Source code for orangecanvas.document.interactions

User Interaction Handlers

User interaction handlers for a :class:`~.SchemeEditWidget`.

User interactions encapsulate the logic of user interactions with the
scheme document.

All interactions are subclasses of :class:`UserInteraction`.

import typing
from typing import Optional, Any, Tuple, List, Set, Iterable, Sequence, Dict

import abc
import logging
from functools import reduce

from AnyQt.QtWidgets import (
    QApplication, QGraphicsRectItem, QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent,
    QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent, QWidget, QGraphicsItem,
    QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent, QMenu, QAction, QWidgetAction, QLabel
from AnyQt.QtGui import QPen, QBrush, QColor, QFontMetrics, QKeyEvent, QFont
from AnyQt.QtCore import (
    Qt, QObject, QCoreApplication, QSizeF, QPointF, QRect, QRectF, QLineF,
    QPoint, QMimeData,
from AnyQt.QtCore import pyqtSignal as Signal

from orangecanvas.document.commands import UndoCommand
from .usagestatistics import UsageStatistics
from ..registry.description import WidgetDescription, OutputSignal, InputSignal
from ..registry.qt import QtWidgetRegistry, tooltip_helper, whats_this_helper
from .. import scheme
from ..scheme import (
    SchemeNode as Node, SchemeLink as Link, Scheme, WorkflowEvent,
from ..canvas import items
from ..canvas.items import controlpoints
from ..gui.quickhelp import QuickHelpTipEvent
from . import commands
from .editlinksdialog import EditLinksDialog
from ..utils import unique
from ..utils.pkgmeta import EntryPoint, entry_points

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from .schemeedit import SchemeEditWidget

    A = typing.TypeVar("A")
    #: Output/Input pair of a link
    OIPair = Tuple[OutputSignal, InputSignal]

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def assert_not_none(optional):
    # type: (Optional[A]) -> A
    assert optional is not None
    return optional

[docs]class UserInteraction(QObject): """ Base class for user interaction handlers. Parameters ---------- document : :class:`~.SchemeEditWidget` An scheme editor instance with which the user is interacting. parent : :class:`QObject`, optional A parent QObject deleteOnEnd : bool, optional Should the UserInteraction be deleted when it finishes (``True`` by default). """ # Cancel reason flags #: No specified reason NoReason = 0 #: User canceled the operation (e.g. pressing ESC) UserCancelReason = 1 #: Another interaction was set InteractionOverrideReason = 3 #: An internal error occurred ErrorReason = 4 #: Other (unspecified) reason OtherReason = 5 #: Emitted when the interaction is set on the scene. started = Signal() #: Emitted when the interaction finishes successfully. finished = Signal() #: Emitted when the interaction ends (canceled or finished) ended = Signal() #: Emitted when the interaction is canceled. canceled = Signal([], [int]) def __init__(self, document, parent=None, deleteOnEnd=True): # type: ('SchemeEditWidget', Optional[QObject], bool) -> None super().__init__(parent) self.document = document self.scene = document.scene() scheme_ = document.scheme() assert scheme_ is not None self.scheme = scheme_ # type: scheme.Scheme self.suggestions = document.suggestions() self.deleteOnEnd = deleteOnEnd self.cancelOnEsc = False self.__finished = False self.__canceled = False self.__cancelReason = self.NoReason
[docs] def start(self): # type: () -> None """ Start the interaction. This is called by the :class:`CanvasScene` when the interaction is installed. .. note:: Must be called from subclass implementations. """ self.started.emit()
[docs] def end(self): # type: () -> None """ Finish the interaction. Restore any leftover state in this method. .. note:: This gets called from the default :func:`cancel` implementation. """ self.__finished = True if self.scene.user_interaction_handler is self: self.scene.set_user_interaction_handler(None) if self.__canceled: self.canceled.emit() self.canceled[int].emit(self.__cancelReason) else: self.finished.emit() self.ended.emit() if self.deleteOnEnd: self.deleteLater()
[docs] def cancel(self, reason=OtherReason): # type: (int) -> None """ Cancel the interaction with `reason`. """ self.__canceled = True self.__cancelReason = reason self.end()
[docs] def isFinished(self): # type: () -> bool """ Is the interaction finished. """ return self.__finished
[docs] def isCanceled(self): # type: () -> bool """ Was the interaction canceled. """ return self.__canceled
[docs] def cancelReason(self): # type: () -> int """ Return the reason the interaction was canceled. """ return self.__cancelReason
[docs] def mousePressEvent(self, event): # type: (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent) -> bool """ Handle a `QGraphicsScene.mousePressEvent`. """ return False
[docs] def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): # type: (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent) -> bool """ Handle a `GraphicsScene.mouseMoveEvent`. """ return False
[docs] def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event): # type: (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent) -> bool """ Handle a `QGraphicsScene.mouseReleaseEvent`. """ return False
[docs] def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event): # type: (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent) -> bool """ Handle a `QGraphicsScene.mouseDoubleClickEvent`. """ return False
[docs] def keyPressEvent(self, event): # type: (QKeyEvent) -> bool """ Handle a `QGraphicsScene.keyPressEvent` """ if self.cancelOnEsc and event.key() == Qt.Key_Escape: self.cancel(self.UserCancelReason) return False
[docs] def keyReleaseEvent(self, event): # type: (QKeyEvent) -> bool """ Handle a `QGraphicsScene.keyPressEvent` """ return False
[docs] def contextMenuEvent(self, event): # type: (QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent) -> bool """ Handle a `QGraphicsScene.contextMenuEvent` """ return False
[docs] def dragEnterEvent(self, event): # type: (QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent) -> bool """ Handle a `QGraphicsScene.dragEnterEvent` .. versionadded:: 0.1.20 """ return False
[docs] def dragMoveEvent(self, event): # type: (QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent) -> bool """ Handle a `QGraphicsScene.dragMoveEvent` .. versionadded:: 0.1.20 """ return False
[docs] def dragLeaveEvent(self, event): # type: (QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent) -> bool """ Handle a `QGraphicsScene.dragLeaveEvent` .. versionadded:: 0.1.20 """ return False
[docs] def dropEvent(self, event): # type: (QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent) -> bool """ Handle a `QGraphicsScene.dropEvent` .. versionadded:: 0.1.20 """ return False
