Source code for orangecanvas.document.quickmenu

Quick Menu

A :class:`QuickMenu` widget provides lists of actions organized in tabs
with a quick search functionality.

import statistics
import sys
import logging

from collections import namedtuple
from import Callable

from AnyQt.QtWidgets import (
    QWidget, QFrame, QToolButton, QAbstractButton, QAction, QTreeView,
    QButtonGroup, QStackedWidget, QHBoxLayout, QVBoxLayout, QSizePolicy,
    QStyleOptionToolButton, QStylePainter, QStyle, QApplication,
    QStyledItemDelegate, QStyleOptionViewItem, QSizeGrip,

from AnyQt.QtGui import QIcon, QStandardItemModel, QPolygon, QRegion, QBrush
from AnyQt.QtCore import (
    Qt, QObject, QPoint, QSize, QRect, QEventLoop, QEvent, QModelIndex,
    QTimer, QRegExp, QSortFilterProxyModel, QItemSelectionModel
from AnyQt.QtCore import pyqtSignal as Signal, pyqtProperty as Property

from ..gui.framelesswindow import FramelessWindow
from ..gui.lineedit import LineEdit
from ..gui.tooltree import ToolTree, FlattenedTreeItemModel
from ..gui.utils import StyledWidget_paintEvent, create_css_gradient
from ..registry.qt import QtWidgetRegistry

from ..resources import icon_loader

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class _MenuItemDelegate(QStyledItemDelegate):
    def __init__(self, parent=None):

    def sizeHint(self, option, index):
        option = QStyleOptionViewItem(option)
        self.initStyleOption(option, index)
        size = super().sizeHint(option, index)

        # TODO: get the default QMenu item height from the current style.
        size.setHeight(max(size.height(), 25))
        return size

class ItemDisableFilter(QSortFilterProxyModel):
    An filter proxy model used to disable selected items based on
    a filtering function.

    def __init__(self, parent=None):

        self.__filterFunc = None

    def setFilterFunc(self, func):
        Set the filtering function.
        if not (isinstance(func, Callable) or func is None):
            raise ValueError("A callable object or None expected.")

        if self.__filterFunc != func:
            self.__filterFunc = func
            # Mark the whole model as changed.
            self.dataChanged.emit(self.index(0, 0),
                                  self.index(self.rowCount(), 0))

    def flags(self, index):
        Reimplemented from :class:`QSortFilterProxyModel.flags`
        source = self.mapToSource(index)
        flags = source.flags()

        if self.__filterFunc is not None:
            enabled = flags & Qt.ItemIsEnabled
            if enabled and not self.__filterFunc(source):
                flags ^= Qt.ItemIsEnabled

        return flags

class SuggestMenuPage(MenuPage):
    A MenuMage for the QuickMenu widget supporting item filtering

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def setModel(self, model):
        Reimplmemented from :ref:`MenuPage.setModel`.
        flat = FlattenedTreeItemModel(self)
        proxy = SortFilterProxyModel(self)
        # bypass MenuPage.setModel and its own proxy
        # TODO: store my self.__proxy
        ToolTree.setModel(self, proxy)

    def setFilterFixedString(self, pattern):
        Set the fixed string filtering pattern. Only items which contain the
        `pattern` string will be shown.

        proxy = self.view().model()

    def setFilterRegExp(self, pattern):
        Set the regular expression filtering pattern. Only items matching
        the `pattern` expression will be shown.

        filter_proxy = self.view().model()

        # re-sorts to make sure items that match by title are on top


    def setFilterWildCard(self, pattern):
        Set a wildcard filtering pattern.
        filter_proxy = self.view().model()

    def setFilterFunc(self, func):
        Set a filtering function.
        filter_proxy = self.view().model()

    def setSortingFunc(self, func):
        Set a sorting function.
        filter_proxy = self.view().model()

class SortFilterProxyModel(QSortFilterProxyModel):
    An filter proxy model used to sort and filter items based on
    a sort and filtering function.

    def __init__(self, parent=None):

        self.__filterFunc = None
        self.__sortingFunc = None

    def setFilterFunc(self, func):
        Set the filtering function.
        if not (isinstance(func, Callable) or func is None):
            raise ValueError("A callable object or None expected.")

