Source code for orangecanvas.registry.description

Widget meta description classes


import sys
import copy
import warnings
from typing import Union

from orangecanvas.utils import qualified_name

# Exceptions

class DescriptionError(Exception):

class WidgetSpecificationError(DescriptionError):

class SignalSpecificationError(DescriptionError):

class CategorySpecificationError(DescriptionError):

# Channel flags

# A single signal
Single = 2

# Multiple signal (more then one input on the channel)
Multiple = 4

# Default signal (default or primary input/output)
Default = 8
NonDefault = 16

# Explicit - only connected if specifically requested or the only possibility
Explicit = 32

# Dynamic type output signal
Dynamic = 64

# Input/output signal (channel) description

[docs]class InputSignal(object): """ Description of an input channel. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the channel. type : str or `type` Type of the accepted signals. handler : str Name of the handler method for the signal. flags : int, optional Channel flags. id : str A unique id of the input signal. doc : str, optional A docstring documenting the channel. replaces : List[str] A list of names this input replaces. """ def __init__(self, name, type, handler, flags=Single + NonDefault, id=None, doc=None, replaces=[]): = name self.type = type self.handler = handler = id self.doc = doc self.replaces = list(replaces) if not (flags & Single or flags & Multiple): flags += Single if not (flags & Default or flags & NonDefault): flags += NonDefault self.single = flags & Single self.default = flags & Default self.explicit = flags & Explicit self.flags = flags def __str__(self): fmt = ("{0.__name__}(name={name!r}, type={type!s}, " "handler={handler}, ...)") return fmt.format(type(self), **self.__dict__) __repr__ = __str__
def input_channel_from_args(args): if isinstance(args, tuple): return InputSignal(*args) elif isinstance(args, dict): return InputSignal(**args) elif isinstance(args, InputSignal): return copy.copy(args) else: raise TypeError("tuple, dict or InputSignal expected " "(got {0!r})".format(type(args)))
[docs]class OutputSignal(object): """ Description of an output channel. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the channel. type : str or `type` Type of the output signals. flags : int, optional Channel flags. id : str A unique id of the output signal. doc : str, optional A docstring documenting the channel. replaces : List[str] A list of names this output replaces. """ def __init__(self, name, type, flags=Single + NonDefault, id=None, doc=None, replaces=[]): = name self.type = type = id self.doc = doc self.replaces = list(replaces) if not (flags & Single or flags & Multiple): flags += Single if not (flags & Default or flags & NonDefault): flags += NonDefault self.single = flags & Single self.default = flags & Default self.explicit = flags & Explicit self.dynamic = flags & Dynamic self.flags = flags if self.dynamic and not self.single: raise SignalSpecificationError( "Output signal can not be 'Multiple' and 'Dynamic'." ) def __str__(self): fmt = ("{0.__name__}(name={name!r}, type={type!s}, " "...)") return fmt.format(type(self), **self.__dict__) __repr__ = __str__
def output_channel_from_args(args): if isinstance(args, tuple): return OutputSignal(*args) elif isinstance(args, dict): return OutputSignal(**args) elif isinstance(args, OutputSignal): return copy.copy(args) else: raise TypeError("tuple, dict or OutputSignal expected " "(got {0!r})".format(type(args))) def normalize_type(type_): # type: (Union[type, str]) -> str if isinstance(type_, type): return qualified_name(type_) elif isinstance(type_, str): return type_ else: raise TypeError
[docs]class WidgetDescription(object): """ Description of a widget. Parameters ---------- name : str A human readable name of the widget. id : str A unique identifier of the widget (in most situations this should be the full module name). category : str, optional A name of the category in which this widget belongs. version : str, optional Version of the widget. By default the widget inherits the project version. description : str, optional A short description of the widget, suitable for a tool tip. long_description : str, optional A longer description of the widget, suitable for a 'what's this?' role. qualified_name : str A qualified name (import name) of the class implementing the widget. package : str, optional A package name where the widget is implemented. project_name : str, optional The distribution name that provides the widget. inputs : list of :class:`InputSignal` A