class NoPossibleLinksError(ValueError): pass class UserCanceledError(ValueError): pass def reversed_arguments(func): """ Return a function with reversed argument order. """ def wrapped(*args): return func(*reversed(args)) return wrapped class NewLinkAction(UserInteraction): """ User drags a new link from an existing `NodeAnchorItem` to create a connection between two existing nodes or to a new node if the release is over an empty area, in which case a quick menu for new node selection is presented to the user. """ # direction of the drag FROM_SOURCE = 1 FROM_SINK = 2 def __init__(self, document, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(document, *args, **kwargs) self.from_item = None # type: Optional[items.NodeItem] self.from_signal = None # type: Optional[Union[InputSignal, OutputSignal]] self.direction = 0 # type: int self.showing_incompatible_widget = False # type: bool # An `NodeItem` currently under the mouse as a possible # link drop target. self.current_target_item = None # type: Optional[items.NodeItem] # A temporary `LinkItem` used while dragging. self.tmp_link_item = None # type: Optional[items.LinkItem] # An temporary `AnchorPoint` inserted into `current_target_item` self.tmp_anchor_point = None # type: Optional[items.AnchorPoint] # An `AnchorPoint` following the mouse cursor self.cursor_anchor_point = None # type: Optional[items.AnchorPoint] # An UndoCommand self.macro = None # type: Optional[UndoCommand] # Cache viable signals of currently hovered node self.__target_compatible_signals: Sequence[Tuple[OutputSignal, InputSignal]] = [] self.cancelOnEsc = True def remove_tmp_anchor(self): # type: () -> None """ Remove a temporary anchor point from the current target item. """ assert self.current_target_item is not None assert self.tmp_anchor_point is not None if self.direction == self.FROM_SOURCE: self.current_target_item.removeInputAnchor(self.tmp_anchor_point) else: self.current_target_item.removeOutputAnchor(self.tmp_anchor_point) self.tmp_anchor_point = None def update_tmp_anchor(self, item, scenePos): # type: (items.NodeItem, QPointF) -> None """ If hovering over a new compatible channel, move it. """ assert self.tmp_anchor_point is not None if self.direction == self.FROM_SOURCE: signal = item.inputAnchorItem.signalAtPos(scenePos, self.__target_compatible_signals) else: signal = item.outputAnchorItem.signalAtPos(scenePos, self.__target_compatible_signals) self.tmp_anchor_point.setSignal(signal) def create_tmp_anchor(self, item, scenePos): # type: (items.NodeItem, QPointF) -> None """ Create a new tmp anchor at the `item` (:class:`NodeItem`). """ assert self.tmp_anchor_point is None if self.direction == self.FROM_SOURCE: anchor = item.inputAnchorItem signal = anchor.signalAtPos(scenePos, self.__target_compatible_signals) self.tmp_anchor_point = item.newInputAnchor(signal) else: anchor = item.outputAnchorItem signal = anchor.signalAtPos(scenePos, self.__target_compatible_signals) self.tmp_anchor_point = item.newOutputAnchor(signal) def __possible_connection_signal_pairs( self, target_item: items.NodeItem ) -> Sequence[Tuple[OutputSignal, InputSignal]]: """ Return possible connection signal pairs between current `self.from_item` and `target_item`. """ if self.from_item is None: return [] node1 = self.scene.node_for_item(self.from_item) node2 = self.scene.node_for_item(target_item) if self.direction == self.FROM_SOURCE: links = self.scheme.propose_links(node1, node2, source_signal=self.from_signal) else: links = self.scheme.propose_links(node2, node1, sink_signal=self.from_signal) return [(s1, s2) for s1, s2, _ in links] def can_connect(self, target_item): # type: (items.NodeItem) -> bool """ Is the connection between `self.from_item` (item where the drag started) and `target_item` possible. """ return bool(self.__possible_connection_signal_pairs(target_item)) def set_link_target_anchor(self, anchor): # type: (items.AnchorPoint) -> None """ Set the temp line target anchor. """ assert self.tmp_link_item is not None if self.direction == self.FROM_SOURCE: self.tmp_link_item.setSinkItem(None, anchor=anchor) else: self.tmp_link_item.setSourceItem(None, anchor=anchor) def target_node_item_at(self, pos): # type: (QPointF) -> Optional[items.NodeItem] """ Return a suitable :class:`NodeItem` at position `pos` on which a link can be dropped. """ # Test for a suitable `NodeAnchorItem` or `NodeItem` at pos. if self.direction == self.FROM_SOURCE: anchor_type = items.SinkAnchorItem else: anchor_type = items.SourceAnchorItem item = self.scene.item_at(pos, (anchor_type, items.NodeItem)) if isinstance(item, anchor_type): return item.parentNodeItem() elif isinstance(item, items.NodeItem): return item else: return None def mousePressEvent(self, event): # type: (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent) -> bool anchor_item = self.scene.item_at( event.scenePos(), items.NodeAnchorItem ) if anchor_item is not None and event.button() == Qt.LeftButton: # Start a new link starting at item self.from_item = anchor_item.parentNodeItem() if isinstance(anchor_item, items.SourceAnchorItem): self.direction = NewLinkAction.FROM_SOURCE else: self.direction = NewLinkAction.FROM_SINK event.accept() helpevent = QuickHelpTipEvent("Create a new link"),'<h3>Create new link</h3>' '<p>Drag a link to an existing node or release on ' 'an empty spot to create a new node.</p>' '<p>Hold Shift when releasing the mouse button to ' 'edit connections.</p>' # '<a href="help://orange-canvas/create-new-links">' # 'More ...</a>' ) ) QCoreApplication.postEvent(self.document, helpevent) return True else: # Whoever put us in charge did not know what he was doing. self.cancel(self.ErrorReason) return False def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): # type: (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent) -> bool if self.tmp_link_item is None: # On first mouse move event create the temp link item and # initialize it to follow the `cursor_anchor_point`. self.tmp_link_item = items.LinkItem() # An anchor under the cursor for the duration of this action. self.cursor_anchor_point = items.AnchorPoint() self.cursor_anchor_point.setPos(event.scenePos()) # Set the `fixed` end of the temp link (where the drag started). scenePos = event.scenePos() if self.direction == self.FROM_SOURCE: anchor = self.from_item.outputAnchorItem else: anchor = self.from_item.inputAnchorItem anchor.setHovered(False) anchor.setCompatibleSignals(None) if anchor.anchorOpen(): signal = anchor.signalAtPos(scenePos) anchor.setKeepAnchorOpen(signal) else: signal = None self.from_signal = signal if self.direction == self.FROM_SOURCE: self.tmp_link_item.setSourceItem(self.from_item, signal) else: self.tmp_link_item.setSinkItem(self.from_item, signal) self.set_link_target_anchor(self.cursor_anchor_point) self.scene.addItem(self.tmp_link_item) assert self.cursor_anchor_point is not None # `NodeItem` at the cursor position item = self.target_node_item_at(event.scenePos()) if self.current_target_item is not None and \ (item is None or item is not self.current_target_item): # `current_target_item` is no longer under the mouse cursor # (was replaced by another item or the the cursor was moved over # an empty scene spot."%r is no longer the target.", self.current_target_item) if self.direction == self.FROM_SOURCE: anchor = self.current_target_item.inputAnchorItem else: anchor = self.current_target_item.outputAnchorItem if self.showing_incompatible_widget: anchor.setIncompatible(False) self.showing_incompatible_widget = False else: self.remove_tmp_anchor() anchor.setHovered(False) anchor.setCompatibleSignals(None) self.current_target_item = None if item is not None and item is not self.from_item: # The mouse is over a node item (different from the starting node) if self.current_target_item is item: # Mouse is over the same item scenePos = event.scenePos() # Move to new potential anchor if not self.showing_incompatible_widget: self.update_tmp_anchor(item, scenePos) else: self.set_link_target_anchor(self.cursor_anchor_point) elif self.can_connect(item): # Mouse is over a new item links = self.__possible_connection_signal_pairs(item)"%r is the new target.", item) if self.direction == self.FROM_SOURCE: self.__target_compatible_signals = [s2 for s1, s2 in links] item.inputAnchorItem.setCompatibleSignals( self.__target_compatible_signals) item.inputAnchorItem.setHovered(True) else: self.