Source code for orangecanvas.application.canvasmain

Orange Canvas Main Window

import os
import sys
import logging
import operator
import io
import traceback
from concurrent import futures

from xml.sax.saxutils import escape
from functools import partial, reduce
from types import SimpleNamespace
from typing import (
    Optional, List, Union, Any, cast, Dict, Callable, IO, Sequence, Iterable,
    Tuple, TypeVar, Awaitable,

from AnyQt.QtWidgets import (
    QMainWindow, QWidget, QAction, QActionGroup, QMenu, QMenuBar, QDialog,
    QFileDialog, QMessageBox, QVBoxLayout, QSizePolicy, QToolBar, QToolButton,
    QDockWidget, QApplication, QShortcut, QFileIconProvider
from AnyQt.QtGui import (
    QColor, QDesktopServices, QKeySequence,
    QWhatsThisClickedEvent, QShowEvent, QCloseEvent
from AnyQt.QtCore import (
    Qt, QObject, QEvent, QSize, QUrl, QByteArray, QFileInfo,
    QSettings, QStandardPaths, QAbstractItemModel, QMimeData, QT_VERSION)

    from AnyQt.QtWebEngineWidgets import QWebEngineView
except ImportError:
    QWebEngineView = None  # type: ignore
        from AnyQt.QtWebKitWidgets import QWebView
        from AnyQt.QtNetwork import QNetworkDiskCache
    except ImportError:
        QWebView = None   # type: ignore

from AnyQt.QtCore import (
    pyqtProperty as Property, pyqtSignal as Signal

from ..scheme import Scheme, IncompatibleChannelTypeError, SchemeNode
from ..scheme import readwrite
from ..scheme.readwrite import UnknownWidgetDefinition
from ..gui.dropshadow import DropShadowFrame
from ..gui.dock import CollapsibleDockWidget
from ..gui.quickhelp import QuickHelpTipEvent
from ..gui.utils import message_critical, message_question, \
                        message_warning, message_information

from ..document.usagestatistics import UsageStatistics
from import HelpManager

from .canvastooldock import CanvasToolDock, QuickCategoryToolbar, \
                            CategoryPopupMenu, popup_position_from_source
from .aboutdialog import AboutDialog
from .schemeinfo import SchemeInfoDialog
from .outputview import OutputView, TextStream
from .settings import UserSettingsDialog, category_state
from .utils.addons import normalize_name, is_requirement_available
from ..document.schemeedit import SchemeEditWidget
from ..document.quickmenu import QuickMenu
from ..document.commands import UndoCommand
from ..document import interactions
from ..gui.itemmodels import FilterProxyModel
from ..gui.windowlistmanager import WindowListManager
from ..registry import WidgetRegistry, WidgetDescription, CategoryDescription
from ..registry.qt import QtWidgetRegistry
from ..utils.settings import QSettings_readArray, QSettings_writeArray
from ..utils.qinvoke import qinvoke
from ..utils.pickle import Pickler, Unpickler, glob_scratch_swps, swp_name, \
    canvas_scratch_name_memo, register_loaded_swp
from ..utils import unique, group_by_all, set_flag, findf
from ..utils.asyncutils import get_event_loop
from ..utils.qobjref import qobjref
from . import welcomedialog
from . import addons
from ..preview import previewdialog, previewmodel
from .. import config
from . import examples
from ..resources import load_styled_svg_icon

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def user_documents_path():
    Return the users 'Documents' folder path.
    return QStandardPaths.writableLocation(QStandardPaths.DocumentsLocation)

class FakeToolBar(QToolBar):
    """A Toolbar with no contents (used to reserve top and bottom margins
    on the main window).

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        # Don't show the tool bar action in the main window's
        # context menu.

    def paintEvent(self, event):
        # Do nothing.

class DockWidget(QDockWidget):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        shortcuts = [
        for kseq in shortcuts:
            QShortcut(kseq, self, self.close,

