Source code for orangecanvas.gui.toolbox

Tool Box Widget

A reimplementation of the :class:`QToolBox` widget that keeps all the tabs
in a single :class:`QScrollArea` instance and can keep multiple open tabs.


from collections import namedtuple
from operator import eq, attrgetter

from AnyQt.QtWidgets import (
    QWidget, QFrame, QSizePolicy, QStyle, QStyleOptionToolButton,
    QStyleOptionToolBox, QScrollArea, QVBoxLayout, QToolButton,
    QAction, QActionGroup, QApplication, QWIDGETSIZE_MAX
from AnyQt.QtGui import (
    QIcon, QFontMetrics, QPainter, QPalette, QBrush, QPen, QColor,
from AnyQt.QtCore import (
    Qt, QObject, QSize, QRect, QPoint, QSignalMapper
from AnyQt.QtCore import pyqtSignal as Signal, pyqtProperty as Property

from .utils import brush_darker

_ToolBoxPage = namedtuple(


class ToolBoxTabButton(QToolButton):
    A tab button for an item in a :class:`ToolBox`.

    def setNativeStyling(self, state):
        Render tab buttons as native (or css styled) :class:`QToolButtons`.
        If set to `False` (default) the button is pained using a custom
        paint routine.

        self.__nativeStyling = state

    def nativeStyling(self):
        Use :class:`QStyle`'s to paint the class:`QToolButton` look.
        return self.__nativeStyling

    nativeStyling_ = Property(bool,

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.__nativeStyling = False
        self.position = QStyleOptionToolBox.OnlyOneTab
        self.selected = QStyleOptionToolBox.NotAdjacent
        font = kwargs.pop("font", None)
        palette = kwargs.pop("palette", None)

        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        if font is None:
            self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_SetFont, False)
        if palette is None:
            self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_SetPalette, False)

    def enterEvent(self, event):

    def leaveEvent(self, event):

    def paintEvent(self, event):
        if self.__nativeStyling:

    def __paintEventNoStyle(self):
        p = QPainter(self)
        opt = QStyleOptionToolButton()

        fm = QFontMetrics(opt.font)
        palette = opt.palette

        # highlight brush is used as the background for the icon and background
        # when the tab is expanded and as mouse hover color (lighter).
        brush_highlight = palette.highlight()
        foregroundrole = QPalette.ButtonText
        if opt.state & QStyle.State_Sunken:
            # State 'down' pressed during a mouse press (slightly darker).
            background_brush = brush_darker(brush_highlight, 110)
            foregroundrole = QPalette.HighlightedText
        elif opt.state & QStyle.State_MouseOver:
            background_brush = brush_darker(brush_highlight, 95)
            foregroundrole = QPalette.HighlightedText
        elif opt.state & QStyle.State_On:
            background_brush = brush_highlight
            foregroundrole = QPalette.HighlightedText
            # The default button brush.
            background_brush = palette.button()

        rect = opt.rect

        icon_area_rect = QRect(rect)
        icon_area_rect.setRight(int(icon_area_rect.height() * 1.26))

        text_rect = QRect(rect)
        text_rect.setLeft(icon_area_rect.right() + 10)

        # Background  (TODO: Should the tab button have native
        # toolbutton shape, drawn using PE_PanelButtonTool or even
        # QToolBox tab shape)

        # Default outline pen
        pen = QPen(palette.color(QPalette.Mid))

        # Draw the background behind the icon if the background_brush
        # is different.
        if not opt.state & QStyle.State_On:
            # Line between the icon and text

        if opt.state & QStyle.State_HasFocus:
            # Set the focus frame pen and draw the border
            pen = QPen(QColor(FOCUS_OUTLINE_COLOR))
            # Adjust for pen
            rect = rect.adjusted(0, 0, -1, -1)

            # Draw the top/bottom border
            if self.position == QStyleOptionToolBox.OnlyOneTab or \
                    self.position == QStyleOptionToolBox.Beginning or \
                    self.selected & \

                p.drawLine(rect.topLeft(), rect.topRight())

            p.drawLine(rect.bottomLeft(), rect.bottomRight())

        text = fm.elidedText(opt.text, Qt.ElideRight, text_rect.width())

                   int(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignLeft) | \

        if not opt.icon.isNull():
            if opt.state & QStyle.State_Enabled:
                mode = QIcon.Normal
                mode = QIcon.Disabled
            if opt.state & QStyle.State_On:
                state = QIcon.On
                state = QIcon.Off
            icon_area_rect = icon_area_rect
            icon_rect = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), opt.iconSize)
            opt.icon.paint(p, icon_rect, Qt.AlignCenter, mode, state)