__target_compatible_signals = [s1 for s1, s2 in links] item.outputAnchorItem.setCompatibleSignals( self.__target_compatible_signals) item.outputAnchorItem.setHovered(True) scenePos = event.scenePos() self.create_tmp_anchor(item, scenePos) self.set_link_target_anchor( assert_not_none(self.tmp_anchor_point) ) self.current_target_item = item self.showing_incompatible_widget = False else:"%r does not have compatible channels", item) self.__target_compatible_signals = [] if self.direction == self.FROM_SOURCE: anchor = item.inputAnchorItem else: anchor = item.outputAnchorItem anchor.setCompatibleSignals( self.__target_compatible_signals) anchor.setHovered(True) anchor.setIncompatible(True) self.showing_incompatible_widget = True self.set_link_target_anchor(self.cursor_anchor_point) self.current_target_item = item else: self.showing_incompatible_widget = item is not None self.__target_compatible_signals = [] self.set_link_target_anchor(self.cursor_anchor_point) self.cursor_anchor_point.setPos(event.scenePos()) return True def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event): # type: (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent) -> bool if self.tmp_link_item is not None: item = self.target_node_item_at(event.scenePos()) node = None # type: Optional[Node] stack = self.document.undoStack() self.macro = UndoCommand("Add link")) if item: # If the release was over a node item then connect them node = self.scene.node_for_item(item) else: # Release on an empty canvas part # Show a quick menu popup for a new widget creation. try: node = self.create_new(event) except Exception: log.error("Failed to create a new node, ending.", exc_info=True) node = None if node is not None: commands.AddNodeCommand(self.scheme, node, parent=self.macro) if node is not None and not self.showing_incompatible_widget: if self.direction == self.FROM_SOURCE: source_node = self.scene.node_for_item(self.from_item) source_signal = self.from_signal sink_node = node if item is not None and item.inputAnchorItem.anchorOpen(): sink_signal = item.inputAnchorItem.signalAtPos( event.scenePos(), self.__target_compatible_signals ) else: sink_signal = None else: source_node = node if item is not None and item.outputAnchorItem.anchorOpen(): source_signal = item.outputAnchorItem.signalAtPos( event.scenePos(), self.__target_compatible_signals ) else: source_signal = None sink_node = self.scene.node_for_item(self.from_item) sink_signal = self.from_signal self.suggestions.set_direction(self.direction) self.connect_nodes(source_node, sink_node, source_signal, sink_signal) self.reset_open_anchor() if not self.isCanceled() or not self.isFinished() and \ self.macro is not None: # Push (commit) the add link/node action on the stack. stack.push(self.macro) self.end() return True else: self.end() return False def create_new(self, event): # type: (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent) -> Optional[Node] """ Create and return a new node with a `QuickMenu`. """ pos = event.screenPos() menu = self.document.quickMenu() node = self.scene.node_for_item(self.from_item) from_signal = self.from_signal from_desc = node.description def is_compatible( source_signal: OutputSignal, source: WidgetDescription, sink: WidgetDescription, sink_signal: InputSignal ) -> bool: return any(scheme.compatible_channels(output, input) for output in ([source_signal] if source_signal else source.outputs) for input in ([sink_signal] if sink_signal else sink.inputs)) from_sink = self.direction == self.FROM_SINK if from_sink: # Reverse the argument order. is_compatible = reversed_arguments(is_compatible) suggestion_sort = self.suggestions.get_source_suggestions( else: suggestion_sort = self.suggestions.get_sink_suggestions( def sort(left, right): # list stores frequencies, so sign is flipped return suggestion_sort[left] > suggestion_sort[right] menu.setSortingFunc(sort) def filter(index): desc = if isinstance(desc, WidgetDescription): return is_compatible(from_signal, from_desc, desc, None) else: return False menu.setFilterFunc(filter) menu.triggerSearch() try: action = menu.exec(pos) finally: menu.setFilterFunc(None) if action: item ="item") desc = pos = event.scenePos() # a new widget should be placed so that the connection # stays as it was offset = 31 * (-1 if self.direction == self.FROM_SINK else 1 if self.direction == self.FROM_SOURCE else 0) statistics = self.document.usageStatistics() statistics.begin_extend_action(from_sink, node) node = self.document.newNodeHelper(desc, position=(pos.x() + offset, pos.y())) return node else: return None def connect_nodes( self, source_node: Node, sink_node: Node, source_signal: Optional[OutputSignal] = None, sink_signal: Optional[InputSignal] = None ) -> None: """ Connect `source_node` to `sink_node`. If there are more then one equally weighted and non conflicting links possible present a detailed dialog for link editing. """ UsageStatistics.set_sink_anchor_open(sink_signal is not None) UsageStatistics.set_source_anchor_open(source_signal is not None) try: possible = self.scheme.propose_links(source_node, sink_node, source_signal, sink_signal) log.debug("proposed (weighted) links: %r", [(,, w) for s1, s2, w in possible]) if not possible: raise NoPossibleLinksError source, sink, w = possible[0] # just a list of signal tuples for now, will be converted # to SchemeLinks later links_to_add = [] # type: List[Link] links_to_remove = [] # type: List[Link] show_link_dialog = False # Ambiguous new link request. if len(possible) >= 2: # Check for possible ties in the proposed link weights _, _, w2 = possible[1] if w == w2: show_link_dialog = True # Check for destructive action (i.e. would the new link # replace a previous link) except for explicit only link # candidates if sink.single and w2 > 0 and \ self.scheme.find_links(sink_node=sink_node, sink_channel=sink): show_link_dialog = True if show_link_dialog: existing = self.scheme.find_links(source_node=source_node, sink_node=sink_node) if existing: # edit_links will populate the view with existing links initial_links = None else: initial_links = [(source, sink)] try: rstatus, links_to_add, links_to_remove = self.edit_links( source_node, sink_node, initial_links ) except Exception: log.error("Failed to edit the links", exc_info=True) raise if rstatus == EditLinksDialog.Rejected: raise UserCanceledError else: # links_to_add now needs to be a list of actual SchemeLinks links_to_add = [ scheme.SchemeLink(source_node, source, sink_node, sink) ] links_to_add, links_to_remove = \ add_links_plan(self.scheme, links_to_add) # Remove temp items before creating any new links self.cleanup() for link in links_to_remove: commands.RemoveLinkCommand(self.scheme, link, parent=self.macro) for link in links_to_add: # Check if the new requested link is a duplicate of an # existing link duplicate = self.scheme.find_links( link.source_node, link.source_channel, link.sink_node, link.sink_channel ) if not duplicate: commands.AddLinkCommand(self.scheme, link, parent=self.macro) except scheme.IncompatibleChannelTypeError:"Cannot connect: invalid channel types.") self.cancel() except scheme.SchemeTopologyError:"Cannot connect: connection creates a cycle.") self.cancel() except NoPossibleLinksError:"Cannot connect: no possible links.") self.cancel() except UserCanceledError:"User canceled a new link action.") self.cancel(UserInteraction.UserCancelReason) except Exception: log.error("An error occurred during the creation of a new link.", exc_info=True) self.cancel() def edit_links( self, source_node: Node, sink_node: Node, initial_links: 'Optional[List[OIPair]]' = None ) -> 'Tuple[int, List[Link], List[Link]]': """ Show and execute the `EditLinksDialog`. Optional `initial_links` list can provide a list of initial `(source, sink)` channel tuples to show in the view, otherwise the dialog is populated with existing links in the scheme (passing an empty list will disable all initial links). """ status, links_to_add_spec, links_to_remove_spec = \ edit_links( self.scheme, source_node, sink_node, initial_links, parent=self.document ) if status == EditLinksDialog.Accepted: links_to_add = [ scheme.SchemeLink( source_node, source_channel, sink_node, sink_channel ) for source_channel, sink_channel in links_to_add_spec ] links_to_remove = list(reduce( list.