Source code for

Scheme Link

import enum
import typing
from typing import List, Tuple, Union

from AnyQt.QtCore import QObject
from AnyQt.QtCore import pyqtSignal as Signal, pyqtProperty as Property

from ..utils import type_lookup, type_lookup_
from .errors import IncompatibleChannelTypeError

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from ..registry import OutputSignal as Output, InputSignal as Input
    from . import SchemeNode as Node

def compatible_channels(source_channel, sink_channel):
    # type: (Output, Input) -> bool
    Do the channels in link have compatible types, i.e. can they be
    connected based on their type.
    source_type = type_lookup_(source_channel.type)
    sink_type = type_lookup_(sink_channel.type)
    if source_type is None or sink_type is None:
        return False
    ret = issubclass(source_type, sink_type)
    if source_channel.dynamic:
        ret = ret or issubclass(sink_type, source_type)
    return ret

def can_connect(source_node, sink_node):
    # type: (Node, Node) -> bool
    Return True if any output from `source_node` can be connected to
    any input of `sink_node`.

    return bool(possible_links(source_node, sink_node))

def possible_links(source_node, sink_node):
    # type: (Node, Node) -> List[Tuple[Output, Input]]
    Return a list of (OutputSignal, InputSignal) tuples, that
    can connect the two nodes.

    possible = []
    for source in source_node.output_channels():
        for sink in sink_node.input_channels():
            if compatible_channels(source, sink):
                possible.append((source, sink))
    return possible

def _get_type(arg):
    # type: (Union[str, type]) -> type
    """get a type instance qualified name"""
    if isinstance(arg, type):
        return arg
    rv = type_lookup(arg)
    if rv is not None:
        return rv
        raise TypeError("{!r} does not resolve to a type")