Source code for orangecanvas.document.schemeedit

Scheme Editor Widget

import enum
import io
import logging
import itertools
import re
import sys
import unicodedata
import copy
import dictdiffer

from operator import attrgetter
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from contextlib import ExitStack, contextmanager
from typing import (
    List, Tuple, Optional, Container, Dict, Any, Iterable, Generator, Sequence

from AnyQt.QtWidgets import (
    QWidget, QVBoxLayout, QMenu, QAction, QActionGroup,
    QUndoStack, QGraphicsItem, QGraphicsTextItem,
    QFormLayout, QComboBox, QDialog, QDialogButtonBox, QMessageBox, QCheckBox,
    QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent, QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent,
    QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent, QGraphicsView, QGraphicsScene,
from AnyQt.QtGui import (
    QKeySequence, QCursor, QFont, QPainter, QPixmap, QColor, QIcon,
    QWhatsThisClickedEvent, QKeyEvent, QPalette
from AnyQt.QtCore import (
    Qt, QObject, QEvent, QSignalMapper, QCoreApplication, QPointF,
    QMimeData, Slot)
from AnyQt.QtCore import pyqtProperty as Property, pyqtSignal as Signal

from orangecanvas.document.commands import UndoCommand
from .interactions import DropHandler
from ..registry import WidgetDescription, WidgetRegistry
from .suggestions import Suggestions
from .usagestatistics import UsageStatistics
from ..registry.qt import whats_this_helper, QtWidgetRegistry
from ..gui.quickhelp import QuickHelpTipEvent
from ..gui.utils import (
    message_information, disabled, clipboard_has_format, clipboard_data
from ..scheme import (
    scheme, signalmanager, Scheme, SchemeNode, SchemeLink,
    BaseSchemeAnnotation, SchemeTextAnnotation, WorkflowEvent
from ..scheme.widgetmanager import WidgetManager
from ..canvas.scene import CanvasScene
from ..canvas.view import CanvasView
from ..canvas import items
from ..canvas.items.annotationitem import Annotation as AnnotationItem
from . import interactions
from . import commands
from . import quickmenu
from ..utils import findf, UNUSED
from ..utils.qinvoke import connect_with_context

Pos = Tuple[float, float]
RuntimeState = signalmanager.SignalManager.State

# Private MIME type for clipboard contents
MimeTypeWorkflowFragment = "application/vnd.{}-ows-fragment+xml".format(__name__)

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

DuplicateOffset = QPointF(0, 120)

class NoWorkflowError(RuntimeError):
    def __init__(self, message: str = "No workflow model is set", **kwargs):
        super().__init__(message, *kwargs)

class UndoStack(QUndoStack):

    indexIncremented = Signal()

    def __init__(self, parent, statistics: UsageStatistics):
        QUndoStack.__init__(self, parent)
        self.__statistics = statistics
        self.__previousIndex = self.index()
        self.__currentIndex = self.index()


    def __refreshIndex(self, newIndex):
        self.__previousIndex = self.__currentIndex
        self.__currentIndex = newIndex

        if self.__previousIndex < newIndex:

    def undo(self):

    def redo(self):

    def push(self, macro):

