Source code for orangecanvas.gui.quickhelp

from import Callable

from AnyQt.QtWidgets import QTextBrowser
from AnyQt.QtGui import QStatusTipEvent, QWhatsThisClickedEvent
from AnyQt.QtCore import QObject, QCoreApplication, QEvent, QTimer, QUrl
from AnyQt.QtCore import pyqtSignal as Signal

[docs]class QuickHelp(QTextBrowser): #: Emitted when the shown text changes. textChanged = Signal() def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.setOpenExternalLinks(False) self.setOpenLinks(False) self.__text = "" self.__permanentText = "" self.__defaultText = "" self.__timer = QTimer(self, timeout=self.__on_timeout, singleShot=True) self.anchorClicked.connect(self.__on_anchorClicked)
[docs] def showHelp(self, text, timeout=0): """ Show help for `timeout` milliseconds. if timeout is 0 then show the text until it is cleared with clearHelp or showHelp is called with an empty string. """ if self.__text != text: self.__text = text self.__update() self.textChanged.emit() if timeout > 0: self.__timer.start(timeout)
[docs] def clearHelp(self): """ Clear help text previously set with `showHelp`. """ self.__timer.stop() self.showHelp("")
[docs] def showPermanentHelp(self, text): """ Set permanent help text. The text may be temporarily overridden by showHelp but will be shown again when that is cleared. """ if self.__permanentText != text: self.__permanentText = text self.__update() self.textChanged.emit()
[docs] def setDefaultText(self, text): """ Set default help text. The text is overriden by normal and permanent help messages, but is show again after such messages are cleared. """ if self.__defaultText != text: self.__defaultText = text self.__update() self.textChanged.emit()
[docs] def currentText(self): """ Return the current shown text. """ return self.__text or self.__permanentText
def __update(self): if self.__text: self.setHtml(self.__text) elif self.__permanentText: self.setHtml(self.__permanentText) else: self.setHtml(self.__defaultText) def __on_timeout(self): if self.__text: self.__text = "" self.__update() self.textChanged.emit() def __on_anchorClicked(self, anchor): ev = QuickHelpDetailRequestEvent(anchor.toString(), anchor) QCoreApplication.postEvent(self, ev)
class QuickHelpTipEvent(QStatusTipEvent): Temporary, Normal, Permanent = range(1, 4) def __init__(self, tip, html=None, priority=Normal, timeout=None): super().__init__(tip) self.__html = html or "" self.__priority = priority self.__timeout = timeout def html(self): return self.__html def priority(self): return self.__priority def timeout(self): return self.__timeout class QuickHelpDetailRequestEvent(QWhatsThisClickedEvent): def __init__(self, href, url): super().__init__(href) self.__url = QUrl(url) def url(self): return QUrl(self.__url) class StatusTipPromoter(QObject): """ Promotes `QStatusTipEvent` to `QuickHelpTipEvent` using ``whatsThis`` property of the object. """ def eventFilter(self, obj, event): if event.type() == QEvent.StatusTip and \ not isinstance(event, QuickHelpTipEvent) and \ hasattr(obj, "whatsThis") and \ isinstance(obj.whatsThis, Callable): tip = event.tip() try: text = obj.whatsThis() except Exception: text = None if text: ev = QuickHelpTipEvent(tip, text if tip else "") return QCoreApplication.sendEvent(obj, ev) return super().eventFilter(obj, event)