__iadd__, ( self.scheme.find_links( source_node, source_channel, sink_node, sink_channel ) for source_channel, sink_channel in links_to_remove_spec ), [] )) # type: List[Link] conflicting = [conflicting_single_link(self.scheme, link) for link in links_to_add] conflicting = [link for link in conflicting if link is not None] for link in conflicting: if link not in links_to_remove: links_to_remove.append(link) return status, links_to_add, links_to_remove else: return status, [], [] def end(self): # type: () -> None self.cleanup() self.reset_open_anchor() # Remove the help tip set in mousePressEvent self.macro = None helpevent = QuickHelpTipEvent("", "") QCoreApplication.postEvent(self.document, helpevent) super().end() def cancel(self, reason=UserInteraction.OtherReason): # type: (int) -> None self.cleanup() self.reset_open_anchor() super().cancel(reason) def cleanup(self): # type: () -> None """ Cleanup all temporary items in the scene that are left. """ if self.tmp_link_item: self.tmp_link_item.setSinkItem(None) self.tmp_link_item.setSourceItem(None) if self.tmp_link_item.scene(): self.scene.removeItem(self.tmp_link_item) self.tmp_link_item = None if self.current_target_item: if not self.showing_incompatible_widget: self.remove_tmp_anchor() else: if self.direction == self.FROM_SOURCE: anchor = self.current_target_item.inputAnchorItem else: anchor = self.current_target_item.outputAnchorItem anchor.setIncompatible(False) self.current_target_item = None if self.cursor_anchor_point and self.cursor_anchor_point.scene(): self.scene.removeItem(self.cursor_anchor_point) self.cursor_anchor_point = None def reset_open_anchor(self): """ This isn't part of cleanup, because it should retain its value until the link is created. """ if self.direction == self.FROM_SOURCE: anchor = self.from_item.outputAnchorItem else: anchor = self.from_item.inputAnchorItem anchor.setKeepAnchorOpen(None) def edit_links( scheme: Scheme, source_node: Node, sink_node: Node, initial_links: 'Optional[List[OIPair]]' = None, parent: 'Optional[QWidget]' = None ) -> 'Tuple[int, List[OIPair], List[OIPair]]': """ Show and execute the `EditLinksDialog`. Optional `initial_links` list can provide a list of initial `(source, sink)` channel tuples to show in the view, otherwise the dialog is populated with existing links in the scheme (passing an empty list will disable all initial links). """"Constructing a Link Editor dialog.") dlg = EditLinksDialog(parent, windowTitle="Edit Links") # all SchemeLinks between the two nodes. links = scheme.find_links(source_node=source_node, sink_node=sink_node) existing_links = [(link.source_channel, link.sink_channel) for link in links] if initial_links is None: initial_links = list(existing_links) dlg.setNodes(source_node, sink_node) dlg.setLinks(initial_links)"Executing a Link Editor Dialog.") rval = dlg.exec() if rval == EditLinksDialog.Accepted: edited_links = dlg.links() # Differences links_to_add = set(edited_links) - set(existing_links) links_to_remove = set(existing_links) - set(edited_links) return rval, list(links_to_add), list(links_to_remove) else: return rval, [], [] def add_links_plan(scheme, links, force_replace=False): # type: (Scheme, Iterable[Link], bool) -> Tuple[List[Link], List[Link]] """ Return a plan for adding a list of links to the scheme. """ links_to_add = list(links) links_to_remove = [conflicting_single_link(scheme, link) for link in links] links_to_remove = [link for link in links_to_remove if link is not None] if not force_replace: links_to_add, links_to_remove = remove_duplicates(links_to_add, links_to_remove) return links_to_add, links_to_remove def conflicting_single_link(scheme, link): # type: (Scheme, Link) -> Optional[Link] """ Find and return an existing link in `scheme` connected to the same input channel as `link` if the channel has the 'single' flag. If no such channel exists (or sink channel is not 'single') return `None`. """ if link.sink_channel.single: existing = scheme.find_links( sink_node=link.sink_node, sink_channel=link.sink_channel ) if existing: assert len(existing) == 1 return existing[0] return None def remove_duplicates(links_to_add, links_to_remove): # type: (List[Link], List[Link]) -> Tuple[List[Link], List[Link]] def link_key(link): # type: (Link) -> Tuple[Node, OutputSignal, Node, InputSignal] return (link.source_node, link.source_channel, link.sink_node, link.sink_channel) add_keys = list(map(link_key, links_to_add)) remove_keys = list(map(link_key, links_to_remove)) duplicate_keys = set(add_keys).intersection(remove_keys) def not_duplicate(link): # type: (Link) -> bool return link_key(link) not in duplicate_keys links_to_add = list(filter(not_duplicate, links_to_add)) links_to_remove = list(filter(not_duplicate, links_to_remove)) return links_to_add, links_to_remove class NewNodeAction(UserInteraction): """ Present the user with a quick menu for node selection and create the selected node. """ def mousePressEvent(self, event): # type: (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent) -> bool if event.button() == Qt.RightButton: self.create_new(event.screenPos()) self.end() return True def create_new(self, pos, search_text=""): # type: (QPoint, str) -> Optional[Node] """ Create and add new node to the workflow using `QuickMenu` popup at `pos` (in screen coordinates). """ menu = self.document.quickMenu() menu.setFilterFunc(None) # compares probability of the user needing the widget as a source def defaultSort(left, right): default_suggestions = self.suggestions.get_default_suggestions() left_frequency = sum(default_suggestions[left].values()) right_frequency = sum(default_suggestions[right].values()) return left_frequency > right_frequency menu.setSortingFunc(defaultSort) action = menu.exec(pos, search_text) if action: item ="item") desc = # Get the scene position view = self.document.view() pos = view.mapToScene(view.mapFromGlobal(pos)) statistics = self.document.usageStatistics() statistics.begin_action(UsageStatistics.QuickMenu) node = self.document.newNodeHelper(desc, position=(pos.x(), pos.y())) self.document.addNode(node) return node else: return None class RectangleSelectionAction(UserInteraction): """ Select items in the scene using a Rectangle selection """ def __init__(self, document, *args, **kwargs): # type: (SchemeEditWidget, Any, Any) -> None super().