[docs] class SchemeEditWidget(QWidget): """ A widget for editing a :class:`~.scheme.Scheme` instance. """ #: Undo command has become available/unavailable. undoAvailable = Signal(bool) #: Redo command has become available/unavailable. redoAvailable = Signal(bool) #: Document modified state has changed. modificationChanged = Signal(bool) #: Undo command was added to the undo stack. undoCommandAdded = Signal() #: Item selection has changed. selectionChanged = Signal() #: Document title has changed. titleChanged = Signal(str) #: Document path has changed. pathChanged = Signal(str) # Quick Menu triggers (NoTriggers, RightClicked, DoubleClicked, SpaceKey, AnyKey) = [0, 1, 2, 4, 8]
[docs] class OpenAnchors(enum.Enum): """Interactions with individual anchors""" #: Channel anchors never separate Never = "Never" #: Channel anchors separate on hover Always = "Always" #: Channel anchors separate on hover on Shift key OnShift = "OnShift"
def __init__(self, parent=None, ): super().__init__(parent) self.__modified = False self.__registry = None # type: Optional[WidgetRegistry] self.__scheme = None # type: Optional[Scheme] self.__widgetManager = None # type: Optional[WidgetManager] self.__path = "" self.__quickMenuTriggers = SchemeEditWidget.SpaceKey | \ SchemeEditWidget.DoubleClicked self.__openAnchorsMode = SchemeEditWidget.OpenAnchors.OnShift self.__emptyClickButtons = Qt.NoButton self.__channelNamesVisible = True self.__nodeAnimationEnabled = True self.__possibleSelectionHandler = None self.__possibleMouseItemsMove = False self.__itemsMoving = {} self.__contextMenuTarget = None # type: Optional[SchemeLink] self.__dropTarget = None # type: Optional[items.LinkItem] self.__quickMenu = None # type: Optional[quickmenu.QuickMenu] self.__quickTip = "" self.__statistics = UsageStatistics(self) self.__undoStack = UndoStack(self, self.__statistics) self.__undoStack.cleanChanged[bool].connect(self.__onCleanChanged) self.__undoStack.indexIncremented.connect(self.undoCommandAdded) # Preferred position for paste command. Updated on every mouse button # press and copy operation. self.__pasteOrigin = QPointF(20, 20) # scheme node properties when set to a clean state self.__cleanProperties = {} # list of links when set to a clean state self.__cleanLinks = [] # list of annotations when set to a clean state self.__cleanAnnotations = [] self.__dropHandlers = () # type: Sequence[DropHandler] self.__editFinishedMapper = QSignalMapper(self) self.__editFinishedMapper.mappedObject.connect( self.__onEditingFinished ) self.__annotationGeomChanged = QSignalMapper(self) self.__setupActions() self.__setupUi() # Edit menu for a main window menu bar. self.__editMenu = QMenu("&Edit"), self) self.__editMenu.addAction(self.__undoAction) self.__editMenu.addAction(self.__redoAction) self.__editMenu.addSeparator() self.__editMenu.addAction(self.__removeSelectedAction) self.__editMenu.addAction(self.__duplicateSelectedAction) self.__editMenu.addAction(self.__copySelectedAction) self.__editMenu.addAction(self.__pasteAction) self.__editMenu.addAction(self.__selectAllAction) # Widget context menu self.__widgetMenu = QMenu("Widget"), self) self.__widgetMenu.addAction(self.__openSelectedAction) self.__widgetMenu.addSeparator() self.__widgetMenu.addAction(self.__renameAction) self.__widgetMenu.addAction(self.__removeSelectedAction) self.__widgetMenu.addAction(self.__duplicateSelectedAction) self.__widgetMenu.addAction(self.__copySelectedAction) self.__widgetMenu.addSeparator() self.__widgetMenu.addAction(self.__helpAction) # Widget menu for a main window menu bar. self.__menuBarWidgetMenu = QMenu("&Widget"), self) self.__menuBarWidgetMenu.addAction(self.__openSelectedAction) self.__menuBarWidgetMenu.addSeparator() self.__menuBarWidgetMenu.addAction(self.__renameAction) self.__menuBarWidgetMenu.addAction(self.__removeSelectedAction) self.__menuBarWidgetMenu.addSeparator() self.__menuBarWidgetMenu.addAction(self.__helpAction) self.__linkMenu = QMenu("Link"), self) self.__linkMenu.addAction(self.__linkEnableAction) self.__linkMenu.addSeparator() self.__linkMenu.addAction(self.__nodeInsertAction) self.__linkMenu.addSeparator() self.__linkMenu.addAction(self.__linkRemoveAction) self.__linkMenu.addAction(self.__linkResetAction) self.__suggestions = Suggestions() def __setupActions(self): self.__cleanUpAction = QAction("Clean Up"), self, objectName="cleanup-action", shortcut=QKeySequence("Shift+A"),"Align widgets to a grid (Shift+A)"), triggered=self.alignToGrid, ) self.__newTextAnnotationAction = QAction("Text"), self, objectName="new-text-action","Add a text annotation to the workflow."), checkable=True, toggled=self.__toggleNewTextAnnotation, ) # Create a font size menu for the new annotation action. self.__fontMenu = QMenu("Font Size", self) self.__fontActionGroup = group = QActionGroup( self, triggered=self.__onFontSizeTriggered ) def font(size): f = QFont(self.font()) f.setPixelSize(size) return f for size in [12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24]: action = QAction( "%ipx" % size, group, checkable=True, font=font(size) ) self.__fontMenu.addAction(action) group.actions()[2].setChecked(True) self.__newTextAnnotationAction.setMenu(self.__fontMenu) self.__newArrowAnnotationAction = QAction("Arrow"), self, objectName="new-arrow-action","Add a arrow annotation to the workflow."), checkable=True, toggled=self.__toggleNewArrowAnnotation, ) # Create a color menu for the arrow annotation action self.__arrowColorMenu = QMenu("Arrow Color",) self.__arrowColorActionGroup = group = QActionGroup( self, triggered=self.__onArrowColorTriggered ) def color_icon(color): icon = QIcon() for size in [16, 24, 32]: pixmap = QPixmap(size, size) pixmap.fill(QColor(0, 0, 0, 0)) p = QPainter(pixmap) p.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing) p.setBrush(color) p.setPen(Qt.NoPen) p.drawEllipse(1, 1, size - 2, size - 2) p.end() icon.addPixmap(pixmap) return icon for color in ["#000", "#C1272D", "#662D91", "#1F9CDF", "#39B54A"]: icon = color_icon(QColor(color)) action = QAction(group, icon=icon, checkable=True, iconVisibleInMenu=True) action.setData(color) self.__arrowColorMenu.addAction(action) group.actions()[1].setChecked(True) self.__newArrowAnnotationAction.setMenu(self.__arrowColorMenu) self.__undoAction = self.__undoStack.createUndoAction(self) self.__undoAction.setShortcut(QKeySequence.Undo) self.__undoAction.setObjectName("undo-action") self.__redoAction = self.__undoStack.createRedoAction(self) self.__redoAction.setShortcut(QKeySequence.Redo) self.__redoAction.setObjectName("redo-action") self.__selectAllAction = QAction("Select all"), self, objectName="select-all-action","Select all items."), triggered=self.selectAll, shortcut=QKeySequence.SelectAll ) self.__openSelectedAction = QAction("Open"), self, objectName="open-action","Open selected widget"), triggered=self.openSelected, enabled=False ) self.__removeSelectedAction = QAction("Remove"), self, objectName="remove-selected","Remove selected items"), triggered=self.removeSelected, enabled=False ) shortcuts = [QKeySequence(Qt.Key_Backspace), QKeySequence(Qt.Key_Delete), QKeySequence("Ctrl+Backspace")] self.__removeSelectedAction.setShortcuts(shortcuts) self.__renameAction = QAction("Rename"), self, objectName="rename-action","Rename selected widget"), triggered=self.__onRenameAction, shortcut=QKeySequence(Qt.Key_F2), enabled=False ) if sys.platform == "darwin": self.__renameAction.setShortcuts([ QKeySequence(Qt.Key_F2), QKeySequence(Qt.Key_Enter), QKeySequence(Qt.Key_Return) ]) self.__helpAction = QAction("Help"), self, objectName="help-action","Show widget help"), triggered=self.__onHelpAction, shortcut=QKeySequence("F1"), enabled=False, ) self.__linkEnableAction = QAction("Enabled"), self, objectName="link-enable-action", triggered=self.__toggleLinkEnabled, checkable=True, ) self.__linkRemoveAction = QAction("Remove"), self, objectName="link-remove-action", triggered=self.__linkRemove,"Remove link."), ) self.__nodeInsertAction = QAction("Insert Widget"), self, objectName="node-insert-action", triggered=self.__nodeInsert,"Insert widget."), ) self.__linkResetAction = QAction("Reset Signals"), self, objectName="link-reset-action", triggered=self.__linkReset, ) self.__duplicateSelectedAction = QAction("Duplicate"), self, objectName="duplicate-action", enabled=False, shortcut=QKeySequence("Ctrl+D"), triggered=self.__duplicateSelected, ) self.__copySelectedAction = QAction("Copy"), self, objectName="copy-action", enabled=False, shortcut=QKeySequence("Ctrl+C"), triggered=self.__copyToClipboard, ) self.__pasteAction = QAction("Paste"), self, objectName="paste-action", enabled=clipboard_has_format(MimeTypeWorkflowFragment), shortcut=QKeySequence("Ctrl+V"), triggered=self.__pasteFromClipboard, ) QApplication.clipboard().dataChanged.connect( self.__updatePasteActionState ) self.addActions([ self.__newTextAnnotationAction, self.__newArrowAnnotationAction, self.__linkEnableAction, self.__linkRemoveAction, self.__nodeInsertAction, self.__linkResetAction, self.__duplicateSelectedAction, self.__copySelectedAction, self.__pasteAction ]) # Actions which should be disabled while a multistep # interaction is in progress. self.__disruptiveActions = [ self.__undoAction, self.__redoAction, self.__removeSelectedAction, self.__selectAllAction, self.__duplicateSelectedAction, self.__copySelectedAction, self.__pasteAction ] #: Top 'Window Groups' action self.__windowGroupsAction = QAction("Window Groups"), self, objectName="window-groups-action", toolTip="Manage preset widget groups" ) #: Action group containing action for every window group self.__windowGroupsActionGroup = QActionGroup( self.