Source code for orangecanvas.gui.toolgrid

A widget containing a grid of clickable actions/buttons.

from collections import namedtuple, deque

from AnyQt.QtWidgets import (
    QFrame, QAction, QToolButton, QGridLayout,  QSizePolicy,
    QStyleOptionToolButton, QStylePainter, QStyle
from AnyQt.QtGui import QFontMetrics
from AnyQt.QtCore import Qt, QObject, QSize, QEvent, QSignalMapper
from AnyQt.QtCore import pyqtSignal as Signal

from . import utils

_ToolGridSlot = namedtuple(

class _ToolGridButton(QToolButton):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.__text = ""

    def actionEvent(self, event):
        if event.type() == QEvent.ActionChanged or \
                event.type() == QEvent.ActionAdded:

    def resizeEvent(self, event):

    def __textLayout(self):
        fm = QFontMetrics(self.font())
        text = self.defaultAction().text()
        words = deque(text.split())

        lines = []
        curr_line = ""
        curr_line_word_count = 0

        option = QStyleOptionToolButton()

        margin =, option, self)
        width = self.width() - 2 * margin

        while words:
            w = words.popleft()

            if curr_line_word_count:
                line_extended = " ".join([curr_line, w])
                line_extended = w

            line_w = fm.boundingRect(line_extended).width()

            if line_w >= width:
                if curr_line_word_count == 0 or len(lines) == 1:
                    # A single word that is too long must be elided.
                    # Also if the text overflows 2 lines
                    # Warning: hardcoded max lines
                    curr_line = fm.elidedText(line_extended, Qt.ElideRight,
                    curr_line = curr_line
                    # Put the word back

                curr_line = ""
                curr_line_word_count = 0
                if len(lines) == 2:
                curr_line = line_extended
                curr_line_word_count += 1

        if curr_line:

        text = "\n".join(lines)
        text = text.replace('&', '&&')  # Need escaped ampersand to show

        self.__text = text

    def paintEvent(self, event):
        p = QStylePainter(self)
        opt = QStyleOptionToolButton()
        if self.__text:
            # Replace the text
            opt.text = self.__text
        p.drawComplexControl(QStyle.CC_ToolButton, opt)