__init__(document, *args, **kwargs) # The initial selection at drag start self.initial_selection = None # type: Optional[Set[QGraphicsItem]] # Selection when last updated in a mouseMoveEvent self.last_selection = None # type: Optional[Set[QGraphicsItem]] # A selection rect (`QRectF`) self.selection_rect = None # type: Optional[QRectF] # Keyboard modifiers self.modifiers = Qt.NoModifier self.rect_item = None # type: Optional[QGraphicsRectItem] def mousePressEvent(self, event): # type: (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent) -> bool pos = event.scenePos() any_item = self.scene.item_at(pos) if not any_item and event.button() & Qt.LeftButton: self.modifiers = event.modifiers() self.selection_rect = QRectF(pos, QSizeF(0, 0)) self.rect_item = QGraphicsRectItem( self.selection_rect.normalized() ) self.rect_item.setPen( QPen(QBrush(QColor(51, 153, 255, 192)), 0.4, Qt.SolidLine, Qt.RoundCap) ) self.rect_item.setBrush( QBrush(QColor(168, 202, 236, 192)) ) self.rect_item.setZValue(-100) # Clear the focus if necessary. if not self.scene.stickyFocus(): self.scene.clearFocus() if not self.modifiers & Qt.ControlModifier: self.scene.clearSelection() event.accept() return True else: self.cancel(self.ErrorReason) return False def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): # type: (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent) -> bool if self.rect_item is not None and not self.rect_item.scene(): # Add the rect item to the scene when the mouse moves. self.scene.addItem(self.rect_item) self.update_selection(event) return True def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event): # type: (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent) -> bool if event.button() == Qt.LeftButton: if self.initial_selection is None: # A single click. self.scene.clearSelection() else: self.update_selection(event) self.end() return True def update_selection(self, event): # type: (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent) -> None """ Update the selection rectangle from a QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent `event` instance. """ if self.initial_selection is None: self.initial_selection = set(self.scene.selectedItems()) self.last_selection = self.initial_selection assert self.selection_rect is not None assert self.rect_item is not None assert self.initial_selection is not None assert self.last_selection is not None pos = event.scenePos() self.selection_rect = QRectF(self.selection_rect.topLeft(), pos) # Make sure the rect_item does not cause the scene rect to grow. rect = self._bound_selection_rect(self.selection_rect.normalized()) # Need that 0.5 constant otherwise the sceneRect will still # grow (anti-aliasing correction by QGraphicsScene?) pw = self.rect_item.pen().width() + 0.5 self.rect_item.setRect(rect.adjusted(pw, pw, -pw, -pw)) selected = self.scene.items(self.selection_rect.normalized(), Qt.IntersectsItemShape, Qt.AscendingOrder) selected = set([item for item in selected if item.flags() & QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable]) if self.modifiers & Qt.ControlModifier: for item in selected | self.last_selection | \ self.initial_selection: item.setSelected( (item in selected) ^ (item in self.initial_selection) ) else: for item in selected.union(self.last_selection): item.setSelected(item in selected) self.last_selection = set(self.scene.selectedItems()) def end(self): # type: () -> None self.initial_selection = None self.last_selection = None self.modifiers = Qt.NoModifier if self.rect_item is not None: self.rect_item.hide() if self.rect_item.scene() is not None: self.scene.removeItem(self.rect_item) super().end() def viewport_rect(self): # type: () -> QRectF """ Return the bounding rect of the document's viewport on the scene. """ view = self.document.view() vsize = view.viewport().size() viewportrect = QRect(0, 0, vsize.width(), vsize.height()) return view.mapToScene(viewportrect).boundingRect() def _bound_selection_rect(self, rect): # type: (QRectF) -> QRectF """ Bound the selection `rect` to a sensible size. """ srect = self.scene.sceneRect() vrect = self.viewport_rect() maxrect = srect.united(vrect) return rect.intersected(maxrect) class EditNodeLinksAction(UserInteraction): """ Edit multiple links between two :class:`SchemeNode` instances using a :class:`EditLinksDialog` Parameters ---------- document : :class:`SchemeEditWidget` The editor widget. source_node : :class:`SchemeNode` The source (link start) node for the link editor. sink_node : :class:`SchemeNode` The sink (link end) node for the link editor. """ def __init__(self, document, source_node, sink_node, *args, **kwargs): # type: (SchemeEditWidget, Node, Node, Any, Any) -> None super().__init__(document, *args, **kwargs) self.source_node = source_node self.sink_node = sink_node def edit_links(self, initial_links=None): # type: (Optional[List[OIPair]]) -> None """ Show and execute the `EditLinksDialog`. Optional `initial_links` list can provide a list of initial `(source, sink)` channel tuples to show in the view, otherwise the dialog is populated with existing links in the scheme (passing an empty list will disable all initial links). """"Constructing a Link Editor dialog.") dlg = EditLinksDialog(self.document, windowTitle="Edit Links") links = self.scheme.find_links(source_node=self.source_node, sink_node=self.sink_node) existing_links = [(link.source_channel, link.sink_channel) for link in links] if initial_links is None: initial_links = list(existing_links) dlg.setNodes(self.source_node, self.sink_node) dlg.setLinks(initial_links)"Executing a Link Editor Dialog.") rval = dlg.exec() if rval == EditLinksDialog.Accepted: links_spec = dlg.links() links_to_add = set(links_spec) - set(existing_links) links_to_remove = set(existing_links) - set(links_spec) stack = self.document.undoStack() stack.beginMacro("Edit Links") # First remove links into a 'Single' sink channel, # but only the ones that do not have self.source_node as # a source (they will be removed later from links_to_remove) for _, sink_channel in links_to_add: if sink_channel.single: existing = self.scheme.find_links( sink_node=self.sink_node, sink_channel=sink_channel ) existing = [link for link in existing if link.source_node is not self.source_node] if existing: assert len(existing) == 1 self.document.removeLink(existing[0]) for source_channel, sink_channel in links_to_remove: links = self.scheme.find_links(source_node=self.source_node, source_channel=source_channel, sink_node=self.sink_node, sink_channel=sink_channel) assert len(links) == 1 self.document.removeLink(links[0]) for source_channel, sink_channel in links_to_add: link = scheme.SchemeLink(self.source_node, source_channel, self.sink_node, sink_channel) self.document.addLink(link) stack.endMacro() def point_to_tuple(point): # type: (QPointF) -> Tuple[float, float] """ Convert a QPointF into a (x, y) tuple. """ return (point.x(), point.y()) class NewArrowAnnotation(UserInteraction): """ Create a new arrow annotation handler. """ def __init__(self, document, *args, **kwargs): # type: (SchemeEditWidget, Any, Any) -> None super().__init__(document, *args, **kwargs) self.down_pos = None # type: Optional[QPointF] self.arrow_item = None # type: Optional[items.ArrowAnnotation] self.annotation = None # type: Optional[scheme.SchemeArrowAnnotation] self.color = "red" self.cancelOnEsc = True def start(self): # type: () -> None self.document.view().setCursor(Qt.CrossCursor) helpevent = QuickHelpTipEvent("Click and drag to create a new arrow"),'<h3>New arrow annotation</h3>' '<p>Click and drag to create a new arrow annotation</p>' # '<a href="help://orange-canvas/arrow-annotations>' # 'More ...