__windowGroupsAction, objectName="window-groups-action-group", ) self.__windowGroupsActionGroup.triggered.connect( self.__activateWindowGroup ) self.__saveWindowGroupAction = QAction("Save Window Group..."), self, objectName="window-groups-save-action", toolTip="Create and save a new window group." ) self.__saveWindowGroupAction.triggered.connect(self.__saveWindowGroup) self.__clearWindowGroupsAction = QAction("Delete All Groups"), self, objectName="window-groups-clear-action", toolTip="Delete all saved widget presets" ) self.__clearWindowGroupsAction.triggered.connect( self.__clearWindowGroups ) groups_menu = QMenu(self) sep = groups_menu.addSeparator() sep.setObjectName("groups-separator") groups_menu.addAction(self.__saveWindowGroupAction) groups_menu.addSeparator() groups_menu.addAction(self.__clearWindowGroupsAction) self.__windowGroupsAction.setMenu(groups_menu) # the counterpart to Control + Key_Up to raise the containing workflow # view (maybe move that shortcut here) self.__raiseWidgetsAction = QAction("Bring Widgets to Front"), self, objectName="bring-widgets-to-front-action", shortcut=QKeySequence("Ctrl+Down"), shortcutContext=Qt.WindowShortcut, ) self.__raiseWidgetsAction.triggered.connect(self.__raiseToFont) self.addAction(self.__raiseWidgetsAction) def __setupUi(self): layout = QVBoxLayout() layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) layout.setSpacing(0) scene = CanvasScene(self) scene.setItemIndexMethod(CanvasScene.NoIndex) self.__setupScene(scene) view = CanvasView(scene) view.setFrameStyle(CanvasView.NoFrame) view.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing) self.__view = view self.__scene = scene layout.addWidget(view) self.setLayout(layout) def __setupScene(self, scene): # type: (CanvasScene) -> None """ Set up a :class:`CanvasScene` instance for use by the editor. .. note:: If an existing scene is in use it must be teared down using __teardownScene """ scene.set_channel_names_visible(self.__channelNamesVisible) scene.set_node_animation_enabled( self.__nodeAnimationEnabled ) if self.__openAnchorsMode == SchemeEditWidget.OpenAnchors.Always: scene.set_widget_anchors_open(True) scene.setFont(self.font()) scene.setPalette(self.palette()) scene.installEventFilter(self) if self.__registry is not None: scene.set_registry(self.__registry) scene.focusItemChanged.connect(self.__onFocusItemChanged) scene.selectionChanged.connect(self.__onSelectionChanged) scene.link_item_activated.connect(self.__onLinkActivate) scene.link_item_added.connect(self.__onLinkAdded) scene.node_item_activated.connect(self.__onNodeActivate) scene.annotation_added.connect(self.__onAnnotationAdded) scene.annotation_removed.connect(self.__onAnnotationRemoved) self.__annotationGeomChanged = QSignalMapper(self) def __teardownScene(self, scene): # type: (CanvasScene) -> None """ Tear down an instance of :class:`CanvasScene` that was used by the editor. """ # Clear the current item selection in the scene so edit action # states are updated accordingly. scene.clearSelection() # Clear focus from any item. scene.setFocusItem(None) # Clear the annotation mapper self.__annotationGeomChanged.deleteLater() self.__annotationGeomChanged = None scene.focusItemChanged.disconnect(self.__onFocusItemChanged) scene.selectionChanged.disconnect(self.__onSelectionChanged) scene.removeEventFilter(self) # Clear all items from the scene scene.blockSignals(True) scene.clear_scene()
[docs] def toolbarActions(self): # type: () -> List[QAction] """ Return a list of actions that can be inserted into a toolbar. At the moment these are: - 'Zoom in' action - 'Zoom out' action - 'Zoom Reset' action - 'Clean up' action (align to grid) - 'New text annotation' action (with a size menu) - 'New arrow annotation' action (with a color menu) """ view = self.__view zoomin = view.findChild(QAction, "action-zoom-in") zoomout = view.findChild(QAction, "action-zoom-out") zoomreset = view.findChild(QAction, "action-zoom-reset") assert zoomin and zoomout and zoomreset return [zoomin, zoomout, zoomreset, self.__cleanUpAction, self.__newTextAnnotationAction, self.__newArrowAnnotationAction]
[docs] def menuBarActions(self): # type: () -> List[QAction] """ Return a list of actions that can be inserted into a `QMenuBar`. """ return [self.__editMenu.menuAction(), self.__menuBarWidgetMenu.menuAction()]
[docs] def isModified(self): # type: () -> bool """ Is the document is a modified state. """ return self.__modified or not self.__undoStack.isClean()
[docs] def setModified(self, modified): # type: (bool) -> None """ Set the document modified state. """ if self.__modified != modified: self.__modified = modified if not modified: if self.__scheme: self.__cleanProperties = node_properties(self.__scheme) self.__cleanLinks = self.__scheme.links self.__cleanAnnotations = self.__scheme.annotations else: self.__cleanProperties = {} self.__cleanLinks = [] self.__cleanAnnotations = [] self.__undoStack.setClean() else: self.__cleanProperties = {} self.__cleanLinks = [] self.__cleanAnnotations = []
modified = Property(bool, fget=isModified, fset=setModified)
[docs] def isModifiedStrict(self): """ Is the document modified. Run a strict check against all node properties as they were at the time when the last call to `setModified(True)` was made. """ propertiesChanged = self.__cleanProperties != \ node_properties(self.__scheme) log.debug("Modified strict check (modified flag: %s, " "undo stack clean: %s, properties: %s)", self.__modified, self.__undoStack.isClean(), propertiesChanged) return self.isModified() or propertiesChanged
[docs] def uncleanProperties(self): """ Returns node properties differences since last clean state, excluding unclean nodes. """ currentProperties = node_properties(self.__scheme) # ignore diff for newly created nodes cleanNodes = self.cleanNodes() currentCleanNodeProperties = {k: v for k, v in currentProperties.items() if k in cleanNodes} cleanProperties = self.__cleanProperties # ignore diff for deleted nodes currentNodes = self.__scheme.nodes cleanCurrentNodeProperties = {k: v for k, v in cleanProperties.items() if k in currentNodes} # ignore contexts ignore = set((node, "context_settings") for node in currentCleanNodeProperties.keys()) return list(dictdiffer.diff( cleanCurrentNodeProperties, currentCleanNodeProperties, ignore=ignore ))
def restoreProperties(self, dict_diff): ref_properties = { node: for node in self.__scheme.nodes } dictdiffer.patch(dict_diff, ref_properties, in_place=True) def cleanNodes(self): return list(self.__cleanProperties.keys()) def cleanLinks(self): return self.__cleanLinks def cleanAnnotations(self): return self.__cleanAnnotations
[docs] def setQuickMenuTriggers(self, triggers): # type: (int) -> None """ Set quick menu trigger flags. Flags can be a bitwise `or` of: - `SchemeEditWidget.NoTrigeres` - `SchemeEditWidget.RightClicked` - `SchemeEditWidget.DoubleClicked` - `SchemeEditWidget.SpaceKey` - `SchemeEditWidget.AnyKey` """ if self.__quickMenuTriggers != triggers: self.__quickMenuTriggers = triggers
[docs] def quickMenuTriggers(self): # type: () -> int """ Return quick menu trigger flags. """ return self.__quickMenuTriggers
[docs] def setChannelNamesVisible(self, visible): # type: (bool) -> None """ Set channel names visibility state. When enabled the links in the view will have a source/sink channel names displayed over them. """ if self.__channelNamesVisible != visible: self.__channelNamesVisible = visible self.__scene.set_channel_names_visible(visible)
[docs] def channelNamesVisible(self): # type: () -> bool """ Return the channel name visibility state. """ return self.__channelNamesVisible
[docs] def setNodeAnimationEnabled(self, enabled): # type: (bool) -> None """ Set the node item animation enabled state. """ if self.__nodeAnimationEnabled != enabled: self.__nodeAnimationEnabled = enabled self.__scene.set_node_animation_enabled(enabled)
[docs] def nodeAnimationEnabled(self): # type () -> bool """ Return the node item animation enabled state. """ return self.__nodeAnimationEnabled
def setOpenAnchorsMode(self, state: OpenAnchors): self.__openAnchorsMode = state self.__scene.set_widget_anchors_open( state == SchemeEditWidget.OpenAnchors.Always ) def openAnchorsMode(self) -> OpenAnchors: return self.__openAnchorsMode
[docs] def undoStack(self): # type: () -> QUndoStack """ Return the undo stack. """ return self.__undoStack
[docs] def setPath(self, path): # type: (str) -> None """ Set the path associated with the current scheme. .. note:: Calling `setScheme` will invalidate the path (i.e. set it to an empty string) """ if self.__path != path: self.__path = path self.pathChanged.emit(self.__path)
[docs] def path(self): # type: () -> str """ Return the path associated with the scheme """ return self.__path