        if self.__filterFunc is not func:
            self.__filterFunc = func

    def filterFunc(self):
        return self.__filterFunc

    def filterAcceptsRow(self, row, parent=QModelIndex()):
        flat_model = self.sourceModel()
        index = flat_model.index(row, self.filterKeyColumn(), parent)
        description =, role=QtWidgetRegistry.WIDGET_DESC_ROLE)
        if description is None:
            return False

        name =
        keywords = description.keywords or []

        # match name and keywords
        accepted = False
        for keyword in [name] + keywords:
            if self.filterRegExp().indexIn(keyword) > -1:
                accepted = True

        # if matches query, apply filter function (compatibility with paired widget)
        if accepted and self.__filterFunc is not None:
            model = self.sourceModel()
            index = model.index(row, self.filterKeyColumn(), parent)
            return self.__filterFunc(index)
            return accepted

    def setSortingFunc(self, func):
        self.__sortingFunc = func

    def sortingFunc(self):
        return self.__sortingFunc

    def lessThan(self, left, right):
        if self.__sortingFunc is None:
            return super().lessThan(left, right)
        model = self.sourceModel()
        left_data =
        right_data =

        flat_model = self.sourceModel()
        left_description =, role=QtWidgetRegistry.WIDGET_DESC_ROLE)
        right_description =, role=QtWidgetRegistry.WIDGET_DESC_ROLE)

        left_matches_title = self.filterRegExp().indexIn( > -1
        right_matches_title = self.filterRegExp().indexIn( > -1

        if left_matches_title != right_matches_title:
            return left_matches_title
        return self.__sortingFunc(left_data, right_data)

class SearchWidget(LineEdit):
    def __init__(self, parent=None, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(parent, **kwargs)

    def __setupUi(self):
        icon = icon_loader().get("icons/Search.svg")
        action = QAction(icon, "Search", self)
        self.setAction(action, LineEdit.LeftPosition)

class MenuStackWidget(QStackedWidget):
    Stack widget for the menu pages.

    def sizeHint(self):
        Size hint is the maximum width and median height of the widgets
        contained in the stack.

        default_size = QSize(200, 400)
        widget_hints = [default_size]
        for i in range(self.count()):
            hint = self.widget(i).sizeHint()

        width = max([s.width() for s in widget_hints])

        if widget_hints:
            # Take the median for the height
            height = statistics.median([s.height() for s in widget_hints])
            height = default_size.height()
        return QSize(width, int(height))

    def __sizeHintForTreeView(self, view):
        hint = view.sizeHint()
        model = view.model()

        count = model.rowCount()
        width = view.sizeHintForColumn(0)

        if count:
            height = view.sizeHintForRow(0)
            height = height * count
            height = hint.height()

        return QSize(max(width, hint.width()), max(height, hint.height()))

class TabButton(QToolButton):
    def __init__(self, parent=None, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(parent, **kwargs)

        self.__flat = True
        self.__showMenuIndicator = False

    def setFlat(self, flat):
        if self.__flat != flat:
            self.__flat = flat

    def flat(self):
        return self.__flat

    flat_ = Property(bool, fget=flat, fset=setFlat,

    def setShownMenuIndicator(self, show):
        if self.__showMenuIndicator != show:
            self.__showMenuIndicator = show

    def showMenuIndicator(self):
        return self.__showMenuIndicator

    showMenuIndicator_ = Property(bool, fget=showMenuIndicator,

    def paintEvent(self, event):
        opt = QStyleOptionToolButton()
        if self.__showMenuIndicator and self.isChecked():
            opt.features |= QStyleOptionToolButton.HasMenu
        if self.__flat:
            # Use default widget background/border styling.
            StyledWidget_paintEvent(self, event)

            p = QStylePainter(self)
            p.drawControl(QStyle.CE_ToolButtonLabel, opt)
            p = QStylePainter(self)
            p.drawComplexControl(QStyle.CC_ToolButton, opt)

    def sizeHint(self):
        opt = QStyleOptionToolButton()
        if self.__showMenuIndicator and self.isChecked():
            opt.features |= QStyleOptionToolButton.HasMenu
        style =

        hint = style.sizeFromContents(QStyle.CT_ToolButton, opt,
                                      opt.iconSize, self)
        return hint

_Tab = namedtuple(

class TabBarWidget(QWidget):
    A vertical tab bar widget using tool buttons as for tabs.