</a>' ) ) QCoreApplication.postEvent(self.document, helpevent) super().start() def setColor(self, color): """ Set the color for the new arrow. """ self.color = color def mousePressEvent(self, event): # type: (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent) -> bool if event.button() == Qt.LeftButton: self.down_pos = event.scenePos() event.accept() return True else: return super().mousePressEvent(event) def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): # type: (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent) -> bool if event.buttons() & Qt.LeftButton: assert self.down_pos is not None if self.arrow_item is None and \ (self.down_pos - event.scenePos()).manhattanLength() > \ QApplication.instance().startDragDistance(): annot = scheme.SchemeArrowAnnotation( point_to_tuple(self.down_pos), point_to_tuple(event.scenePos()) ) annot.set_color(self.color) item = self.scene.add_annotation(annot) self.arrow_item = item self.annotation = annot if self.arrow_item is not None: p1, p2 = map(self.arrow_item.mapFromScene, (self.down_pos, event.scenePos())) self.arrow_item.setLine(QLineF(p1, p2)) event.accept() return True else: return super().mouseMoveEvent(event) def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event): # type: (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent) -> bool if event.button() == Qt.LeftButton: if self.arrow_item is not None: assert self.down_pos is not None and self.annotation is not None p1, p2 = self.down_pos, event.scenePos() # Commit the annotation to the scheme self.annotation.set_line(point_to_tuple(p1), point_to_tuple(p2)) self.document.addAnnotation(self.annotation) p1, p2 = map(self.arrow_item.mapFromScene, (p1, p2)) self.arrow_item.setLine(QLineF(p1, p2)) self.end() return True else: return super().mouseReleaseEvent(event) def cancel(self, reason=UserInteraction.OtherReason): # type: (int) -> None if self.arrow_item is not None: self.scene.removeItem(self.arrow_item) self.arrow_item = None super().cancel(reason) def end(self): # type: () -> None self.down_pos = None self.arrow_item = None self.annotation = None self.document.view().setCursor(Qt.ArrowCursor) # Clear the help tip helpevent = QuickHelpTipEvent("", "") QCoreApplication.postEvent(self.document, helpevent) super().end() def rect_to_tuple(rect): # type: (QRectF) -> Tuple[float, float, float, float] """ Convert a QRectF into a (x, y, width, height) tuple. """ return rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height() class NewTextAnnotation(UserInteraction): """ A New Text Annotation interaction handler """ def __init__(self, document, *args, **kwargs): # type: (SchemeEditWidget, Any, Any) -> None super().__init__(document, *args, **kwargs) self.down_pos = None # type: Optional[QPointF] self.annotation_item = None # type: Optional[items.TextAnnotation] self.annotation = None # type: Optional[scheme.SchemeTextAnnotation] self.control = None # type: Optional[controlpoints.ControlPointRect] self.font = document.font() # type: QFont self.cancelOnEsc = True def setFont(self, font): # type: (QFont) -> None self.font = QFont(font) def start(self): # type: () -> None self.document.view().setCursor(Qt.CrossCursor) helpevent = QuickHelpTipEvent("Click to create a new text annotation"),'<h3>New text annotation</h3>' '<p>Click (and drag to resize) on the canvas to create ' 'a new text annotation item.</p>' # '<a href="help://orange-canvas/text-annotations">' # 'More ...</a>' ) ) QCoreApplication.postEvent(self.document, helpevent) super().start() def createNewAnnotation(self, rect): # type: (QRectF) -> None """ Create a new TextAnnotation at with `rect` as the geometry. """ annot = scheme.SchemeTextAnnotation(rect_to_tuple(rect)) font = {"family":, "size": self.font.pixelSize()} annot.set_font(font) item = self.scene.add_annotation(annot) item.setTextInteractionFlags(Qt.TextEditorInteraction) item.setFramePen(QPen(Qt.DashLine)) self.annotation_item = item self.annotation = annot self.control = controlpoints.ControlPointRect() self.control.rectChanged.connect(item.setGeometry) self.scene.addItem(self.control) def mousePressEvent(self, event): # type: (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent) -> bool if event.button() == Qt.LeftButton: self.down_pos = event.scenePos() return True return super().mousePressEvent(event) def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): # type: (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent) -> bool if event.buttons() & Qt.LeftButton: assert self.down_pos is not None if self.annotation_item is None and \ (self.down_pos - event.scenePos()).manhattanLength() > \ QApplication.instance().startDragDistance(): rect = QRectF(self.down_pos, event.scenePos()).normalized() self.createNewAnnotation(rect) if self.annotation_item is not None: assert self.control is not None rect = QRectF(self.down_pos, event.scenePos()).normalized() self.control.setRect(rect) return True return super().mouseMoveEvent(event) def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event): # type: (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent) -> bool if event.button() == Qt.LeftButton: if self.annotation_item is None: self.createNewAnnotation(QRectF(event.scenePos(), event.scenePos())) rect = self.defaultTextGeometry(event.scenePos()) else: assert self.down_pos is not None rect = QRectF(self.down_pos, event.scenePos()).normalized() assert self.annotation_item is not None assert self.control is not None assert self.annotation is not None # Commit the annotation to the scheme. self.annotation.rect = rect_to_tuple(rect) self.document.addAnnotation(self.annotation) self.annotation_item.setGeometry(rect) self.control.rectChanged.disconnect( self.annotation_item.setGeometry ) self.control.hide() # Move the focus to the editor. self.annotation_item.setFramePen(QPen(Qt.NoPen)) self.annotation_item.setFocus(Qt.OtherFocusReason) self.annotation_item.startEdit() self.end() return True return super().mouseMoveEvent(event) def defaultTextGeometry(self, point): # type: (QPointF) -> QRectF """ Return the default text geometry. Used in case the user single clicked in the scene. """ assert self.annotation_item is not None font = self.annotation_item.font() metrics = QFontMetrics(font) spacing = metrics.lineSpacing() margin = self.annotation_item.document().documentMargin() rect = QRectF(QPointF(point.x(), point.y() - spacing - margin), QSizeF(150, spacing + 2 * margin)) return rect def cancel(self, reason=UserInteraction.OtherReason): # type: (int) -> None if self.annotation_item is not None: self.annotation_item.clearFocus() self.scene.removeItem(self.annotation_item) self.annotation_item = None super().cancel(reason) def end(self): # type: () -> None if self.control is not None: self.scene.removeItem(self.control) self.control = None self.down_pos = None self.annotation_item = None self.annotation = None self.document.view().setCursor(Qt.ArrowCursor) # Clear the help tip helpevent = QuickHelpTipEvent("", "") QCoreApplication.postEvent(self.document, helpevent) super().end() class ResizeTextAnnotation(UserInteraction): """ Resize a Text Annotation interaction handler. """ def __init__(self, document, *args, **kwargs): # type: (SchemeEditWidget, Any, Any) -> None super().__init__(document, *args, **kwargs) self.item = None # type: Optional[items.TextAnnotation] self.annotation = None # type: Optional[scheme.SchemeTextAnnotation] self.control = None # type: Optional[controlpoints.ControlPointRect] self.savedFramePen = None # type: Optional[QPen] self.savedRect = None # type: Optional[QRectF] def mousePressEvent(self, event): # type: (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent) -> bool pos = event.scenePos() if event.button() & Qt.LeftButton and self.item is None: item = self.scene.item_at(pos, items.TextAnnotation) if item is not None and not item.hasFocus(): self.editItem(item) return False return super().mousePressEvent(event) def editItem(self, item): # type: (items.TextAnnotation) -> None annotation = self.scene.annotation_for_item(item) rect = item.geometry() # TODO: map to scene if item has a parent. control = controlpoints.ControlPointRect(rect=rect) self.scene.addItem(control) self.savedFramePen = item.framePen() self.savedRect = rect control.rectEdited.connect(item.setGeometry) control.setFocusProxy(item) item.setFramePen(QPen(Qt.DashDotLine)) item.geometryChanged.connect(self.