[docs] def setScheme(self, scheme): # type: (Scheme) -> None """ Set the :class:`~.scheme.Scheme` instance to display/edit. """ if self.__scheme is not scheme: if self.__scheme: self.__scheme.title_changed.disconnect(self.titleChanged) self.__scheme.window_group_presets_changed.disconnect( self.__reset_window_group_menu ) self.__scheme.removeEventFilter(self) sm = self.__scheme.findChild(signalmanager.SignalManager) if sm: sm.stateChanged.disconnect( self.__signalManagerStateChanged) self.__widgetManager = None self.__scheme.node_added.disconnect(self.__statistics.log_node_add) self.__scheme.node_removed.disconnect(self.__statistics.log_node_remove) self.__scheme.link_added.disconnect(self.__statistics.log_link_add) self.__scheme.link_removed.disconnect(self.__statistics.log_link_remove) self.__statistics.write_statistics() self.__scheme = scheme self.__suggestions.set_scheme(self) self.setPath("") if self.__scheme: self.__scheme.title_changed.connect(self.titleChanged) self.titleChanged.emit(scheme.title) self.__scheme.window_group_presets_changed.connect( self.__reset_window_group_menu ) self.__cleanProperties = node_properties(scheme) self.__cleanLinks = scheme.links self.__cleanAnnotations = scheme.annotations sm = scheme.findChild(signalmanager.SignalManager) if sm: sm.stateChanged.connect(self.__signalManagerStateChanged) self.__widgetManager = getattr(scheme, "widget_manager", None) self.__scheme.node_added.connect(self.__statistics.log_node_add) self.__scheme.node_removed.connect(self.__statistics.log_node_remove) self.__scheme.link_added.connect(self.__statistics.log_link_add) self.__scheme.link_removed.connect(self.__statistics.log_link_remove) self.__statistics.log_scheme(self.__scheme) else: self.__cleanProperties = {} self.__cleanLinks = [] self.__cleanAnnotations = [] self.__teardownScene(self.__scene) self.__scene.deleteLater() self.__undoStack.clear() self.__scene = CanvasScene(self) self.__scene.setItemIndexMethod(CanvasScene.NoIndex) self.__setupScene(self.__scene) self.__scene.set_scheme(scheme) self.__view.setScene(self.__scene) if self.__scheme: self.__scheme.installEventFilter(self) nodes = self.__scheme.nodes if nodes: self.ensureVisible(nodes[0]) self.__reset_window_group_menu()
[docs] def ensureVisible(self, node): # type: (SchemeNode) -> None """ Scroll the contents of the viewport so that `node` is visible. Parameters ---------- node: SchemeNode """ if self.__scheme is None: return item = self.__scene.item_for_node(node) self.__view.ensureVisible(item)
[docs] def scheme(self): # type: () -> Optional[Scheme] """ Return the :class:`~.scheme.Scheme` edited by the widget. """ return self.__scheme
[docs] def scene(self): # type: () -> QGraphicsScene """ Return the :class:`QGraphicsScene` instance used to display the current scheme. """ return self.__scene
[docs] def view(self): # type: () -> QGraphicsView """ Return the :class:`QGraphicsView` instance used to display the current scene. """ return self.__view
[docs] def suggestions(self): """ Return the widget suggestion prediction class. """ return self.__suggestions
[docs] def usageStatistics(self): """ Return the usage statistics logging class. """ return self.__statistics
def setRegistry(self, registry): # Is this method necessary? # It should be removed when the scene (items) is fixed # so all information regarding the visual appearance is # included in the node/widget description. self.__registry = registry if self.__scene: self.__scene.set_registry(registry) self.__quickMenu = None def registry(self): return self.__registry
[docs] def quickMenu(self): # type: () -> quickmenu.QuickMenu """ Return a :class:`~.quickmenu.QuickMenu` popup menu instance for new node creation. """ if self.__quickMenu is None: menu = quickmenu.QuickMenu(self) if self.__registry is not None: menu.setModel(self.__registry.model()) self.__quickMenu = menu return self.__quickMenu
[docs] def setTitle(self, title): # type: (str) -> None """ Set the scheme title. """ self.__undoStack.push( commands.SetAttrCommand(self.__scheme, "title", title) )
[docs] def setDescription(self, description): # type: (str) -> None """ Set the scheme description string. """ self.__undoStack.push( commands.SetAttrCommand(self.__scheme, "description", description) )
[docs] def addNode(self, node): # type: (SchemeNode) -> None """ Add a new node (:class:`.SchemeNode`) to the document. """ if self.__scheme is None: raise NoWorkflowError() command = commands.AddNodeCommand(self.__scheme, node) self.__undoStack.push(command)
[docs] def createNewNode(self, description, title=None, position=None): # type: (WidgetDescription, Optional[str], Optional[Pos]) -> SchemeNode """ Create a new :class:`.SchemeNode` and add it to the document. The new node is constructed using :func:`~SchemeEdit.newNodeHelper` method """ node = self.newNodeHelper(description, title, position) self.addNode(node) return node
[docs] def newNodeHelper(self, description, title=None, position=None): # type: (WidgetDescription, Optional[str], Optional[Pos]) -> SchemeNode """ Return a new initialized :class:`.SchemeNode`. If `title` and `position` are not supplied they are initialized to sensible defaults. """ if title is None: title = self.enumerateTitle( if position is None: position = self.nextPosition() return SchemeNode(description, title=title, position=position)
[docs] def enumerateTitle(self, title): # type: (str) -> str """ Enumerate a `title` string (i.e. add a number in parentheses) so it is not equal to any node title in the current scheme. """ if self.__scheme is None: return title curr_titles = set([node.title for node in self.__scheme.nodes]) template = title + " ({0})" enumerated = (template.format(i) for i in itertools.count(1)) candidates = itertools.chain([title], enumerated) seq = itertools.dropwhile(curr_titles.__contains__, candidates) return next(seq)
[docs] def nextPosition(self): # type: () -> Tuple[float, float] """ Return the next default node position as a (x, y) tuple. This is a position left of the last added node. """ if self.__scheme is not None: nodes = self.__scheme.nodes else: nodes = [] if nodes: x, y = nodes[-1].position position = (x + 150, y) else: position = (150, 150) return position
[docs] def removeNode(self, node): # type: (SchemeNode) -> None """ Remove a `node` (:class:`.SchemeNode`) from the scheme """ if self.__scheme is None: raise NoWorkflowError() command = commands.RemoveNodeCommand(self.__scheme, node) self.__undoStack.push(command)
[docs] def renameNode(self, node, title): # type: (SchemeNode, str) -> None """ Rename a `node` (:class:`.SchemeNode`) to `title`. """ if self.__scheme is None: raise NoWorkflowError() self.__undoStack.push( commands.RenameNodeCommand(self.__scheme, node, node.title, title) )
[docs] def insertNode(self, new_node, old_link): # type: (SchemeNode, SchemeLink) -> None """ Insert a node in-between two linked nodes. """ if self.__scheme is None: raise NoWorkflowError() source_node = old_link.source_node sink_node = old_link.sink_node source_channel = old_link.source_channel sink_channel = old_link.sink_channel proposed_links = (self.__scheme.propose_links(source_node, new_node), self.__scheme.propose_links(new_node, sink_node)) # Preserve existing {source,sink}_channel if possible; use first # proposed if not. first = findf(proposed_links[0], lambda t: t[0] == source_channel, default=proposed_links[0][0]) second = findf(proposed_links[1], lambda t: t[1] == sink_channel, default=proposed_links[1][0]) new_links = ( SchemeLink(source_node, first[0], new_node, first[1]), SchemeLink(new_node, second[0], sink_node, second[1]) ) command = commands.InsertNodeCommand(self.__scheme, new_node, old_link, new_links) self.__undoStack.push(command)
def onNewLink(self, func): """ Runs function when new link is added to current scheme. """ self.__scheme.link_added.connect(func)
[docs] def addAnnotation(self, annotation): # type: (BaseSchemeAnnotation) -> None """ Add `annotation` (:class:`.BaseSchemeAnnotation`) to the scheme """ if self.__scheme is None: raise NoWorkflowError() command = commands.AddAnnotationCommand(self.__scheme, annotation) self.__undoStack.push(command)
[docs] def removeAnnotation(self, annotation): # type: (BaseSchemeAnnotation) -> None """ Remove `annotation` (:class:`.BaseSchemeAnnotation`) from the scheme. """ if self.__scheme is None: raise NoWorkflowError() command = commands.RemoveAnnotationCommand(self.__scheme, annotation) self.__undoStack.push(command)
[docs] def removeSelected(self): # type: () -> None """ Remove all selected items in the scheme. """ selected = self.scene().selectedItems() if not selected: return scene = self.scene() self.__undoStack.beginMacro("Remove")) # order LinkItem removes before NodeItems; Removing NodeItems also # removes links so some links in selected could already be removed by # a preceding NodeItem remove selected = sorted( selected, key=lambda item: not isinstance(item, items.LinkItem)) for item in selected: assert self.__scheme is not None if isinstance(item, items.NodeItem): node = scene.node_for_item(item) self.__undoStack.push( commands.RemoveNodeCommand(self.__scheme, node) ) elif isinstance(item, items.annotationitem.Annotation): if item.hasFocus() or item.isAncestorOf(scene.focusItem()): # Clear input focus from the item to be removed. scene.focusItem().clearFocus() annot = scene.annotation_for_item(item) self.__undoStack.push( commands.RemoveAnnotationCommand(self.__scheme, annot) ) elif isinstance(item, items.LinkItem): link = scene.link_for_item(item) self.__undoStack.push( commands.RemoveLinkCommand(self.__scheme, link) ) self.__undoStack.endMacro()
[docs] def selectAll(self): # type: () -> None """ Select all selectable items in the scheme. """ for item in self.__scene.items(): if item.flags() & QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable: item.setSelected(True)
[docs] def alignToGrid(self): # type: () -> None """ Align nodes to a grid. """ # TODO: The the current layout implementation is BAD (fix is urgent). if self.__scheme is None: return tile_size = 150 tiles = {} # type: Dict[Tuple[int, int], SchemeNode] nodes = sorted(self.__scheme.nodes, key=attrgetter("position")) if nodes: self.__undoStack.beginMacro("Align To Grid")) for node in nodes: x, y = node.position x = int(round(float(x) / tile_size) * tile_size) y = int(round(float(y) / tile_size) * tile_size) while (x, y) in tiles: x += tile_size self.__undoStack.push( commands.MoveNodeCommand(self.__scheme, node, node.position, (x, y)) ) tiles[x, y] = node self.__scene.item_for_node(node).setPos(x, y) self.__undoStack.endMacro()