    currentChanged = Signal(int)

    def __init__(self, parent=None, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(parent, **kwargs)
        layout = QVBoxLayout()
        layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)

        self.__tabs = []

        self.__currentIndex = -1
        self.__changeOnHover = False

        self.__iconSize = QSize(26, 26)

        self.__group = QButtonGroup(self, exclusive=True)

        self.__sloppyButton = None
        self.__sloppyRegion = QRegion()
        self.__sloppyTimer = QTimer(self, singleShot=True)

    def setChangeOnHover(self, changeOnHover):
        If set to ``True`` the tab widget will change the current index when
        the mouse hovers over a tab button.

        if self.__changeOnHover != changeOnHover:
            self.__changeOnHover = changeOnHover

    def changeOnHover(self):
        Does the current tab index follow the mouse cursor.
        return self.__changeOnHover

    def count(self):
        Return the number of tabs in the widget.
        return len(self.__tabs)

    def addTab(self, text, icon=None, toolTip=None):
        Add a new tab and return it's index.
        return self.insertTab(self.count(), text, icon, toolTip)

    def insertTab(self, index, text, icon=None, toolTip=None):
        Insert a tab at `index`
        button = TabButton(self, objectName="tab-button")



        tab = _Tab(text, icon, toolTip, button, None, None)
        self.layout().insertWidget(index, button)

        self.__tabs.insert(index, tab)

        if self.currentIndex() == -1:
        return index

    def removeTab(self, index):
        Remove a tab at `index`.
        if index >= 0 and index < self.count():
            tab = self.__tabs.pop(index)
            layout_index = self.layout().indexOf(tab.button)
            if layout_index != -1:



            if tab.button is self.__sloppyButton:
                self.__sloppyButton = None
                self.__sloppyRegion = QRegion()


            if self.currentIndex() == index:
                if self.count():
                    self.setCurrentIndex(max(index - 1, 0))

    def setTabIcon(self, index, icon):
        Set the `icon` for tab at `index`.
        self.__tabs[index] = self.__tabs[index]._replace(icon=icon)

    def setTabToolTip(self, index, toolTip):
        Set `toolTip` for tab at `index`.
        self.__tabs[index] = self.__tabs[index]._replace(toolTip=toolTip)

    def setTabText(self, index, text):
        Set tab `text` for tab at `index`
        self.__tabs[index] = self.__tabs[index]._replace(text=text)

    def setTabPalette(self, index, palette):
        Set the tab button palette.
        self.__tabs[index] = self.__tabs[index]._replace(palette=palette)

    def setCurrentIndex(self, index):
        Set the current tab index.
        if self.__currentIndex != index:
            self.__currentIndex = index

            self.__sloppyRegion = QRegion()
            self.__sloppyButton = None

            if index != -1:


    def currentIndex(self):
        Return the current index.
        return self.__currentIndex

    def button(self, index):
        Return the `TabButton` instance for index.
        return self.__tabs[index].button

    def setIconSize(self, size):
        if self.__iconSize != size:
            self.__iconSize = size
            for tab in self.__tabs:

    def __updateTab(self, index):
        Update the tab button.
        tab = self.__tabs[index]
        b = tab.button

        if tab.text:

        if tab.icon is not None and not tab.icon.isNull():

        if tab.palette:

    def __onButtonPressed(self, button):
        for i, tab in enumerate(self.__tabs):
            if tab.button is button:

    def __calcSloppyRegion(self, current):
        Given a current mouse cursor position return a region of the widget
        where hover/move events should change the current tab only on a

        p1 = current + QPoint(0, 2)
        p2 = current + QPoint(0, -2)
        p3 = self.pos() + QPoint(self.width()+10, 0)
        p4 = self.pos() + QPoint(self.width()+10, self.height())
        return QRegion(QPolygon([p1, p2, p3, p4]))

    def __setSloppyButton(self, button):
        Set the current sloppy button (a tab button inside sloppy region)
        and reset the sloppy timeout.

        if not button.isChecked():
            self.__sloppyButton = button
            delay =, None)
            # The delay timeout is the same as used by Qt in the QMenu.