__on_textGeometryChanged) self.item = item self.annotation = annotation self.control = control def commit(self): # type: () -> None """ Commit the current item geometry state to the document. """ if self.item is None: return rect = self.item.geometry() if self.savedRect != rect: command = commands.SetAttrCommand( self.annotation, "rect", (rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height()), name="Edit text geometry" ) self.document.undoStack().push(command) self.savedRect = rect def __on_editingFinished(self): # type: () -> None self.commit() self.end() def __on_rectEdited(self, rect): # type: (QRectF) -> None assert self.item is not None self.item.setGeometry(rect) def __on_textGeometryChanged(self): # type: () -> None assert self.control is not None and self.item is not None if not self.control.isControlActive(): rect = self.item.geometry() self.control.setRect(rect) def cancel(self, reason=UserInteraction.OtherReason): # type: (int) -> None log.debug("ResizeTextAnnotation.cancel(%s)", reason) if self.item is not None and self.savedRect is not None: self.item.setGeometry(self.savedRect) super().cancel(reason) def end(self): # type: () -> None if self.control is not None: self.scene.removeItem(self.control) if self.item is not None and self.savedFramePen is not None: self.item.setFramePen(self.savedFramePen) self.item = None self.annotation = None self.control = None super().end() class ResizeArrowAnnotation(UserInteraction): """ Resize an Arrow Annotation interaction handler. """ def __init__(self, document, *args, **kwargs): # type: (SchemeEditWidget, Any, Any) -> None super().__init__(document, *args, **kwargs) self.item = None # type: Optional[items.ArrowAnnotation] self.annotation = None # type: Optional[scheme.SchemeArrowAnnotation] self.control = None # type: Optional[controlpoints.ControlPointLine] self.savedLine = None # type: Optional[QLineF] def mousePressEvent(self, event): # type: (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent) -> bool pos = event.scenePos() if self.item is None: item = self.scene.item_at(pos, items.ArrowAnnotation) if item is not None and not item.hasFocus(): self.editItem(item) return False return super().mousePressEvent(event) def editItem(self, item): # type: (items.ArrowAnnotation) -> None annotation = self.scene.annotation_for_item(item) control = controlpoints.ControlPointLine() self.scene.addItem(control) line = item.line() self.savedLine = line p1, p2 = map(item.mapToScene, (line.p1(), line.p2())) control.setLine(QLineF(p1, p2)) control.setFocusProxy(item) control.lineEdited.connect(self.__on_lineEdited) item.geometryChanged.connect(self.__on_lineGeometryChanged) self.item = item self.annotation = annotation self.control = control def commit(self): # type: () -> None """Commit the current geometry of the item to the document. Does nothing if the actual geometry has not changed. """ if self.control is None or self.item is None: return line = self.control.line() p1, p2 = line.p1(), line.p2() if self.item.line() != self.savedLine: command = commands.SetAttrCommand( self.annotation, "geometry", ((p1.x(), p1.y()), (p2.x(), p2.y())), name="Edit arrow geometry", ) self.document.undoStack().push(command) self.savedLine = self.item.line() def __on_editingFinished(self): # type: () -> None self.commit() self.end() def __on_lineEdited(self, line): # type: (QLineF) -> None if self.item is not None: p1, p2 = map(self.item.mapFromScene, (line.p1(), line.p2())) self.item.setLine(QLineF(p1, p2)) def __on_lineGeometryChanged(self): # type: () -> None # Possible geometry change from out of our control, for instance # item move as a part of a selection group. assert self.control is not None and self.item is not None if not self.control.isControlActive(): assert self.item is not None line = self.item.line() p1, p2 = map(self.item.mapToScene, (line.p1(), line.p2())) self.control.setLine(QLineF(p1, p2)) def cancel(self, reason=UserInteraction.OtherReason): # type: (int) -> None log.debug("ResizeArrowAnnotation.cancel(%s)", reason) if self.item is not None and self.savedLine is not None: self.item.setLine(self.savedLine) super().cancel(reason) def end(self): # type: () -> None if self.control is not None: self.scene.removeItem(self.control) if self.item is not None: self.item.geometryChanged.disconnect(self.__on_lineGeometryChanged) self.control = None self.item = None self.annotation = None super().end()
[docs]class DropHandler(abc.ABC): """ An abstract drop handler. .. versionadded:: 0.1.20 """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def accepts(self, document: 'SchemeEditWidget', event: 'QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent') -> bool: """ Returns True if a `document` can accept a drop of the data from `event`. """ return False
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def doDrop(self, document: 'SchemeEditWidget', event: 'QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent') -> bool: """ Complete the drop of data from `event` onto the `document`. """ return False
[docs]class DropHandlerAction(abc.ABC):
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def actionFromDropEvent( self, document: 'SchemeEditWidget', event: 'QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent' ) -> QAction: """ Create and return an QAction representing a drop action. This action is used to disambiguate between possible drop actions. The action can have sub menus, however all actions in submenus **must** have the `DropHandler` instance set as their ``. The actions **must not** execute the actual drop from their triggered slot connections. The drop will be dispatched to the `` handler's `doDrop()` after that action is triggered and the menu is closed. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class NodeFromMimeDataDropHandler(DropHandler, DropHandlerAction): """ Create a new node from dropped mime data. Subclasses must override `canDropMimeData`, `parametersFromMimeData`, and `qualifiedName`. .. versionadded:: 0.1.20 """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def qualifiedName(self) -> str: """ The qualified name for the node created by this handler. The handler will not be invoked if this name does not appear in the registry associated with the workflow. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def canDropMimeData(self, document: 'SchemeEditWidget', data: 'QMimeData') -> bool: """ Can the handler create a node from the drop mime data. Reimplement this in a subclass to check if the `data` has appropriate format. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def parametersFromMimeData(self, document: 'SchemeEditWidget', data: 'QMimeData') -> 'Dict[str, Any]': """ Return the node parameters based from the drop mime data. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def accepts(self, document: 'SchemeEditWidget', event: 'QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent') -> bool: """Reimplemented.""" reg = document.registry() if not reg.has_widget(self.qualifiedName()): return False return self.canDropMimeData(document, event.mimeData())