[docs] def focusNode(self): # type: () -> Optional[SchemeNode] """ Return the current focused :class:`.SchemeNode` or ``None`` if no node has focus. """ focus = self.__scene.focusItem() node = None if isinstance(focus, items.NodeItem): try: node = self.__scene.node_for_item(focus) except KeyError: # in case the node has been removed but the scene was not # yet fully updated. node = None return node
[docs] def selectedNodes(self): # type: () -> List[SchemeNode] """ Return all selected :class:`.SchemeNode` items. """ return list(map(self.scene().node_for_item, self.scene().selected_node_items()))
def selectedLinks(self): # type: () -> List[SchemeLink] return list(map(self.scene().link_for_item, self.scene().selected_link_items()))
[docs] def selectedAnnotations(self): # type: () -> List[BaseSchemeAnnotation] """ Return all selected :class:`.BaseSchemeAnnotation` items. """ return list(map(self.scene().annotation_for_item, self.scene().selected_annotation_items()))
[docs] def openSelected(self): # type: () -> None """ Open (show and raise) all widgets for the current selected nodes. """ selected = self.selectedNodes() for node in selected: QCoreApplication.sendEvent( node, WorkflowEvent(WorkflowEvent.NodeActivateRequest))
[docs] def editNodeTitle(self, node): # type: (SchemeNode) -> None """ Edit (rename) the `node`'s title. """ self.__view.setFocus(Qt.OtherFocusReason) scene = self.__scene item = scene.item_for_node(node) item.editTitle() def commit(): name = item.title() if name == node.title: return # pragma: no cover self.__undoStack.push( commands.RenameNodeCommand(self.__scheme, node, node.title, name) ) connect_with_context( item.titleEditingFinished, self, commit )
def __onCleanChanged(self, clean): # type: (bool) -> None if self.isWindowModified() != (not clean): self.setWindowModified(not clean) self.modificationChanged.emit(not clean)
[docs] def setDropHandlers(self, dropHandlers: Sequence[DropHandler]) -> None: """ Set handlers for drop events onto the workflow view. """ self.__dropHandlers = tuple(dropHandlers)
[docs] def changeEvent(self, event): # type: (QEvent) -> None if event.type() == QEvent.FontChange: self.__updateFont() elif event.type() == QEvent.PaletteChange: if self.__scene is not None: self.__scene.setPalette(self.palette()) super().changeEvent(event)
def __lookup_registry(self, qname: str) -> Optional[WidgetDescription]: if self.__registry is not None: try: return self.__registry.widget(qname) except KeyError: pass return None def __desc_from_mime_data(self, data: QMimeData) -> Optional[WidgetDescription]: MIME_TYPES = [ "application/", # A back compatible misspelling "application/", ] for typ in MIME_TYPES: if data.hasFormat(typ): qname_bytes = bytes( try: qname = qname_bytes.decode("utf-8") except UnicodeDecodeError: return None return self.__lookup_registry(qname) return None
[docs] def eventFilter(self, obj, event): # type: (QObject, QEvent) -> bool # Filter the scene's drag/drop events. if obj is self.scene(): etype = event.type() if etype == QEvent.GraphicsSceneDragEnter or \ etype == QEvent.GraphicsSceneDragMove: assert isinstance(event, QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent) drop_target = None desc = self.__desc_from_mime_data(event.mimeData()) if desc is not None: item = self.__scene.item_at(event.scenePos(), items.LinkItem) link = self.scene().link_for_item(item) if item else None if link is not None and can_insert_node(desc, link): drop_target = item drop_target.setHoverState(True) event.acceptProposedAction() if self.__dropTarget is not None and \ self.__dropTarget is not drop_target: self.__dropTarget.setHoverState(False) self.__dropTarget = drop_target if desc is not None: return True elif etype == QEvent.GraphicsSceneDragLeave: if self.__dropTarget is not None: self.__dropTarget.setHoverState(False) self.__dropTarget = None elif etype == QEvent.GraphicsSceneDrop: assert isinstance(event, QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent) desc = self.__desc_from_mime_data(event.mimeData()) if desc is not None: statistics = self.usageStatistics() pos = event.scenePos() item = self.__scene.item_at(event.scenePos(), items.LinkItem) link = self.scene().link_for_item(item) if item else None if link and can_insert_node(desc, link): statistics.begin_insert_action(True, link) node = self.newNodeHelper(desc, position=(pos.x(), pos.y())) self.insertNode(node, link) else: statistics.begin_action(UsageStatistics.ToolboxDrag) self.createNewNode(desc, position=(pos.x(), pos.y())) self.view().setFocus(Qt.OtherFocusReason) return True if etype == QEvent.GraphicsSceneDragEnter: return self.sceneDragEnterEvent(event) elif etype == QEvent.GraphicsSceneDragMove: return self.sceneDragMoveEvent(event) elif etype == QEvent.GraphicsSceneDragLeave: return self.sceneDragLeaveEvent(event) elif etype == QEvent.GraphicsSceneDrop: return self.sceneDropEvent(event) elif etype == QEvent.GraphicsSceneMousePress: self.__pasteOrigin = event.scenePos() return self.sceneMousePressEvent(event) elif etype == QEvent.GraphicsSceneMouseMove: return self.sceneMouseMoveEvent(event) elif etype == QEvent.GraphicsSceneMouseRelease: return self.sceneMouseReleaseEvent(event) elif etype == QEvent.GraphicsSceneMouseDoubleClick: return self.sceneMouseDoubleClickEvent(event) elif etype == QEvent.KeyPress: return self.sceneKeyPressEvent(event) elif etype == QEvent.KeyRelease: return self.sceneKeyReleaseEvent(event) elif etype == QEvent.GraphicsSceneContextMenu: return self.sceneContextMenuEvent(event) elif obj is self.__scheme: if event.type() == QEvent.WhatsThisClicked: # Re post the event self.__showHelpFor(event.href()) elif event.type() == WorkflowEvent.ActivateParentRequest: self.window().activateWindow() self.window().raise_() return super().eventFilter(obj, event)
def sceneMousePressEvent(self, event): # type: (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent) -> bool scene = self.__scene if scene.user_interaction_handler: return False pos = event.scenePos() anchor_item = scene.item_at( pos, items.NodeAnchorItem, buttons=Qt.LeftButton) if anchor_item and event.button() == Qt.LeftButton: # Start a new link starting at item scene.clearSelection() handler = interactions.NewLinkAction(self) self._setUserInteractionHandler(handler) return handler.mousePressEvent(event) link_item = scene.item_at(pos, items.LinkItem) if link_item and event.button() == Qt.MiddleButton: link = self.scene().link_for_item(link_item) self.removeLink(link) event.accept() return True any_item = scene.item_at(pos) # start node name edit on selected clicked if sys.platform == "darwin" \ and event.button() == Qt.LeftButton \ and isinstance(any_item, items.nodeitem.GraphicsTextEdit) \ and isinstance(any_item.parentItem(), items.NodeItem): node = scene.node_for_item(any_item.parentItem()) selected = self.selectedNodes() if node in selected: # deselect all other elements except the node item # and start the edit for selected_node in selected: selected_node_item = scene.item_for_node(selected_node) selected_node_item.setSelected(selected_node is node) self.editNodeTitle(node) return True if not any_item: self.__emptyClickButtons |= event.button() if not any_item and event.button() == Qt.LeftButton: # Create a RectangleSelectionAction but do not set in on the scene # just yet (instead wait for the mouse move event). handler = interactions.RectangleSelectionAction(self) rval = handler.mousePressEvent(event) if rval is True: self.__possibleSelectionHandler = handler return rval if any_item and event.button() == Qt.LeftButton: self.__possibleMouseItemsMove = True self.__itemsMoving.clear() self.__scene.node_item_position_changed.connect( self.__onNodePositionChanged ) self.__annotationGeomChanged.mappedObject.connect( self.__onAnnotationGeometryChanged ) set_enabled_all(self.__disruptiveActions, False) return False def sceneMouseMoveEvent(self, event): # type: (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent) -> bool scene = self.__scene if scene.user_interaction_handler: return False if self.__emptyClickButtons & Qt.LeftButton and \ event.buttons() & Qt.LeftButton and \ self.__possibleSelectionHandler: # Set the RectangleSelection (initialized in mousePressEvent) # on the scene handler = self.__possibleSelectionHandler self._setUserInteractionHandler(handler) self.__possibleSelectionHandler = None return handler.mouseMoveEvent(event) return False def sceneMouseReleaseEvent(self, event): # type: (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent) -> bool scene = self.__scene if scene.user_interaction_handler: return False if event.button() == Qt.LeftButton and self.__possibleMouseItemsMove: self.__possibleMouseItemsMove = False self.__scene.node_item_position_changed.disconnect( self.__onNodePositionChanged ) self.__annotationGeomChanged.mappedObject.disconnect( self.__onAnnotationGeometryChanged ) set_enabled_all(self.__disruptiveActions, True) if self.__itemsMoving: self.__scene.mouseReleaseEvent(event) scheme = self.__scheme assert scheme is not None stack = self.undoStack() stack.beginMacro("Move")) for scheme_item, (old, new) in self.__itemsMoving.items(): if isinstance(scheme_item, SchemeNode): command = commands.MoveNodeCommand( scheme, scheme_item, old, new ) elif isinstance(scheme_item, BaseSchemeAnnotation): command = commands.AnnotationGeometryChange( scheme, scheme_item, old, new ) else: continue stack.push(command) stack.endMacro() self.__itemsMoving.clear() return True elif event.button() == Qt.LeftButton: self.__possibleSelectionHandler = None return False def sceneMouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event): # type: (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent) -> bool scene = self.