Scheme (scheme)

Scheme Workflow

The Scheme class defines a DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) workflow.

class orangecanvas.scheme.scheme.Scheme(parent: QObject | None = None, title: str = '', description: str = '', env: Mapping[str, Any] = {}, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: QObject

An QObject subclass representing the scheme widget workflow with annotations.

  • parent (QObject) – A parent QObject item (default None).

  • title (str) – The scheme title.

  • description (str) – A longer description of the scheme.

  • env (Mapping[str, Any]) – Extra workflow environment definition (application defined).


Signal emitted when the title of scheme changes.


Signal emitted when the description of scheme changes.


Signal emitted when a node is added to the scheme.


Signal emitted when a node is removed from the scheme.

Signal emitted when a link is added to the scheme.

Signal emitted when a link is removed from the scheme.


Signal emitted when a annotation is added to the scheme.


Signal emitted when a annotation is removed from the scheme.

runtime_env_changed(key: str, newvalue: str | None, oldvalue: str | None)
property nodes: List[SchemeNode]

A list of all nodes (SchemeNode) currently in the scheme.

A list of all links (SchemeLink) currently in the scheme.

property annotations: List[BaseSchemeAnnotation]

A list of all annotations (BaseSchemeAnnotation) in the scheme.

set_title(title: str) None[source]

Set the scheme title text.

title: str

The title (human readable string) of the scheme.

set_description(description: str) None[source]

Set the scheme description text.

description: str

Scheme description text.

add_node(node: SchemeNode) None[source]

Add a node to the scheme. An error is raised if the node is already in the scheme.


node (SchemeNode) – Node instance to add to the scheme.

insert_node(index: int, node: SchemeNode)[source]

Insert node into self.nodes at the specified position index

new_node(description: WidgetDescription, title: str | None = None, position: Tuple[float, float] | None = None, properties: dict | None = None) SchemeNode[source]

Create a new SchemeNode and add it to the scheme.

Same as:

scheme.add_node(SchemeNode(description, title, position,
  • description (WidgetDescription) – The new node’s description.

  • title (str, optional) – Optional new nodes title. By default is used.

  • position (Tuple[float, float]) – Optional position in a 2D space.

  • properties (dict, optional) – A dictionary of optional extra properties.

remove_node(node: SchemeNode) SchemeNode[source]

Remove a node from the scheme. All links into and out of the node are also removed. If the node in not in the scheme an error is raised.


node (SchemeNode) – Node instance to remove.

Insert link into self.links at the specified position index.

Add a link to the scheme.


link (SchemeLink) – An initialized link instance to add to the scheme.

Create a new SchemeLink from arguments and add it to the scheme. The new link is returned.

  • source_node (SchemeNode) – Source node of the new link.

  • source_channel (OutputSignal) – Source channel of the new node. The instance must be from source_node.output_channels()

  • sink_node (SchemeNode) – Sink node of the new link.

  • sink_channel (InputSignal) – Sink channel of the new node. The instance must be from sink_node.input_channels()

Remove a link from the scheme.


link (SchemeLink) – Link instance to remove.

check_connect(link: SchemeLink) None[source]

Check if the link can be added to the scheme and raise an appropriate exception.

Can raise:
creates_cycle(link: SchemeLink) bool[source]

Return True if link would introduce a cycle in the scheme.


link (SchemeLink)

compatible_channels(link: SchemeLink) bool[source]

Return True if the channels in link have compatible types.


link (SchemeLink)

can_connect(link: SchemeLink) bool[source]

Return True if link can be added to the scheme.

upstream_nodes(start_node: SchemeNode) Set[SchemeNode][source]

Return a set of all nodes upstream from start_node (i.e. all ancestor nodes).


start_node (SchemeNode)

downstream_nodes(start_node: SchemeNode) Set[SchemeNode][source]

Return a set of all nodes downstream from start_node.


start_node (SchemeNode)

is_ancestor(node: SchemeNode, child: SchemeNode) bool[source]

Return True if node is an ancestor node of child (is upstream of the child in the workflow). Both nodes must be in the scheme.

children(node: SchemeNode) Set[SchemeNode][source]

Return a set of all children of node.

parents(node: SchemeNode) Set[SchemeNode][source]

Return a set of all parents of node.

Return a list of all input links (SchemeLink) connected to the node instance.

Return a list of all output links (SchemeLink) connected to the node instance.

Return a list of ordered (OutputSignal, InputSignal, weight) tuples that could be added to the scheme between source_node and sink_node.


This can depend on the links already in the scheme.

insert_annotation(index: int, annotation: BaseSchemeAnnotation) None[source]

Insert annotation into self.annotations at the specified position index.

add_annotation(annotation: BaseSchemeAnnotation) None[source]

Add an annotation (BaseSchemeAnnotation subclass) instance to the scheme.

remove_annotation(annotation: BaseSchemeAnnotation) None[source]

Remove the annotation instance from the scheme.

clear() None[source]

Remove all nodes, links, and annotation items from the scheme.

sync_node_properties() None[source]

Called before saving, allowing a subclass to update/sync.

The default implementation does nothing.

save_to(stream, pretty=True, **kwargs)[source]

Save the scheme as an xml formatted file to stream

See also


load_from(stream, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Load the scheme from xml formatted stream.

Any extra arguments are passed to readwrite.scheme_load

See also


set_runtime_env(key: str, value: Any) None[source]

Set a runtime environment variable key to value

get_runtime_env(key: str, default: Any | None = None) Any[source]

Return a runtime environment variable for key.

runtime_env() Mapping[str, Any][source]

Return (a view to) the full runtime environment.

The return value is a types.MappingProxyType of the underlying environment dictionary. Changes to the env. will be reflected in it.

class WindowGroup(name='', default=False, state=[])[source]

Bases: SimpleNamespace

window_group_presets() List[WindowGroup][source]

Return a collection of preset window groups and their encoded states.

The base implementation returns an empty list.

class orangecanvas.scheme.scheme.SchemeCycleError[source]

Bases: SchemeTopologyError

A link would create a cycle in the scheme.

class orangecanvas.scheme.scheme.IncompatibleChannelTypeError[source]

Bases: TypeError

Source and sink channels do not have compatible types

class orangecanvas.scheme.scheme.SinkChannelError[source]

Bases: SchemeTopologyError

Sink channel already connected.

class orangecanvas.scheme.scheme.DuplicatedLinkError[source]

Bases: SchemeTopologyError

A link duplicates another link already present in the scheme.