def nodeFromMimeData(self, document: 'SchemeEditWidget', data: 'QMimeData') -> 'Node': reg = document.registry() wd = reg.widget(self.qualifiedName()) node = document.newNodeHelper(wd) parameters = self.parametersFromMimeData(document, data) = parameters return node
[docs] def doDrop(self, document: 'SchemeEditWidget', event: 'QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent') -> bool: """Reimplemented.""" reg = document.registry() if not reg.has_widget(self.qualifiedName()): return False node = self.nodeFromMimeData(document, event.mimeData()) node.position = (event.scenePos().x(), event.scenePos().y()) activate = self.shouldActivateNode() wd = document.widgetManager() if activate and wd is not None: def activate(node_, widget): if node_ is node: try: self.activateNode(document, node, widget) finally: # self-disconnect the slot wd.widget_for_node_added.disconnect(activate) wd.widget_for_node_added.connect(activate) document.addNode(node) if activate: QApplication.postEvent(node, WorkflowEvent(WorkflowEvent.NodeActivateRequest)) return True
[docs] def shouldActivateNode(self) -> bool: """ Should the new dropped node activate (open GUI controller) immediately. If this method returns `True` then the `activateNode` method will be called after the node has been added and the GUI controller created. The default implementation returns False. """ return False
[docs] def activateNode(self, document: 'SchemeEditWidget', node: 'Node', widget: 'QWidget') -> None: """ Activate (open) the `node`'s GUI controller `widget` after a completed drop. Reimplement this if the node requires further configuration via the GUI. The default implementation delegates to the :class:`WidgetManager` associated with the document. """ wd = document.widgetManager() if wd is not None: wd.activate_widget_for_node(node, widget) else:
[docs] def actionFromDropEvent( self, document: 'SchemeEditWidget', event: 'QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent' ) -> QAction: """Reimplemented.""" reg = document.registry() ac = QAction(None) ac.setData(self) if reg is not None: desc = reg.widget(self.qualifiedName()) ac.setText( ac.setToolTip(tooltip_helper(desc)) ac.setWhatsThis(whats_this_helper(desc)) else: ac.setText(f"{self.qualifiedName()}") ac.setEnabled(False) ac.setVisible(False) return ac
def load_entry_point( ep: EntryPoint, log: logging.Logger = None, ) -> Tuple['EntryPoint', Any]: if log is None: log = logging.getLogger(__name__) try: value = ep.load() except (ImportError, AttributeError): log.exception("Could not load %s", ep) except Exception: # noqa log.exception("Unexpected Error; %s will be skipped", ep) else: return ep, value def iter_load_entry_points( iter: Iterable[EntryPoint], log: logging.Logger = None, ): if log is None: log = logging.getLogger(__name__) for ep in iter: try: ep, value = load_entry_point(ep, log) except Exception: pass else: yield ep, value
[docs]class PluginDropHandler(DropHandler): """ Delegate drop event processing to plugin drop handlers. .. versionadded:: 0.1.20 """ #: The default entry point group ENTRY_POINT = "orangecanvas.document.interactions.DropHandler" def __init__(self, group=ENTRY_POINT, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.__group = group
[docs] def iterEntryPoints(self) -> Iterable['EntryPoint']: """ Return an iterator over all entry points. """ eps = entry_points(group=self.__group) # Can have duplicated entries here if a distribution is *found* via # different `sys.meta_path` handlers and/or on different `sys.path` # entries. return unique(eps, key=lambda ep: ep.value)
__entryPoints = None
[docs] def entryPoints(self) -> Iterable[Tuple['EntryPoint', 'DropHandler']]: """ Return an iterator over entry points and instantiated drop handlers. """ eps = [] if self.__entryPoints: ep_iter = self.__entryPoints store_eps = lambda ep, value: None else: ep_iter = self.iterEntryPoints() ep_iter = iter_load_entry_points(ep_iter, log) store_eps = lambda ep, value: eps.append((ep, value)) for ep, value in ep_iter: if not issubclass(value, DropHandler): log.error( f"{ep} yielded {type(value)}, expected a " f"{DropHandler} subtype" ) continue try: handler = value() except Exception: # noqa log.exception("Error in default constructor of %s", value) else: yield ep, handler store_eps(ep, value) self.__entryPoints = tuple(eps)
__accepts: Sequence[Tuple[EntryPoint, DropHandler]] = ()
[docs] def accepts(self, document: 'SchemeEditWidget', event: 'QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent') -> bool: """ Reimplemented. Accept the event if any plugin handlers accept the event. """ accepts = [] self.__accepts = () for ep, handler in self.entryPoints(): if handler.accepts(document, event): accepts.append((ep, handler)) self.__accepts = tuple(accepts) return bool(accepts)
[docs] def doDrop( self, document: 'SchemeEditWidget', event: 'QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent' ) -> bool: """ Reimplemented. Dispatch the drop to the plugin handler that accepted the event. In case there are multiple handlers that accepted the event, a menu is used to select the handler. """ handler: Optional[DropHandler] = None if len(self.__accepts) == 1: ep, handler = self.__accepts[0] elif len(self.__accepts) > 1: class Title(QWidgetAction): def createWidget(self, parent): return QLabel("<b>Select a widget</b>", parent, margin=2) menu = QMenu(event.widget()) menu.addAction(Title(menu)) separator = QAction() separator.setSeparator(True) menu.addAction(separator) for ep_, handler_ in self.__accepts: ac = action_for_handler(handler_, document, event) if ac is None: ac = menu.addAction(, ) else: menu.addAction(ac) ac.setParent(menu) if not ac.toolTip(): ac.setToolTip(f"{} ({ep_.module_name})") ac.setData(handler_) action = menu.exec(event.screenPos()) if action is not None: handler = if handler is None: return False return handler.doDrop(document, event)
def action_for_handler(handler: DropHandler, document, event) -> Optional[QAction]: if isinstance(handler, DropHandlerAction): return handler.actionFromDropEvent(document, event) else: return None
[docs]class DropAction(UserInteraction): """ A drop action on the workflow. """ def __init__( self, document, *args, dropHandlers: Sequence[DropHandler] = (), **kwargs ) -> None: super().__init__(document, *args, **kwargs) self.__designatedAction: Optional[DropHandler] = None self.__dropHandlers = dropHandlers
[docs] def dropHandlers(self) -> Iterable[DropHandler]: """Return an iterable over drop handlers.""" return iter(self.__dropHandlers)
[docs] def canHandleDrop(self, event: 'QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent') -> bool: """ Can this interactions handle the drop `event`. The default implementation checks each `dropHandler` if it :func:`~DropHandler.accepts` the event. The first such handler that accepts is selected to be the designated handler and will receive the drop (:func:`~DropHandler.doDrop`). """ for ep in self.dropHandlers(): if ep.accepts(self.document, event): self.__designatedAction = ep return True else: return False
[docs] def dragEnterEvent(self, event): if self.canHandleDrop(event): event.acceptProposedAction() return True else: return False
[docs] def dragMoveEvent(self, event): if self.canHandleDrop(event): event.acceptProposedAction() return True else: return False
[docs] def dragLeaveEvent(self, even): self.__designatedAction = None self.end() return False
[docs] def dropEvent(self, event): if self.__designatedAction is not None: try: res = self.__designatedAction.doDrop(self.document, event) except Exception: # noqa log.exception("") res = False if res: event.acceptProposedAction() self.end() return True else: self.end() return False