__scene if scene.user_interaction_handler: return False item = scene.item_at(event.scenePos()) if not item and self.__quickMenuTriggers & \ SchemeEditWidget.DoubleClicked: # Double click on an empty spot # Create a new node using QuickMenu action = interactions.NewNodeAction(self) with disable_undo_stack_actions( self.__undoAction, self.__redoAction, self.__undoStack): action.create_new(event.screenPos()) event.accept() return True return False def sceneKeyPressEvent(self, event): # type: (QKeyEvent) -> bool self.__updateOpenWidgetAnchors(event) scene = self.__scene if scene.user_interaction_handler: return False # If a QGraphicsItem is in text editing mode, don't interrupt it focusItem = scene.focusItem() if focusItem and isinstance(focusItem, QGraphicsTextItem) and \ focusItem.textInteractionFlags() & Qt.TextEditable: return False # If the mouse is not over out view if not self.view().underMouse(): return False handler = None searchText = "" if (event.key() == Qt.Key_Space and \ self.__quickMenuTriggers & SchemeEditWidget.SpaceKey): handler = interactions.NewNodeAction(self) elif len(event.text()) and \ self.__quickMenuTriggers & SchemeEditWidget.AnyKey and \ is_printable(event.text()[0]): handler = interactions.NewNodeAction(self) searchText = event.text() if handler is not None: # Control + Backspace (remove widget action on Mac OSX) conflicts # with the 'Clear text' action in the search widget (there might # be selected items in the canvas), so we disable the # remove widget action so the text editing follows standard # 'look and feel' with ExitStack() as stack: stack.enter_context(disabled(self.__removeSelectedAction)) stack.enter_context( disable_undo_stack_actions( self.__undoAction, self.__redoAction, self.__undoStack) ) handler.create_new(QCursor.pos(), searchText) event.accept() return True return False def sceneKeyReleaseEvent(self, event): # type: (QKeyEvent) -> bool self.__updateOpenWidgetAnchors(event) return False def __updateOpenWidgetAnchors(self, event=None): if self.__openAnchorsMode == SchemeEditWidget.OpenAnchors.Never: return scene = self.__scene mode = self.__openAnchorsMode # Open widget anchors on shift. New link action should work during this if event: shift_down = event.modifiers() == Qt.ShiftModifier else: shift_down = QApplication.keyboardModifiers() == Qt.ShiftModifier if mode == SchemeEditWidget.OpenAnchors.Never: scene.set_widget_anchors_open(False) elif mode == SchemeEditWidget.OpenAnchors.OnShift: scene.set_widget_anchors_open(shift_down) else: scene.set_widget_anchors_open(True) def sceneContextMenuEvent(self, event): # type: (QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent) -> bool scenePos = event.scenePos() globalPos = event.screenPos() item = self.scene().item_at(scenePos, items.NodeItem) if item is not None: node = self.scene().node_for_item(item) # type: SchemeNode actions = [] # type: List[QAction] manager = self.widgetManager() if manager is not None: actions = manager.actions_for_context_menu(node) # TODO: Inspect actions for all selected nodes and merge 'same' # actions (by name) if actions and len(self.selectedNodes()) == 1: # The node has extra actions for the context menu. # Copy the default context menu and append the extra actions. menu = QMenu(self) for a in self.__widgetMenu.actions(): menu.addAction(a) menu.addSeparator() for a in actions: menu.addAction(a) menu.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) else: menu = self.__widgetMenu menu.popup(globalPos) return True item = self.scene().item_at(scenePos, items.LinkItem) if item is not None: link = self.scene().link_for_item(item) self.__linkEnableAction.setChecked(link.enabled) self.__contextMenuTarget = link self.__linkMenu.popup(globalPos) return True item = self.scene().item_at(scenePos) if not item and \ self.__quickMenuTriggers & SchemeEditWidget.RightClicked: action = interactions.NewNodeAction(self) with disable_undo_stack_actions( self.__undoAction, self.__redoAction, self.__undoStack): action.create_new(globalPos) return True return False def sceneDragEnterEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent) -> bool: UNUSED(event) delegate = self._userInteractionHandler() if delegate is not None: return False handler = interactions.DropAction(self, dropHandlers=self.__dropHandlers) self._setUserInteractionHandler(handler) return False def sceneDragMoveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent) -> bool: UNUSED(event) return False def sceneDragLeaveEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent) -> bool: UNUSED(event) return False def sceneDropEvent(self, event: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent) -> bool: UNUSED(event) return False def _userInteractionHandler(self): return self.__scene.user_interaction_handler def _setUserInteractionHandler(self, handler): # type: (Optional[interactions.UserInteraction]) -> None """ Helper method for setting the user interaction handlers. """ if self.__scene.user_interaction_handler: if isinstance(self.__scene.user_interaction_handler, (interactions.ResizeArrowAnnotation, interactions.ResizeTextAnnotation)): self.__scene.user_interaction_handler.commit() self.__scene.user_interaction_handler.ended.disconnect( self.__onInteractionEnded ) if handler: handler.ended.connect(self.__onInteractionEnded) # Disable actions which could change the model set_enabled_all(self.__disruptiveActions, False) self.__scene.set_user_interaction_handler(handler) def __onInteractionEnded(self): # type: () -> None self.sender().ended.disconnect(self.__onInteractionEnded) set_enabled_all(self.__disruptiveActions, True) self.__updateOpenWidgetAnchors() def __onSelectionChanged(self): # type: () -> None nodes = self.selectedNodes() annotations = self.selectedAnnotations() links = self.selectedLinks() self.__renameAction.setEnabled(len(nodes) == 1) self.__openSelectedAction.setEnabled(bool(nodes)) self.__removeSelectedAction.setEnabled( bool(nodes or annotations or links) ) self.__helpAction.setEnabled(len(nodes) == 1) self.__renameAction.setEnabled(len(nodes) == 1) self.__duplicateSelectedAction.setEnabled(bool(nodes)) self.__copySelectedAction.setEnabled(bool(nodes)) if len(nodes) > 1: self.__openSelectedAction.setText("Open All")) else: self.__openSelectedAction.setText("Open")) if len(nodes) + len(annotations) + len(links) > 1: self.__removeSelectedAction.setText("Remove All")) else: self.__removeSelectedAction.setText("Remove")) focus = self.focusNode() if focus is not None: desc = focus.description tip = whats_this_helper(desc, include_more_link=True) else: tip = "" if tip != self.__quickTip: self.__quickTip = tip ev = QuickHelpTipEvent("", self.__quickTip, priority=QuickHelpTipEvent.Permanent) QCoreApplication.sendEvent(self, ev) def __onLinkActivate(self, item): link = self.scene().link_for_item(item) action = interactions.EditNodeLinksAction(self, link.source_node, link.sink_node) action.edit_links() def __onLinkAdded(self, item: items.LinkItem) -> None: item.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable) def __onNodeActivate(self, item): # type: (items.NodeItem) -> None node = self.__scene.node_for_item(item) QCoreApplication.sendEvent( node, WorkflowEvent(WorkflowEvent.NodeActivateRequest)) def __onNodePositionChanged(self, item, pos): # type: (items.NodeItem, QPointF) -> None node = self.__scene.node_for_item(item) new = (pos.x(), pos.y()) if node not in self.__itemsMoving: self.__itemsMoving[node] = (node.position, new) else: old, _ = self.__itemsMoving[node] self.__itemsMoving[node] = (old, new) def __onAnnotationGeometryChanged(self, item): # type: (AnnotationItem) -> None annot = self.scene().annotation_for_item(item) if annot not in self.__itemsMoving: self.__itemsMoving[annot] = (annot.geometry, geometry_from_annotation_item(item)) else: old, _ = self.__itemsMoving[annot] self.__itemsMoving[annot] = (old, geometry_from_annotation_item(item)) def __onAnnotationAdded(self, item): # type: (AnnotationItem) -> None log.debug("Annotation added (%r)", item) item.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable) item.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsMovable) item.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsFocusable) if isinstance(item, items.ArrowAnnotation): pass elif isinstance(item, items.TextAnnotation): # Make the annotation editable. item.setTextInteractionFlags(Qt.TextEditorInteraction) self.__editFinishedMapper.setMapping(item, item) item.editingFinished.connect( ) self.__annotationGeomChanged.setMapping(item, item) item.geometryChanged.connect( ) def __onAnnotationRemoved(self, item): # type: (AnnotationItem) -> None log.debug("Annotation removed (%r)", item) if isinstance(item, items.ArrowAnnotation): pass elif isinstance(item, items.TextAnnotation): item.editingFinished.disconnect( ) self.__annotationGeomChanged.removeMappings(item) item.geometryChanged.disconnect( ) def __onFocusItemChanged(self, newFocusItem, oldFocusItem): # type: (Optional[QGraphicsItem], Optional[QGraphicsItem]) -> None if isinstance(oldFocusItem, items.annotationitem.Annotation): self.__endControlPointEdit() if isinstance(newFocusItem, items.annotationitem.Annotation): if not self.__scene.user_interaction_handler: self.__startControlPointEdit(newFocusItem) def __onEditingFinished(self, item): # type: (items.TextAnnotation) -> None """ Text annotation editing has finished. """ annot = self.__scene.annotation_for_item(item) assert isinstance(annot, SchemeTextAnnotation) content_type = item.contentType() content = item.content() if annot.text != content or annot.content_type != content_type: assert self.