class _ToolBoxLayout(QVBoxLayout):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.__minimumSize = None
        self.__maximumSize = None
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def minimumSize(self):
        """Reimplemented from `QBoxLayout.minimimSize`."""
        if self.__minimumSize is None:
            msize = super().minimumSize()
            # Extend the minimum size by including the minimum width of
            # hidden widgets (which QBoxLayout ignores), so the minimum
            # width does not depend on the tab open/close state.
            for i in range(self.count()):
                item = self.itemAt(i)
                if item.isEmpty() and item.widget() is not None:
            self.__minimumSize = msize

        return self.__minimumSize

    def maximumSize(self):
        """Reimplemented from `QBoxLayout.maximumSize`."""
        msize = super().maximumSize()
        # Allow the contents to grow horizontally (expand within the
        # containing scroll area - joining the tab buttons to the
        # right edge), but have a suitable maximum height (displaying an
        # empty area on the bottom if the contents are smaller then the
        # viewport).
        return msize

    def invalidate(self):
        """Reimplemented from `QVBoxLayout.invalidate`."""
        self.__minimumSize = None
        self.__maximumSize = None

[docs]class ToolBox(QFrame): """ A tool box widget. """ # Emitted when a tab is toggled. tabToggled = Signal(int, bool)
[docs] def setExclusive(self, exclusive): """ Set exclusive tabs (only one tab can be open at a time). """ if self.__exclusive != exclusive: self.__exclusive = exclusive self.__tabActionGroup.setExclusive(exclusive) checked = self.__tabActionGroup.checkedAction() if checked is None: # The action group can be out of sync with the actions state # when switching between exclusive states. actions_checked = [page.action for page in self.__pages if page.action.isChecked()] if actions_checked: checked = actions_checked[0] # Trigger/toggle remaining open pages if exclusive and checked is not None: for page in self.__pages: if checked != page.action and page.action.isChecked(): page.action.trigger()
[docs] def exclusive(self): """ Are the tabs in the toolbox exclusive. """ return self.__exclusive
exclusive_ = Property(bool, fget=exclusive, fset=setExclusive, designable=True, doc="Exclusive tabs") def __init__(self, parent=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(parent, **kwargs) self.__pages = [] self.__tabButtonHeight = -1 self.__tabIconSize = QSize() self.__exclusive = False self.__setupUi() def __setupUi(self): layout = QVBoxLayout() layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) # Scroll area for the contents. self.__scrollArea = QScrollArea( self, objectName="toolbox-scroll-area", sizePolicy=QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding), verticalScrollBarPolicy=Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOn, horizontalScrollBarPolicy=Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff, widgetResizable=True, ) self.__scrollArea.setFrameStyle(QScrollArea.NoFrame) # A widget with all of the contents. # The tabs/contents are placed in the layout inside this widget self.__contents = QWidget(self.__scrollArea, objectName="toolbox-contents") self.__contentsLayout = _ToolBoxLayout( sizeConstraint=_ToolBoxLayout.SetMinAndMaxSize, spacing=0 ) self.__contentsLayout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.__contents.setLayout(self.__contentsLayout) self.__scrollArea.setWidget(self.__contents) layout.addWidget(self.__scrollArea) self.setLayout(layout) self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding) self.__tabActionGroup = \ QActionGroup(self, objectName="toolbox-tab-action-group") self.__tabActionGroup.setExclusive(self.__exclusive) self.__actionMapper = QSignalMapper(self) self.__actionMapper.mapped[QObject].connect(self.__onTabActionToggled)
[docs] def setTabButtonHeight(self, height): """ Set the tab button height. """ if self.__tabButtonHeight != height: self.__tabButtonHeight = height for page in self.__pages: page.button.setFixedHeight(height)
[docs] def tabButtonHeight(self): """ Return the tab button height. """ return self.__tabButtonHeight
[docs] def setTabIconSize(self, size): """ Set the tab button icon size. """ if self.__tabIconSize != size: self.__tabIconSize = size for page in self.__pages: page.button.setIconSize(size)
[docs] def tabIconSize(self): """ Return the tab icon size. """ return self.__tabIconSize
[docs] def tabButton(self, index): """ Return the tab button at `index` """ return self.__pages[index].button
[docs] def tabAction(self, index): """ Return open/close action for the tab at `index`. """ return self.__pages[index].action
[docs] def addItem(self, widget, text, icon=None, toolTip=None): """ Append the `widget` in a new tab and return its index. Parameters ---------- widget : :class:`QWidget` A widget to be inserted. The toolbox takes ownership of the widget. text : str Name/title of the new tab. icon : :class:`QIcon`, optional An icon for the tab button. toolTip : str, optional Tool tip for the tab button. """ return self.insertItem(self.count(), widget, text, icon, toolTip)