[docs]class ToolGrid(QFrame): """ A widget containing a grid of actions/buttons. Actions can be added using standard :func:`QWidget.addAction(QAction)` and :func:`QWidget.insertAction(int, QAction)` methods. Parameters ---------- parent : :class:`QWidget` Parent widget. columns : int Number of columns in the grid layout. buttonSize : :class:`QSize`, optional Size of tool buttons in the grid. iconSize : :class:`QSize`, optional Size of icons in the buttons. toolButtonStyle : :class:`Qt.ToolButtonStyle` Tool button style. """ actionTriggered = Signal(QAction) actionHovered = Signal(QAction) def __init__(self, parent=None, columns=4, buttonSize=None, iconSize=None, toolButtonStyle=Qt.ToolButtonTextUnderIcon): super().__init__(parent) if buttonSize is not None: buttonSize = QSize(buttonSize) if iconSize is not None: iconSize = QSize(iconSize) self.__columns = columns self.__buttonSize = buttonSize or QSize(50, 50) self.__iconSize = iconSize or QSize(26, 26) self.__toolButtonStyle = toolButtonStyle self.__gridSlots = [] self.__mapper = QSignalMapper() self.__mapper.mapped[QObject].connect(self.__onClicked) self.__setupUi() def __setupUi(self): layout = QGridLayout() layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) layout.setSpacing(0) layout.setSizeConstraint(QGridLayout.SetFixedSize) self.setLayout(layout) self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding)
[docs] def setButtonSize(self, size): """ Set the button size. """ if self.__buttonSize != size: self.__buttonSize = size for slot in self.__gridSlots: slot.button.setFixedSize(size)
[docs] def buttonSize(self): """ Return the button size. """ return QSize(self.__buttonSize)
[docs] def setIconSize(self, size): """ Set the button icon size. """ if self.__iconSize != size: self.__iconSize = size for slot in self.__gridSlots: slot.button.setIconSize(size)
[docs] def iconSize(self): """ Return the icon size """ return QSize(self.__iconSize)
[docs] def setToolButtonStyle(self, style): """ Set the tool button style. """ if self.__toolButtonStyle != style: self.__toolButtonStyle = style for slot in self.__gridSlots: slot.button.setToolButtonStyle(style)
[docs] def toolButtonStyle(self): """ Return the tool button style. """ return self.__toolButtonStyle
[docs] def setColumnCount(self, columns): """ Set the number of button/action columns. """ if self.__columns != columns: self.__columns = columns self.__relayout()
[docs] def columns(self): """ Return the number of columns in the grid. """ return self.__columns
[docs] def clear(self): """ Clear all actions/buttons. """ for slot in reversed(list(self.__gridSlots)): self.removeAction(slot.action) self.__gridSlots = []
[docs] def insertAction(self, before, action): """ Insert a new action at the position currently occupied by `before` (can also be an index). Parameters ---------- before : :class:`QAction` or int Position where the `action` should be inserted. action : :class:`QAction` Action to insert """ if isinstance(before, int): actions = list(self.actions()) if len(actions) == 0 or before >= len(actions): # Insert as the first action or the last action. return self.addAction(action) before = actions[before] return super().insertAction(before, action)
[docs] def setActions(self, actions): """ Clear the grid and add `actions`. """ self.clear() for action in actions: self.addAction(action)
[docs] def buttonForAction(self, action): """ Return the :class:`QToolButton` instance button for `action`. """ actions = [slot.action for slot in self.__gridSlots] index = actions.index(action) return self.__gridSlots[index].button
[docs] def createButtonForAction(self, action): """ Create and return a :class:`QToolButton` for action. """ button = _ToolGridButton(self) button.setDefaultAction(action) if self.__buttonSize.isValid(): button.setFixedSize(self.__buttonSize) if self.__iconSize.isValid(): button.setIconSize(self.__iconSize) button.setToolButtonStyle(self.__toolButtonStyle) button.setProperty("tool-grid-button", True) return button
[docs] def count(self): """ Return the number of buttons/actions in the grid. """ return len(self.__gridSlots)
[docs] def actionEvent(self, event): super().actionEvent(event) if event.type() == QEvent.ActionAdded: # Note: the action is already in the self.actions() list. actions = list(self.actions()) index = actions.index(event.action()) self.__insertActionButton(index, event.action()) elif event.type() == QEvent.ActionRemoved: self.__removeActionButton(event.action())
def __insertActionButton(self, index, action): """Create a button for the action and add it to the layout at index. """ self.__shiftGrid(index, 1) button = self.createButtonForAction(action) row = index // self.__columns column = index % self.__columns self.layout().addWidget( button, row, column, Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignTop ) self.__gridSlots.insert( index, _ToolGridSlot(button, action, row, column) ) self.__mapper.setMapping(button, action) button.clicked.connect( button.installEventFilter(self) def __removeActionButton(self, action): """Remove the button for the action from the layout and delete it. """ actions = [slot.action for slot in self.__gridSlots] index = actions.index(action) slot = self.__gridSlots.pop(index) slot.button.removeEventFilter(self) self.__mapper.removeMappings(slot.button) self.layout().removeWidget(slot.button) self.__shiftGrid(index + 1, -1) slot.button.deleteLater() def __shiftGrid(self, start, count=1): """Shift all buttons starting at index `start` by `count` cells. """ button_count = self.layout().count() direction = 1 if count >= 0 else -1 if direction == 1: start, end = button_count - 1, start - 1 else: start, end = start, button_count for index in range(start, end, -direction): item = self.layout().itemAtPosition(index / self.__columns, index % self.__columns) if item: button = item.widget() new_index = index + count self.layout().addWidget(button, new_index / self.__columns, new_index % self.__columns, Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignTop) def __relayout(self): """Relayout the buttons. """ for i in reversed(range(self.layout().count())): self.layout().takeAt(i) self.__gridSlots = [_ToolGridSlot(slot.button, slot.action, i / self.__columns, i % self.__columns) for i, slot in enumerate(self.__gridSlots)] for slot in self.__gridSlots: self.layout().addWidget(slot.button, slot.row, slot.column, Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignTop) def __indexOf(self, button): """Return the index of button widget. """ buttons = [slot.button for slot in self.__gridSlots] return buttons.index(button) def __onButtonEnter(self, button): action = button.defaultAction() self.actionHovered.emit(action) def __onClicked(self, action): self.actionTriggered.emit(action)
[docs] def paintEvent(self, event): return utils.StyledWidget_paintEvent(self, event)
[docs] def eventFilter(self, obj, event): etype = event.type() if etype == QEvent.KeyPress and obj.hasFocus(): key = event.key() if key in [Qt.Key_Up, Qt.Key_Down, Qt.Key_Left, Qt.Key_Right]: if self.__focusMove(obj, key): event.accept() return True elif etype == QEvent.HoverEnter and obj.parent() is self: self.__onButtonEnter(obj) return super().eventFilter(obj, event)
def __focusMove(self, focus, key): assert(focus is self.focusWidget()) try: index = self.__indexOf(focus) except IndexError: return False if key == Qt.Key_Down: index += self.__columns elif key == Qt.Key_Up: index -= self.__columns elif key == Qt.Key_Left: index -= 1 elif key == Qt.Key_Right: index += 1 if index >= 0 and index < self.count(): button = self.__gridSlots[index].button button.setFocus(Qt.TabFocusReason) return True else: return False