__scheme is not None self.__undoStack.push( commands.TextChangeCommand( self.__scheme, annot, annot.text, annot.content_type, content, content_type ) ) def __toggleNewArrowAnnotation(self, checked): # type: (bool) -> None if self.__newTextAnnotationAction.isChecked(): # Uncheck the text annotation action if needed. self.__newTextAnnotationAction.setChecked(not checked) action = self.__newArrowAnnotationAction if not checked: # The action was unchecked (canceled by the user) handler = self.__scene.user_interaction_handler if isinstance(handler, interactions.NewArrowAnnotation): # Cancel the interaction and restore the state handler.ended.disconnect(action.toggle) handler.cancel(interactions.UserInteraction.UserCancelReason)"Canceled new arrow annotation") else: handler = interactions.NewArrowAnnotation(self) checked_action = self.__arrowColorActionGroup.checkedAction() handler.setColor( handler.ended.connect(action.toggle) self._setUserInteractionHandler(handler) def __onFontSizeTriggered(self, action): # type: (QAction) -> None if not self.__newTextAnnotationAction.isChecked(): # When selecting from the (font size) menu the 'Text' # action does not get triggered automatically. self.__newTextAnnotationAction.trigger() else: # Update the preferred font on the interaction handler. handler = self.__scene.user_interaction_handler if isinstance(handler, interactions.NewTextAnnotation): handler.setFont(action.font()) def __toggleNewTextAnnotation(self, checked): # type: (bool) -> None if self.__newArrowAnnotationAction.isChecked(): # Uncheck the arrow annotation if needed. self.__newArrowAnnotationAction.setChecked(not checked) action = self.__newTextAnnotationAction if not checked: # The action was unchecked (canceled by the user) handler = self.__scene.user_interaction_handler if isinstance(handler, interactions.NewTextAnnotation): # cancel the interaction and restore the state handler.ended.disconnect(action.toggle) handler.cancel(interactions.UserInteraction.UserCancelReason)"Canceled new text annotation") else: handler = interactions.NewTextAnnotation(self) checked_action = self.__fontActionGroup.checkedAction() handler.setFont(checked_action.font()) handler.ended.connect(action.toggle) self._setUserInteractionHandler(handler) def __onArrowColorTriggered(self, action): # type: (QAction) -> None if not self.__newArrowAnnotationAction.isChecked(): # When selecting from the (color) menu the 'Arrow' # action does not get triggered automatically. self.__newArrowAnnotationAction.trigger() else: # Update the preferred color on the interaction handler handler = self.__scene.user_interaction_handler if isinstance(handler, interactions.NewArrowAnnotation): handler.setColor( def __onRenameAction(self): # type: () -> None """ Rename was requested for the selected widget. """ selected = self.selectedNodes() if len(selected) == 1: self.editNodeTitle(selected[0]) def __onHelpAction(self): # type: () -> None """ Help was requested for the selected widget. """ nodes = self.selectedNodes() help_url = None if len(nodes) == 1: node = nodes[0] desc = node.description help_url = "help://search?" + urlencode({"id": desc.qualified_name}) self.__showHelpFor(help_url) def __showHelpFor(self, help_url): # type: (str) -> None """ Show help for an "help" url. """ # Notify the parent chain and let them respond ev = QWhatsThisClickedEvent(help_url) handled = QCoreApplication.sendEvent(self, ev) if not handled: message_information("Sorry there is no documentation available for " "this widget."), parent=self) def __toggleLinkEnabled(self, enabled): # type: (bool) -> None """ Link 'enabled' state was toggled in the context menu. """ if self.__contextMenuTarget: link = self.__contextMenuTarget command = commands.SetAttrCommand( link, "enabled", enabled,"Set enabled"), ) self.__undoStack.push(command) def __linkRemove(self): # type: () -> None """ Remove link was requested from the context menu. """ if self.__contextMenuTarget: self.removeLink(self.__contextMenuTarget) def __linkReset(self): # type: () -> None """ Link reset from the context menu was requested. """ if self.__contextMenuTarget: link = self.__contextMenuTarget action = interactions.EditNodeLinksAction( self, link.source_node, link.sink_node ) action.edit_links() def __nodeInsert(self): # type: () -> None """ Node insert was requested from the context menu. """ if not self.__contextMenuTarget: return original_link = self.__contextMenuTarget source_node = original_link.source_node sink_node = original_link.sink_node def filterFunc(index): desc = if isinstance(desc, WidgetDescription): return can_insert_node(desc, original_link) else: return False x = (source_node.position[0] + sink_node.position[0]) / 2 y = (source_node.position[1] + sink_node.position[1]) / 2 menu = self.quickMenu() menu.setFilterFunc(filterFunc) menu.setSortingFunc(None) view = self.view() try: action = menu.exec(view.mapToGlobal(view.mapFromScene(QPointF(x, y)))) finally: menu.setFilterFunc(None) if action: item ="item") desc = else: return if can_insert_node(desc, original_link): statistics = self.usageStatistics() statistics.begin_insert_action(False, original_link) new_node = self.newNodeHelper(desc, position=(x, y)) self.insertNode(new_node, original_link) else:"Cannot insert node: links not possible.") def __duplicateSelected(self): # type: () -> None """ Duplicate currently selected nodes. """ nodedups, linkdups = self.__copySelected() if not nodedups: return pos = nodes_top_left(nodedups) self.__paste(nodedups, linkdups, pos + DuplicateOffset,"Duplicate")) def __copyToClipboard(self): """ Copy currently selected nodes to system clipboard. """ cb = QApplication.clipboard() selected = self.__copySelected() nodes, links = selected if not nodes: return s = Scheme() for n in nodes: s.add_node(n) for e in links: s.add_link(e) buff = io.BytesIO() try: s.save_to(buff, pickle_fallback=True) except Exception: log.error("copyToClipboard:", exc_info=True) QApplication.beep() return mime = QMimeData() mime.setData(MimeTypeWorkflowFragment, buff.getvalue()) cb.setMimeData(mime) self.__pasteOrigin = nodes_top_left(nodes) + DuplicateOffset def __updatePasteActionState(self): self.__pasteAction.setEnabled( clipboard_has_format(MimeTypeWorkflowFragment) ) def __copySelected(self): """ Return a deep copy of currently selected nodes and links between them. """ scheme = self.scheme() if scheme is None: return [], [] # ensure up to date node properties (settings) scheme.sync_node_properties() # original nodes and links nodes = self.selectedNodes() links = [link for link in scheme.links if link.source_node in nodes and link.sink_node in nodes] # deepcopied nodes and links nodedups = [copy_node(node) for node in nodes] node_to_dup = dict(zip(nodes, nodedups)) linkdups = [copy_link(link, source=node_to_dup[link.source_node], sink=node_to_dup[link.sink_node]) for link in links] return nodedups, linkdups def __pasteFromClipboard(self): """Paste a workflow part from system clipboard.""" buff = clipboard_data(MimeTypeWorkflowFragment) if buff is None: return sch = Scheme() try: sch.load_from(io.BytesIO(buff), registry=self.__registry, ) except Exception: log.error("pasteFromClipboard:", exc_info=True) QApplication.beep() return self.__paste(sch.nodes, sch.links, self.__pasteOrigin) self.__pasteOrigin = self.__pasteOrigin + DuplicateOffset def __paste(self, nodedups, linkdups, pos: Optional[QPointF] = None, commandname=None): """ Paste nodes and links to canvas. Arguments are expected to be duplicated nodes/links. """ scheme = self.scheme() if scheme is None: return # find unique names for new nodes allnames = {node.title for node in scheme.nodes} for nodedup in nodedups: nodedup.title = uniquify( remove_copy_number(nodedup.title), allnames, pattern="{item} ({_})", start=1 ) allnames.add(nodedup.title) if pos is not None: # top left of nodedups brect origin = nodes_top_left(nodedups) delta = pos - origin # move nodedups to be relative to pos for nodedup in nodedups: nodedup.position = ( nodedup.position[0] + delta.x(), nodedup.position[1] + delta.y(), ) if commandname is None: commandname ="Paste") # create nodes, links command = UndoCommand(commandname) macrocommands = [] for nodedup in nodedups: macrocommands.append( commands.AddNodeCommand(scheme, nodedup, parent=command)) for linkdup in linkdups: macrocommands.append( commands.AddLinkCommand(scheme, linkdup, parent=command)) statistics = self.usageStatistics() statistics.begin_action(UsageStatistics.Duplicate) self.__undoStack.push(command) scene = self.__scene # deselect selected selected = self.scene().selectedItems() for item in selected: item.setSelected(False) # select pasted for node in nodedups: item = scene.item_for_node(node) item.setSelected(True) def __startControlPointEdit(self, item): # type: (items.annotationitem.Annotation) -> None """ Start a control point edit interaction for `item`. """ if isinstance(item, items.ArrowAnnotation): handler = interactions.ResizeArrowAnnotation(self) elif isinstance(item, items.TextAnnotation): handler = interactions.ResizeTextAnnotation(self) else: log.warning("Unknown annotation item type %r" % item) return handler.editItem(item) self._setUserInteractionHandler(handler)"Control point editing started (%r)." % item) def __endControlPointEdit(self): # type: () -> None """ End the current control point edit interaction. """ handler = self.__scene.user_interaction_handler if isinstance(handler, (interactions.ResizeArrowAnnotation, interactions.ResizeTextAnnotation)) and \ not handler.isFinished() and not handler.isCanceled(): handler.commit() handler.end()"Control point editing finished.") def __updateFont(self): # type: () -> None """ Update the font for the "Text size' menu and the default font used in the `CanvasScene`. """ actions = self.