[docs] def insertItem(self, index, widget, text, icon=None, toolTip=None): """ Insert the `widget` in a new tab at position `index`. See also -------- ToolBox.addItem """ button = self.createTabButton(widget, text, icon, toolTip) self.__contentsLayout.insertWidget(index * 2, button) self.__contentsLayout.insertWidget(index * 2 + 1, widget) widget.hide() page = _ToolBoxPage(index, widget, button.defaultAction(), button) self.__pages.insert(index, page) for i in range(index + 1, self.count()): self.__pages[i] = self.__pages[i]._replace(index=i) self.__updatePositions() # Show (open) the first tab. if self.count() == 1 and index == 0: page.action.trigger() self.__updateSelected() self.updateGeometry() return index
[docs] def removeItem(self, index): """ Remove the widget at `index`. .. note:: The widget hidden but is is not deleted. """ self.__contentsLayout.takeAt(2 * index + 1) self.__contentsLayout.takeAt(2 * index) page = self.__pages.pop(index) # Update the page indexes for i in range(index, self.count()): self.__pages[i] = self.__pages[i]._replace(index=i) page.button.deleteLater() # Hide the widget and reparent to self # This follows QToolBox.removeItem page.widget.hide() page.widget.setParent(self) self.__updatePositions() self.__updateSelected() self.updateGeometry()
[docs] def count(self): """ Return the number of widgets inserted in the toolbox. """ return len(self.__pages)
[docs] def widget(self, index): """ Return the widget at `index`. """ return self.__pages[index].widget
[docs] def createTabButton(self, widget, text, icon=None, toolTip=None): """ Create the tab button for `widget`. """ action = QAction(text, self) action.setCheckable(True) if icon: action.setIcon(icon) if toolTip: action.setToolTip(toolTip) self.__tabActionGroup.addAction(action) self.__actionMapper.setMapping(action, action) action.toggled.connect( button = ToolBoxTabButton(self, objectName="toolbox-tab-button") button.setDefaultAction(action) button.setToolButtonStyle(Qt.ToolButtonTextBesideIcon) button.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Ignored, QSizePolicy.Fixed) if self.__tabIconSize.isValid(): button.setIconSize(self.__tabIconSize) if self.__tabButtonHeight > 0: button.setFixedHeight(self.__tabButtonHeight) return button
[docs] def ensureWidgetVisible(self, child, xmargin=50, ymargin=50): """ Scroll the contents so child widget instance is visible inside the viewport. """ self.__scrollArea.ensureWidgetVisible(child, xmargin, ymargin)
[docs] def sizeHint(self): hint = self.__contentsLayout.sizeHint() if self.count(): # Compute max width of hidden widgets also. scroll = self.__scrollArea scroll_w = scroll.verticalScrollBar().sizeHint().width() frame_w = self.frameWidth() * 2 + scroll.frameWidth() * 2 max_w = max([p.widget.sizeHint().width() for p in self.__pages]) hint = QSize(max(max_w, hint.width()) + scroll_w + frame_w, hint.height()) return QSize(200, 200).expandedTo(hint)
def __onTabActionToggled(self, action): page = find(self.__pages, action, key=attrgetter("action")) on = action.isChecked() page.widget.setVisible(on) index = page.index if index > 0: # Update the `previous` tab buttons style hints previous = self.__pages[index - 1].button flag = QStyleOptionToolBox.NextIsSelected if on: previous.selected |= flag else: previous.selected &= ~flag previous.update() if index < self.count() - 1: next = self.__pages[index + 1].button flag = QStyleOptionToolBox.PreviousIsSelected if on: next.selected |= flag else: next.selected &= ~flag next.update() self.tabToggled.emit(index, on) self.__contentsLayout.invalidate() def __updateSelected(self): """Update the tab buttons selected style flags. """ if self.count() == 0: return opt = QStyleOptionToolBox def update(button, next_sel, prev_sel): if next_sel: button.selected |= opt.NextIsSelected else: button.selected &= ~opt.NextIsSelected if prev_sel: button.selected |= opt.PreviousIsSelected else: button.selected &= ~ opt.PreviousIsSelected button.update() if self.count() == 1: update(self.__pages[0].button, False, False) elif self.count() >= 2: pages = self.__pages for i in range(1, self.count() - 1): update(pages[i].button, pages[i + 1].action.isChecked(), pages[i - 1].action.isChecked()) def __updatePositions(self): """Update the tab buttons position style flags. """ if self.count() == 0: return elif self.count() == 1: self.__pages[0].button.position = QStyleOptionToolBox.OnlyOneTab else: self.__pages[0].button.position = QStyleOptionToolBox.Beginning self.__pages[-1].button.position = QStyleOptionToolBox.End for p in self.__pages[1:-1]: p.button.position = QStyleOptionToolBox.Middle for p in self.__pages: p.button.update()
def identity(arg): return arg def find(iterable, *what, **kwargs): """ find(iterable, [what, [key=None, [predicate=operator.eq]]]) """ if what: what = what[0] key, predicate = kwargs.get("key", identity), kwargs.get("predicate", eq) for item in iterable: item_key = key(item) if predicate(item_key, what): return item else: raise ValueError(what)