    def __onSloppyTimeout(self):
        if self.__sloppyButton is not None:
            button = self.__sloppyButton
            self.__sloppyButton = None
            if not button.isChecked():
                index = [tab.button for tab in self.__tabs].index(button)

    def eventFilter(self, receiver, event):
        if event.type() == QEvent.MouseMove and \
                isinstance(receiver, TabButton):
            pos = receiver.mapTo(self, event.pos())
            if self.__sloppyRegion.contains(pos):
                if not receiver.isChecked():
                    index = [tab.button for tab in self.__tabs].index(receiver)
                #also update sloppy region if mouse is moved on the same icon
                self.__sloppyRegion = self.__calcSloppyRegion(pos)

        return super().eventFilter(receiver, event)

    def leaveEvent(self, event):
        self.__sloppyButton = None
        self.__sloppyRegion = QRegion()

        return super().leaveEvent(event)

class PagedMenu(QWidget):
    Tabbed container for :class:`MenuPage` instances.
    triggered = Signal(QAction)
    hovered = Signal(QAction)

    currentChanged = Signal(int)

    def __init__(self, parent=None, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(parent, **kwargs)

        self.__pages = []
        self.__currentIndex = -1

        layout = QHBoxLayout()
        layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)

        self.__tab = TabBarWidget(self)

        self.__stack = MenuStackWidget(self)

        layout.addWidget(self.__tab, alignment=Qt.AlignTop)


    def addPage(self, page, title, icon=None, toolTip=None):
        Add a `page` to the menu and return its index.
        return self.insertPage(self.count(), page, title, icon, toolTip)

    def insertPage(self, index, page, title, icon=None, toolTip=None):
        Insert `page` at `index`.

        self.__stack.insertWidget(index, page)
        self.__tab.insertTab(index, title, icon, toolTip)
        return index

    def page(self, index):
        Return the page at index.
        return self.__stack.widget(index)

    def removePage(self, index):
        Remove the page at `index`.
        page = self.__stack.widget(index)


    def count(self):
        Return the number of pages.
        return self.__stack.count()

    def setCurrentIndex(self, index):
        Set the current page index.
        if self.__currentIndex != index:
            self.__currentIndex = index

    def currentIndex(self):
        Return the index of the current page.
        return self.__currentIndex

    def setCurrentPage(self, page):
        Set `page` to be the current shown page.
        index = self.__stack.indexOf(page)

    def currentPage(self):
        Return the current page.
        return self.__stack.currentWidget()

    def indexOf(self, page):
        Return the index of `page`.
        return self.__stack.indexOf(page)

    def tabButton(self, index):
        Return the tab button instance for index.
        return self.__tab.button(index)

def as_qbrush(value):
    if isinstance(value, QBrush):
        return value
        return None

TabButton {
    qproperty-flat_: false;
    background: %s;
    border: none;
    border-bottom: 1px solid palette(mid);
    border-right: 1px solid palette(mid);

TabButton:checked {
    background: %s;
    border: none;
    border-top: 1px solid #609ED7;
    border-bottom: 1px solid #609ED7;
    border-right: 1px solid #609ED7;

# TODO: Cleanup the QuickMenu interface. It should not have a 'dual' public
# interface (i.e. as an item model view (`setModel` method) and `addPage`,
# ...)

