolbar. At the moment these are:

  • ‘Zoom in’ action

  • ‘Zoom out’ action

  • ‘Zoom Reset’ action

  • ‘Clean up’ action (align to grid)

  • ‘New text annotation’ action (with a size menu)

  • ‘New arrow annotation’ action (with a color menu)

menuBarActions() List[QAction][source]

Return a list of actions that can be inserted into a QMenuBar.

isModified() bool[source]

Is the document is a modified state.

setModified(modified: bool) None[source]

Set the document modified state.


Is the document is a modified state.


Is the document modified.

Run a strict check against all node properties as they were at the time when the last call to setModified(True) was made.


Returns node properties differences since last clean state, excluding unclean nodes.

setQuickMenuTriggers(triggers: int) None[source]

Set quick menu trigger flags.

Flags can be a bitwise or of:

  • SchemeEditWidget.NoTrigeres

  • SchemeEditWidget.RightClicked

  • SchemeEditWidget.DoubleClicked

  • SchemeEditWidget.SpaceKey

  • SchemeEditWidget.AnyKey

quickMenuTriggers() int[source]

Return quick menu trigger flags.

setChannelNamesVisible(visible: bool) None[source]

Set channel names visibility state. When enabled the links in the view will have a source/sink channel names displayed over them.

channelNamesVisible() bool[source]

Return the channel name visibility state.

setNodeAnimationEnabled(enabled: bool) None[source]

Set the node item animation enabled state.


Return the node item animation enabled state.

undoStack() QUndoStack[source]

Return the undo stack.

setPath(path: str) None[source]

Set the path associated with the current scheme.


Calling setScheme will invalidate the path (i.e. set it to an empty string)

path() str[source]

Return the path associated with the scheme

setScheme(scheme: Scheme) None[source]

Set the Scheme instance to display/edit.

ensureVisible(node: SchemeNode) None[source]

Scroll the contents of the viewport so that node is visible.


node (SchemeNode)

scheme() Scheme | None[source]

Return the Scheme edited by the widget.

scene() QGraphicsScene[source]

Return the QGraphicsScene instance used to display the current scheme.

view() QGraphicsView[source]

Return the QGraphicsView instance used to display the current scene.


Return the widget suggestion prediction class.


Return the usage statistics logging class.

quickMenu() QuickMenu[source]

Return a QuickMenu popup menu instance for new node creation.

setTitle(title: str) None[source]

Set the scheme title.

setDescription(description: str) None[source]

Set the scheme description string.

addNode(node: SchemeNode) None[source]

Add a new node (SchemeNode) to the document.

createNewNode(description: WidgetDescription, title: str | None = None, position: Tuple[float, float] | None = None) SchemeNode[source]

Create a new SchemeNode and add it to the document. The new node is constructed using newNodeHelper() method

newNodeHelper(description: WidgetDescription, title: str | None = None, position: Tuple[float, float] | None = None) SchemeNode[source]

Return a new initialized SchemeNode. If title and position are not supplied they are initialized to sensible defaults.

enumerateTitle(title: str) str[source]

Enumerate a title string (i.e. add a number in parentheses) so it is not equal to any node title in the current scheme.

nextPosition() Tuple[float, float][source]

Return the next default node position as a (x, y) tuple. This is a position left of the last added node.

removeNode(node: SchemeNode) None[source]

Remove a node (SchemeNode) from the scheme

renameNode(node: SchemeNode, title: str) None[source]

Rename a node (SchemeNode) to title.

Add a link (SchemeLink) to the scheme.

Remove a link (SchemeLink) from the scheme.

insertNode(new_node: SchemeNode, old_link: SchemeLink) None[source]

Insert a node in-between two linked nodes.

addAnnotation(annotation: BaseSchemeAnnotation) None[source]

Add annotation (BaseSchemeAnnotation) to the scheme

removeAnnotation(annotation: BaseSchemeAnnotation) None[source]

Remove annotation (BaseSchemeAnnotation) from the scheme.

removeSelected() None[source]

Remove all selected items in the scheme.

selectAll() None[source]

Select all selectable items in the scheme.

alignToGrid() None[source]

Align nodes to a grid.

focusNode() SchemeNode | None[source]

Return the current focused SchemeNode or None if no node has focus.

selectedNodes() List[SchemeNode][source]

Return all selected SchemeNode items.

selectedAnnotations() List[BaseSchemeAnnotation][source]

Return all selected BaseSchemeAnnotation items.

openSelected() None[source]

Open (show and raise) all widgets for the current selected nodes.

editNodeTitle(node: SchemeNode) None[source]

Edit (rename) the node’s title.

setDropHandlers(dropHandlers: Sequence[DropHandler]) None[source]

Set handlers for drop events onto the workflow view.

changeEvent(self, a0: QEvent | None)[source]
eventFilter(self, a0: QObject | None, a1: QEvent | None) bool[source]
activateDefaultWindowGroup() bool[source]

Activate the default window group if one exists.

Return True if a default group exists and was activated; False if not.

widgetManager() WidgetManager | None[source]

Return the widget manager.