list of input channels provided by the widget. outputs : list of :class:`OutputSignal` A list of output channels provided by the widget. help : str, optional URL or an Resource template of a detailed widget help page. help_ref : str, optional A text reference id that can be used to identify the help page, for instance an intersphinx reference. author : str, optional Author name. author_email : str, optional Author email address. maintainer : str, optional Maintainer name maintainer_email : str, optional Maintainer email address. keywords : list-of-str, optional A list of keyword phrases. priority : int, optional Widget priority (the order of the widgets in a GUI presentation). icon : str, optional A filename of the widget icon (in relation to the package). background : str, optional Widget's background color (in the canvas GUI). replaces : list of `str`, optional A list of ids this widget replaces (optional). """ def __init__(self, name, id, category=None, version=None, description=None, long_description=None, qualified_name=None, package=None, project_name=None, inputs=[], outputs=[], author=None, author_email=None, maintainer=None, maintainer_email=None, help=None, help_ref=None, url=None, keywords=None, priority=sys.maxsize, icon=None, background=None, replaces=None, ): if not qualified_name: # TODO: Should also check that the name is real. raise ValueError("'qualified_name' must be supplied.") = name = id self.category = category self.version = version self.description = description self.long_description = long_description self.qualified_name = qualified_name self.package = package self.project_name = project_name # Copy input/outputs and normalize the type to string. inputs = [ InputSignal(, normalize_type(i.type), i.handler, i.flags,, i.doc, i.replaces ) for i in inputs ] outputs = [ OutputSignal(, normalize_type(o.type), o.flags,, o.doc, o.replaces ) for o in outputs ] self.inputs = inputs self.outputs = outputs = help self.help_ref = help_ref = author self.author_email = author_email self.maintainer = maintainer self.maintainer_email = maintainer_email self.url = url self.keywords = keywords self.priority = priority self.icon = icon self.background = background self.replaces = replaces def __str__(self): return ("WidgetDescription(name=%(name)r, id=%(id)r), " "category=%(category)r, ...)") % self.__dict__ def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() @classmethod def from_module(cls, module): warnings.warn( "'WidgetDescription.from_module' is deprecated", PendingDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2 ) from .utils import widget_from_module_globals return widget_from_module_globals(module)
[docs]class CategoryDescription(object): """ Description of a widget category. Parameters ---------- name : str A human readable name. version : str, optional Version string. description : str, optional A short description of the category, suitable for a tool tip. long_description : str, optional A longer description. qualified_name : str, Qualified name project_name : str A project name providing the category. priority : int Priority (order in the GUI). icon : str An icon filename (a resource name retrievable using `pkg_resources` relative to `qualified_name`). background : str An background color for widgets in this category. hidden : bool Is this category (by default) hidden in the canvas gui. """ def __init__(self, name=None, version=None, description=None, long_description=None, qualified_name=None, package=None, project_name=None, author=None, author_email=None, maintainer=None, maintainer_email=None, url=None, help=None, keywords=None, widgets=None, priority=sys.maxsize, icon=None, background=None, hidden=False ): = name self.version = version self.description = description self.long_description = long_description self.qualified_name = qualified_name self.package = package self.project_name = project_name = author self.author_email = author_email self.maintainer = maintainer self.maintainer_email = maintainer_email self.url = url = help self.keywords = keywords self.widgets = widgets or [] self.priority = priority self.icon = icon self.background = background self.hidden = hidden def __str__(self): return "CategoryDescription(name=%(name)r, ...)" % self.__dict__ def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() @classmethod def from_package(cls, package): warnings.warn( "'CategoryDescription.from_package' is deprecated", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2 ) from .utils import category_from_package_globals return category_from_package_globals(package)