[docs]class CanvasMainWindow(QMainWindow): SETTINGS_VERSION = 3 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.__scheme_margins_enabled = True self.__document_title = "untitled" self.__first_show = True self.__is_transient = True self.widget_registry = None # type: Optional[WidgetRegistry] self.__registry_model = None # type: Optional[QAbstractItemModel] # Proxy widget registry model self.__proxy_model = None # type: Optional[FilterProxyModel] # TODO: Help view and manager to separate singleton instance. = None # type: HelpManager self.help_view = None self.help_dock = None # TODO: Log view to separate singleton instance. self.output_dock = None # TODO: sync between CanvasMainWindow instances?. settings = QSettings() recent = QSettings_readArray( settings, "mainwindow/recent-items", {"title": str, "path": str} ) recent = [RecentItem(**item) for item in recent] recent = [item for item in recent if os.path.exists(item.path)] self.recent_schemes = recent self.num_recent_schemes = 15 = HelpManager(self) self.setup_actions() self.setup_ui() self.setup_menu() windowmanager = WindowListManager.instance() windowmanager.addWindow(self) self.window_menu.addSeparator() self.window_menu.addActions(windowmanager.actions()) windowmanager.windowAdded.connect(self.__window_added) windowmanager.windowRemoved.connect(self.__window_removed) self.restore() def setup_ui(self): """Setup main canvas ui """ # Two dummy tool bars to reserve space self.__dummy_top_toolbar = FakeToolBar( objectName="__dummy_top_toolbar") self.__dummy_bottom_toolbar = FakeToolBar( objectName="__dummy_bottom_toolbar") self.__dummy_top_toolbar.setFixedHeight(20) self.__dummy_bottom_toolbar.setFixedHeight(20) self.addToolBar(Qt.TopToolBarArea, self.__dummy_top_toolbar) self.addToolBar(Qt.BottomToolBarArea, self.__dummy_bottom_toolbar) self.setCorner(Qt.BottomLeftCorner, Qt.LeftDockWidgetArea) self.setCorner(Qt.BottomRightCorner, Qt.RightDockWidgetArea) self.setDockOptions(QMainWindow.AnimatedDocks) # Create an empty initial scheme inside a container with fixed # margins. w = QWidget() w.setLayout(QVBoxLayout()) w.layout().setContentsMargins(20, 0, 10, 0) self.scheme_widget = SchemeEditWidget() self.scheme_widget.setDropHandlers([interactions.PluginDropHandler(),]) self.set_scheme(config.workflow_constructor(parent=self)) # Save crash recovery swap file on changes to workflow self.scheme_widget.undoCommandAdded.connect(self.save_swp) dropfilter = UrlDropEventFilter(self) dropfilter.urlDropped.connect(self.open_scheme_file) self.scheme_widget.setAcceptDrops(True) self.scheme_widget.view().viewport().installEventFilter(dropfilter) w.layout().addWidget(self.scheme_widget) self.setCentralWidget(w) # Drop shadow around the scheme document frame = DropShadowFrame(radius=15) frame.setColor(QColor(0, 0, 0, 100)) frame.setWidget(self.scheme_widget) # Window 'title' self.__update_window_title() self.setWindowFilePath(self.scheme_widget.path()) self.scheme_widget.pathChanged.connect(self.__update_window_title) self.scheme_widget.modificationChanged.connect(self.setWindowModified) # QMainWindow's Dock widget self.dock_widget = CollapsibleDockWidget(objectName="main-area-dock") self.dock_widget.setFeatures(QDockWidget.DockWidgetMovable | QDockWidget.DockWidgetClosable) self.dock_widget.setAllowedAreas(Qt.LeftDockWidgetArea | Qt.RightDockWidgetArea) # Main canvas tool dock (with widget toolbox, common actions. # This is the widget that is shown when the dock is expanded. canvas_tool_dock = CanvasToolDock(objectName="canvas-tool-dock") canvas_tool_dock.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding) # Bottom tool bar self.canvas_toolbar = canvas_tool_dock.toolbar self.canvas_toolbar.setIconSize(QSize(24, 24)) self.canvas_toolbar.setMinimumHeight(28) self.canvas_toolbar.layout().setSpacing(1) # Widgets tool box self.widgets_tool_box = canvas_tool_dock.toolbox self.widgets_tool_box.setObjectName("canvas-toolbox") self.widgets_tool_box.setTabButtonHeight(30) self.widgets_tool_box.setTabIconSize(QSize(26, 26)) self.widgets_tool_box.setButtonSize(QSize(68, 84)) self.widgets_tool_box.setIconSize(QSize(48, 48)) self.widgets_tool_box.triggered.connect( self.on_tool_box_widget_activated ) self.dock_help = self.dock_help.setMaximumHeight(150) self.dock_help.document().setDefaultStyleSheet("h3, a {color: orange;}") self.dock_help.setDefaultText( "Select a widget to show its description." "<br/><br/>" "See <a href='action:examples-action'>workflow examples</a>, " "<a