__fontActionGroup.actions() font = self.font() for action in actions: size = action.font().pixelSize() action_font = QFont(font) action_font.setPixelSize(size) action.setFont(action_font) if self.__scene: self.__scene.setFont(font) def __signalManagerStateChanged(self, state): # type: (RuntimeState) -> None if state == RuntimeState.Running: role = QPalette.Base else: role = QPalette.Window self.__view.viewport().setBackgroundRole(role) def __reset_window_group_menu(self): group = self.__windowGroupsActionGroup menu = # remove old actions actions = group.actions() for a in actions: group.removeAction(a) menu.removeAction(a) a.deleteLater() sep = menu.findChild(QAction, "groups-separator") workflow = self.__scheme if workflow is None: return presets = workflow.window_group_presets() for g in presets: a = QAction(, menu) a.setShortcut( QKeySequence("Meta+P, Ctrl+{}" .format(len(group.actions()) + 1)) ) a.setData(g) group.addAction(a) menu.insertAction(sep, a) def __saveWindowGroup(self): # type: () -> None """Run a 'Save Window Group' dialog""" workflow = self.__scheme manager = self.__widgetManager if manager is None or workflow is None: return state = manager.save_window_state() presets = workflow.window_group_presets() items = [ for g in presets] default = [i for i, g in enumerate(presets) if g.default] dlg = SaveWindowGroup( self, windowTitle="Save Group as...") dlg.setWindowModality(Qt.ApplicationModal) dlg.setItems(items) if default: dlg.setDefaultIndex(default[0]) def store_group(): text = dlg.selectedText() default = dlg.isDefaultChecked() try: idx = items.index(text) except ValueError: idx = -1 newpresets = [copy.copy(g) for g in presets] # shallow copy newpreset = Scheme.WindowGroup(text, default, state) if idx == -1: # new group slot newpresets.append(newpreset) else: newpresets[idx] = newpreset if newpreset.default: idx_ = idx if idx >= 0 else len(newpresets) - 1 for g in newpresets[:idx_] + newpresets[idx_ + 1:]: g.default = False if idx == -1: text = "Store Window Group" else: text = "Update Window Group" self.__undoStack.push( commands.SetWindowGroupPresets(workflow, newpresets, text=text) ) dlg.accepted.connect(store_group) dlg.raise_() def __activateWindowGroup(self, action): # type: (QAction) -> None data = # type: Scheme.WindowGroup wm = self.__widgetManager if wm is not None: wm.activate_window_group(data) def __clearWindowGroups(self): # type: () -> None workflow = self.__scheme if workflow is None: return self.__undoStack.push( commands.SetWindowGroupPresets( workflow, [], text="Delete All Window Groups") ) def __raiseToFont(self): # Raise current visible widgets to front wm = self.__widgetManager if wm is not None: wm.raise_widgets_to_front()
[docs] def activateDefaultWindowGroup(self): # type: () -> bool """ Activate the default window group if one exists. Return `True` if a default group exists and was activated; `False` if not. """ for action in self.__windowGroupsActionGroup.actions(): g = if g.default: action.trigger() return True return False
[docs] def widgetManager(self): # type: () -> Optional[WidgetManager] """ Return the widget manager. """ return self.__widgetManager
class SaveWindowGroup(QDialog): """ A dialog for saving window groups. The user can select an existing group to overwrite or enter a new group name. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) layout = QVBoxLayout() form = QFormLayout( fieldGrowthPolicy=QFormLayout.AllNonFixedFieldsGrow) layout.addLayout(form) self._combobox = cb = QComboBox( editable=True, minimumContentsLength=16, sizeAdjustPolicy=QComboBox.AdjustToMinimumContentsLengthWithIcon, insertPolicy=QComboBox.NoInsert, ) cb.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.__currentIndexChanged) # default text if no items are present cb.setEditText("Window Group 1")) cb.lineEdit().selectAll() form.addRow("Save As:"), cb) self._checkbox = check = QCheckBox("Use as default"), toolTip="Automatically use this preset when opening the workflow." ) form.setWidget(1, QFormLayout.FieldRole, check) bb = QDialogButtonBox( standardButtons=QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) bb.accepted.connect(self.__accept_check) bb.rejected.connect(self.reject) layout.addWidget(bb) layout.setSizeConstraint(QVBoxLayout.SetFixedSize) self.setLayout(layout) self.setWhatsThis( "Save the current open widgets' window arrangement to the " "workflow view presets." ) cb.setFocus(Qt.NoFocusReason) def __currentIndexChanged(self, idx): # type: (int) -> None state = self._combobox.itemData(idx, Qt.UserRole + 1) if not isinstance(state, bool): state = False self._checkbox.setChecked(state) def __accept_check(self): # type: () -> None cb = self._combobox text = cb.currentText() if cb.findText(text) == -1: self.accept() return # Ask for overwrite confirmation mb = QMessageBox( self,"Confirm Overwrite"), icon=QMessageBox.Question, standardButtons=QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.Cancel,"The window group '{}' already exists. Do you want " + "to replace it?").format(text), ) mb.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.Yes) mb.setEscapeButton(QMessageBox.Cancel) mb.setWindowModality(Qt.WindowModal) button = mb.button(QMessageBox.Yes) button.setText("Replace")) def on_finished(status): # type: (int) -> None if status == QMessageBox.Yes: self.accept() mb.finished.connect(on_finished) def setItems(self, items): # type: (List[str]) -> None """Set a list of existing items/names to present to the user""" self._combobox.clear() self._combobox.addItems(items) if items: self._combobox.setCurrentIndex(len(items) - 1) def setDefaultIndex(self, idx): # type: (int) -> None self._combobox.setItemData(idx, True, Qt.UserRole + 1) self._checkbox.setChecked(self._combobox.currentIndex() == idx) def selectedText(self): # type: () -> str """Return the current entered text.""" return self._combobox.currentText() def isDefaultChecked(self): # type: () -> bool """Return the state of the 'Use as default' check box.""" return self._checkbox.isChecked() def geometry_from_annotation_item(item): if isinstance(item, items.ArrowAnnotation): line = item.line() p1 = item.mapToScene(line.p1()) p2 = item.mapToScene(line.p2()) return ((p1.x(), p1.y()), (p2.x(), p2.y())) elif isinstance(item, items.TextAnnotation): geom = item.geometry() return (geom.x(), geom.y(), geom.width(), geom.height()) def mouse_drag_distance(event, button=Qt.LeftButton): # type: (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent, Qt.MouseButton) -> float """ Return the (manhattan) distance between the mouse position when the `button` was pressed and the current mouse position. """ diff = (event.buttonDownScreenPos(button) - event.screenPos()) return diff.manhattanLength() def set_enabled_all(objects, enable): # type: (Iterable[Any], bool) -> None """ Set `enabled` properties on all objects (objects with `setEnabled` method). """ for obj in objects: obj.setEnabled(enable) # All control character categories. _control = set(["Cc", "Cf", "Cs", "Co", "Cn"]) def is_printable(unichar): # type: (str) -> bool """ Return True if the unicode character `unichar` is a printable character. """ return unicodedata.category(unichar) not in _control def node_properties(scheme): # type: (Scheme) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] scheme.sync_node_properties() return { node: dict( for node in scheme.nodes } def can_insert_node(new_node_desc, original_link): # type: (WidgetDescription, SchemeLink) -> bool return any(any(scheme.compatible_channels(output, input) for input in new_node_desc.inputs) for output in original_link.source_node.output_channels()) and \ any(any(scheme.compatible_channels(output, input) for output in new_node_desc.outputs) for input in original_link.sink_node.input_channels()) def remove_copy_number(name): """ >>> remove_copy_number("foo (1)") foo """ match ="\s+\(\d+\)\s*$", name) if match: return name[:match.start()] return name def uniquify(item, names, pattern="{item}-{_}", start=0): # type: (str, Container[str], str, int) -> str candidates = (pattern.format(item=item, _=i) for i in itertools.count(start)) candidates = itertools.dropwhile( lambda item: item in names, itertools.chain((item,), candidates) ) return next(candidates) def copy_node(node): # type: (SchemeNode) -> SchemeNode return SchemeNode( node.description, node.title, position=node.position, properties=copy.deepcopy( ) def copy_link(link, source=None, sink=None): # type: (SchemeLink, Optional[SchemeNode], Optional[SchemeNode]) -> SchemeLink source = link.source_node if source is None else source sink = link.sink_node if sink is None else sink return SchemeLink( source, link.source_channel, sink, link.sink_channel, enabled=link.enabled, properties=copy.deepcopy( def nodes_top_left(nodes): # type: (List[SchemeNode]) -> QPointF """Return the top left point of bbox containing all the node positions.""" return QPointF( min((n.position[0] for n in nodes), default=0), min((n.position[1] for n in nodes), default=0) ) @contextmanager def disable_undo_stack_actions( undo: QAction, redo: QAction, stack: QUndoStack ) -> Generator[None, None, None]: """ Disable the undo/redo actions of an undo stack. On exit restore the enabled state to match the `stack.canUndo()` and `stack.canRedo()`. Parameters ---------- undo: QAction redo: QAction stack: QUndoStack Returns ------- context: ContextManager """ undo.setEnabled(False) redo.setEnabled(False) try: yield finally: undo.setEnabled(stack.canUndo()) redo.setEnabled(stack.canRedo())