[docs]class QuickMenu(FramelessWindow): """ A quick menu popup for the widgets. The widgets are set using :func:`QuickMenu.setModel` which must be a model as returned by :func:`QtWidgetRegistry.model` """ #: An action has been triggered in the menu. triggered = Signal(QAction) #: An action has been hovered in the menu hovered = Signal(QAction) def __init__(self, parent=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(parent, **kwargs) self.setWindowFlags(Qt.Popup) self.__filterFunc = None self.__sortingFunc = None self.__setupUi() self.__loop = None self.__model = None self.setModel(QStandardItemModel()) self.__triggeredAction = None def __setupUi(self): self.setLayout(QVBoxLayout(self)) self.layout().setContentsMargins(6, 6, 6, 6) self.__search = SearchWidget(self, objectName="search-line") self.__search.setPlaceholderText("Search for widget or select from the list.") ) self.layout().addWidget(self.__search) self.__frame = QFrame(self, objectName="menu-frame") layout = QVBoxLayout() layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) layout.setSpacing(2) self.__frame.setLayout(layout) self.layout().addWidget(self.__frame) self.__pages = PagedMenu(self, objectName="paged-menu") self.__pages.currentChanged.connect(self.setCurrentIndex) self.__pages.triggered.connect(self.triggered) self.__pages.hovered.connect(self.hovered) self.__frame.layout().addWidget(self.__pages) self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Expanding) self.__suggestPage = SuggestMenuPage(self, objectName="suggest-page") self.__suggestPage.setActionRole(QtWidgetRegistry.WIDGET_ACTION_ROLE) self.__suggestPage.setIcon(icon_loader().get("icons/Search.svg")) if sys.platform == "darwin": view = self.__suggestPage.view() view.verticalScrollBar().setAttribute(Qt.WA_MacMiniSize, True) # Don't show the focus frame because it expands into the tab bar. view.setAttribute(Qt.WA_MacShowFocusRect, False) i = self.addPage("Quick Search"), self.__suggestPage) button = self.__pages.tabButton(i) button.setObjectName("search-tab-button") button.setStyleSheet( "TabButton {\n" " qproperty-flat_: false;\n" " border: none;" "}\n") self.__search.textEdited.connect(self.__on_textEdited) self.__navigator = ItemViewKeyNavigator(self) self.__navigator.setView(self.__suggestPage.view()) self.__search.installEventFilter(self.__navigator) self.__grip = WindowSizeGrip(self) self.__grip.raise_()
[docs] def setSizeGripEnabled(self, enabled): """ Enable the resizing of the menu with a size grip in a bottom right corner (enabled by default). """ if bool(enabled) != bool(self.__grip): if self.__grip: self.__grip.deleteLater() self.__grip = None else: self.__grip = WindowSizeGrip(self) self.__grip.raise_()
[docs] def sizeGripEnabled(self): """ Is the size grip enabled. """ return bool(self.__grip)
[docs] def addPage(self, name, page): """ Add the `page` (:class:`MenuPage`) with `name` and return it's index. The `page.icon()` will be used as the icon in the tab bar. """ return self.insertPage(self.__pages.count(), name, page)
def insertPage(self, index, name, page): icon = page.icon() tip = name if page.toolTip(): tip = page.toolTip() index = self.__pages.insertPage(index, page, name, icon, tip) # Route the page's signals page.triggered.connect(self.__onTriggered) page.hovered.connect(self.hovered) # Install event filter to intercept key presses. page.view().installEventFilter(self) return index
[docs] def createPage(self, index): """ Create a new page based on the contents of an index (:class:`QModeIndex`) item. """ page = MenuPage(self) page.setModel(index.model()) page.setRootIndex(index) view = page.view() if sys.platform == "darwin": view.verticalScrollBar().setAttribute(Qt.WA_MacMiniSize, True) # Don't show the focus frame because it expands into the tab # bar at the top. view.setAttribute(Qt.WA_MacShowFocusRect, False) name = str( page.setTitle(name) icon = if isinstance(icon, QIcon): page.setIcon(icon) page.setToolTip( return page
def __clear(self): for i in range(self.__pages.count() - 1, 0, -1): self.__pages.removePage(i)
[docs] def setModel(self, model): """ Set the model containing the actions. """ if self.__model is not None: self.__model.dataChanged.disconnect(self.__on_dataChanged) self.__model.rowsInserted.disconnect(self.__on_rowsInserted) self.__model.rowsRemoved.disconnect(self.__on_rowsRemoved) self.__clear() for i in range(model.rowCount()): index = model.index(i, 0) self.__insertPage(i + 1, index) self.__model = model self.__suggestPage.setModel(model) if model is not None: self.__model.dataChanged.connect(self.__on_dataChanged) self.__model.rowsInserted.connect(self.__on_rowsInserted) self.__model.rowsRemoved.connect(self.__on_rowsRemoved)
def __on_dataChanged(self, topLeft, bottomRight): parent = topLeft.parent() # Only handle top level item (categories). if not parent.isValid(): for row in range(topLeft.row(), bottomRight.row() + 1): index = topLeft.sibling(row, 0, parent) # Note: the tab buttons are offest by 1 (to accommodate # the Suggest Page). button = self.__pages.tabButton(row + 1) brush = as_qbrush( if brush is not None: base_color = brush.color() button.setStyleSheet( TAB_BUTTON_STYLE_TEMPLATE % (create_css_gradient(base_color), create_css_gradient(base_color.darker(120))) ) def __on_rowsInserted(self, parent, start, end): # Only handle top level item (categories). if not parent.isValid(): for row in range(start, end + 1): index = self.__model.index(row, 0) self.__insertPage(row + 1, index) def __on_rowsRemoved(self, parent, start, end): # Only handle top level item (categories). if not parent.isValid(): for row in range(end, start - 1, -1): self.__removePage(row + 1) def __insertPage(self, row, index): page = self.createPage(index) page.setActionRole(QtWidgetRegistry.WIDGET_ACTION_ROLE) i = self.insertPage(row, page.title(), page) brush = as_qbrush( if brush is not None: base_color = brush.color() button = self.__pages.tabButton(i) button.setStyleSheet( TAB_BUTTON_STYLE_TEMPLATE % (create_css_gradient(base_color), create_css_gradient(base_color.darker(120))) ) def __removePage(self, row): page = page.triggered.disconnect(self.__onTriggered) page.hovered.disconnect(self.hovered) page.view().removeEventFilter(self) self.__pages.removePage(row)
[docs] def setSortingFunc(self, func): """ Set a sorting function in the suggest (search) menu. """ if self.__sortingFunc != func: self.__sortingFunc = func for i in range(0, self.__pages.count()): if isinstance(, SuggestMenuPage):
[docs] def setFilterFunc(self, func): """ Set a filter function. """ if func != self.__filterFunc: self.__filterFunc = func for i in range(0, self.__pages.count()):
[docs] def popup(self, pos=None, searchText=""): """ Popup the menu at `pos` (in screen coordinates). 'Search' text field is initialized with `searchText` if provided. """ if pos is None: pos = QPoint() self.__clearCurrentItems() self.__search.setText(searchText) patt = QRegExp(r"(^|\W)"+searchText) patt.setCaseSensitivity(False) self.__suggestPage.setFilterRegExp(patt) self.ensurePolished() if self.testAttribute(Qt.WA_Resized) and self.sizeGripEnabled(): size = self.size() else: size = self.sizeHint() desktop = QApplication.desktop() screen_geom = desktop.availableGeometry(pos) # Adjust the size to fit inside the screen. if size.height() > screen_geom.height(): size.setHeight(screen_geom.height()) if size.width() > screen_geom.width(): size.setWidth(screen_geom.width()) geom = QRect(pos, size) if < geom.setTop( if geom.left() < screen_geom.left(): geom.setLeft(screen_geom.left()) bottom_margin = screen_geom.bottom() - geom.bottom() right_margin = screen_geom.right() - geom.right() if bottom_margin < 0: # Falls over the bottom of the screen, move it up. geom.translate(0, bottom_margin) # TODO: right to left locale if right_margin < 0: # Falls over the right screen edge, move the menu to the # other side of pos. geom.translate(-size.width(), 0) self.setGeometry(geom) self.setFocusProxy(self.__search)
[docs] def exec_(self, pos=None, searchText=""): """ Execute the menu at position `pos` (in global screen coordinates). Return the triggered :class:`QAction` or `None` if no action was triggered. 'Search' text field is initialized with `searchText` if provided. """ self.popup(pos, searchText) self.setFocus(Qt.PopupFocusReason) self.__triggeredAction = None self.__loop = QEventLoop() self.__loop.exec_() self.__loop.deleteLater() self.__loop = None action = self.__triggeredAction self.__triggeredAction = None return action
[docs] def hideEvent(self, event): """ Reimplemented from :class:`QWidget` """ super().hideEvent(event) if self.__loop: self.__loop.exit()
[docs] def setCurrentPage(self, page): """ Set the current shown page to `page`. """ self.__pages.setCurrentPage(page)
[docs] def setCurrentIndex(self, index): """ Set the current page index. """ self.__pages.setCurrentIndex(index)
def __clearCurrentItems(self): """ Clear any selected (or current) items in all the menus. """ for i in range(self.__pages.count()): def __onTriggered(self, action): """ Re-emit the action from the page. """ self.__triggeredAction = action # Hide and exit the event loop if necessary. self.hide() self.triggered.emit(action) def __on_textEdited(self, text): patt = QRegExp(r"(^|\W)" + text) patt.setCaseSensitivity(False) self.__suggestPage.setFilterRegExp(patt) self.__pages.setCurrentPage(self.__suggestPage) self.__selectFirstIndex() def __selectFirstIndex(self): view = self.__pages.currentPage().view() model = view.model() index = model.index(0, 0) view.setCurrentIndex(index)
[docs] def triggerSearch(self): """ Trigger action search. This changes to current page to the 'Suggest' page and sets the keyboard focus to the search line edit. """ self.__pages.setCurrentPage(self.__suggestPage) self.__search.setFocus(Qt.ShortcutFocusReason) # Make sure that the first enabled item is set current. self.__suggestPage.ensureCurrent()
[docs] def keyPressEvent(self, event): if event.text(): # Ignore modifiers, ... self.__search.setFocus(Qt.ShortcutFocusReason) self.setCurrentIndex(0) self.__search.keyPressEvent(event) super().keyPressEvent(event) event.accept()
[docs] def event(self, event): if event.type() == QEvent.ShortcutOverride: log.debug("Overriding shortcuts") event.accept() return True return super().event(event)
[docs] def eventFilter(self, obj, event): if isinstance(obj, QTreeView): etype = event.type() if etype == QEvent.KeyPress: # ignore modifiers non printable characters, Enter, ... if event.text() and event.key() not in \ [Qt.Key_Enter, Qt.Key_Return]: self.__search.setFocus(Qt.ShortcutFocusReason) self.setCurrentIndex(0) self.__search.keyPressEvent(event) return True return super().eventFilter(obj, event)
class ItemViewKeyNavigator(QObject): """ A event filter class listening to key press events and responding by moving 'currentItem` on a :class:`QListView`. """ def __init__(self, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self.__view = None def setView(self, view): """ Set the QListView. """ if self.__view != view: self.__view = view def view(self): """ Return the view """ return self.__view def eventFilter(self, obj, event): etype = event.type() if etype == QEvent.KeyPress: key = event.key() if key == Qt.Key_Down: self.moveCurrent(1, 0) return True elif key == Qt.Key_Up: self.moveCurrent(-1, 0) return True elif key == Qt.Key_Tab: self.moveCurrent(0, 1) return True elif key == Qt.Key_Enter or key == Qt.Key_Return: self.activateCurrent() return True return super().eventFilter(obj, event) def moveCurrent(self, rows, columns=0): """ Move the current index by rows, columns. """ if self.__view is not None: view = self.__view model = view.model() curr = view.currentIndex() curr_row, curr_col = curr.row(), curr.column() sign = 1 if rows >= 0 else -1 row = curr_row + rows row_count = model.rowCount() for i in range(row_count): index = model.index((row + sign * i) % row_count, 0) if index.flags() & Qt.ItemIsEnabled: view.setCurrentIndex(index) break # TODO: move by columns def activateCurrent(self): """ Activate the current index. """ if self.__view is not None: curr = self.__view.currentIndex() if curr.isValid(): # TODO: Does this work? We are emitting signals that are # defined by a different class. This might break some things. # Should we just send the keyPress events to the view, and let # it handle them. self.__view.activated.emit(curr) def ensureCurrent(self): """ Ensure the view has a current item if one is available. """ if self.__view is not None: model = self.__view.model() curr = self.__view.currentIndex() if not curr.isValid(): for i in range(model.rowCount()): index = model.index(i, 0) if index.flags() & Qt.ItemIsEnabled: self.__view.setCurrentIndex(index) break class WindowSizeGrip(QSizeGrip): """ Automatically positioning :class:`QSizeGrip`. The widget automatically maintains its position in the window corner during resize events. """ def __init__(self, parent): super().__init__(parent) self.__corner = Qt.BottomRightCorner self.resize(self.sizeHint()) self.__updatePos() def setCorner(self, corner): """ Set the corner (:class:`Qt.Corner`) where the size grip should position itself. """ if corner not in [Qt.TopLeftCorner, Qt.TopRightCorner, Qt.BottomLeftCorner, Qt.BottomRightCorner]: raise ValueError("Qt.Corner flag expected") if self.__corner != corner: self.__corner = corner self.__updatePos() def corner(self): """ Return the corner where the size grip is positioned. """ return self.__corner def eventFilter(self, obj, event): if obj is self.window(): if event.type() == QEvent.Resize: self.__updatePos() return super().eventFilter(obj, event) def showEvent(self, event): if self.window() != self.parent(): log.error("%s: Can only show on a top level window.", type(self).__name__) return super().showEvent(event) def __updatePos(self): window = self.window() if window is not self.parent(): return corner = self.__corner size = self.sizeHint() window_geom = window.geometry() window_size = window_geom.size() if corner in [Qt.TopLeftCorner, Qt.BottomLeftCorner]: x = 0 else: x = window_geom.width() - size.width() if corner in [Qt.TopLeftCorner, Qt.TopRightCorner]: y = 0 else: y = window_size.height() - size.height() self.move(x, y)