href='action:screencasts-action'>YouTube tutorials</a>, " "or open the <a href='action:welcome-action'>welcome screen</a>." ) self.dock_help_action = canvas_tool_dock.toggleQuickHelpAction() self.dock_help_action.setText("Show Help")) self.dock_help_action.setIcon(load_styled_svg_icon("Info.svg", self.canvas_toolbar)) self.canvas_tool_dock = canvas_tool_dock # Dock contents when collapsed (a quick category tool bar, ...) dock2 = QWidget(objectName="canvas-quick-dock") dock2.setLayout(QVBoxLayout()) dock2.layout().setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) dock2.layout().setSpacing(0) dock2.layout().setSizeConstraint(QVBoxLayout.SetFixedSize) self.quick_category = QuickCategoryToolbar() self.quick_category.setButtonSize(QSize(38, 30)) self.quick_category.setIconSize(QSize(26, 26)) self.quick_category.actionTriggered.connect( self.on_quick_category_action ) tool_actions = self.current_document().toolbarActions() (self.zoom_in_action, self.zoom_out_action, self.zoom_reset_action, self.canvas_align_to_grid_action, self.canvas_text_action, self.canvas_arrow_action,) = tool_actions self.canvas_align_to_grid_action.setIcon(load_styled_svg_icon("Grid.svg", self.canvas_toolbar)) self.canvas_text_action.setIcon(load_styled_svg_icon("Text Size.svg", self.canvas_toolbar)) self.canvas_arrow_action.setIcon(load_styled_svg_icon("Arrow.svg", self.canvas_toolbar)) self.freeze_action.setIcon(load_styled_svg_icon('Pause.svg', self.canvas_toolbar)) self.show_properties_action.setIcon(load_styled_svg_icon("Document Info.svg", self.canvas_toolbar)) dock_actions = [ self.show_properties_action, self.canvas_align_to_grid_action, self.canvas_text_action, self.canvas_arrow_action, self.freeze_action, self.dock_help_action ] # Tool bar in the collapsed dock state (has the same actions as # the tool bar in the CanvasToolDock actions_toolbar = QToolBar(orientation=Qt.Vertical) actions_toolbar.setFixedWidth(38) actions_toolbar.layout().setSpacing(0) actions_toolbar.setToolButtonStyle(Qt.ToolButtonIconOnly) for action in dock_actions: self.canvas_toolbar.addAction(action) button = self.canvas_toolbar.widgetForAction(action) button.setPopupMode(QToolButton.DelayedPopup) actions_toolbar.addAction(action) button = actions_toolbar.widgetForAction(action) button.setFixedSize(38, 30) button.setPopupMode(QToolButton.DelayedPopup) dock2.layout().addWidget(self.quick_category) dock2.layout().addWidget(actions_toolbar) self.dock_widget.setAnimationEnabled(False) self.dock_widget.setExpandedWidget(self.canvas_tool_dock) self.dock_widget.setCollapsedWidget(dock2) self.dock_widget.setExpanded(True) self.dock_widget.expandedChanged.connect(self._on_tool_dock_expanded) self.addDockWidget(Qt.LeftDockWidgetArea, self.dock_widget) self.dock_widget.dockLocationChanged.connect( self._on_dock_location_changed ) self.output_dock = DockWidget("Log"), self, objectName="output-dock", allowedAreas=Qt.BottomDockWidgetArea, visible=self.show_output_action.isChecked(), ) self.output_dock.setWidget(OutputView()) self.output_dock.visibilityChanged[bool].connect( self.show_output_action.setChecked ) self.addDockWidget(Qt.BottomDockWidgetArea, self.output_dock) self.help_dock = DockWidget("Help"), self, objectName="help-dock", allowedAreas=Qt.NoDockWidgetArea, visible=False, floating=True, ) if QWebEngineView is not None: self.help_view = QWebEngineView() elif QWebView is not None: self.help_view = QWebView() manager = cache = QNetworkDiskCache() cachedir = os.path.join( QStandardPaths.writableLocation(QStandardPaths.CacheLocation), "help", "help-view-cache" ) cache.setCacheDirectory(cachedir) manager.setCache(cache) self.help_dock.setWidget(self.help_view) self.setMinimumSize(600, 500) def setup_actions(self): """Initialize main window actions. """ self.new_action = QAction("New"), self, objectName="action-new","Open a new workflow."), triggered=self.new_workflow_window, shortcut=QKeySequence.New, icon=load_styled_svg_icon("New.svg") ) self.open_action = QAction("Open"), self, objectName="action-open","Open a workflow."), triggered=self.open_scheme, shortcut=QKeySequence.Open, icon=load_styled_svg_icon("Open.svg") ) self.open_and_freeze_action = QAction("Open and Freeze"), self, objectName="action-open-and-freeze","Open a new workflow and freeze signal " "propagation."), triggered=self.open_and_freeze_scheme ) self.open_and_freeze_action.setShortcut( QKeySequence("Ctrl+Alt+O") ) self.close_window_action = QAction("Close Window"), self, objectName="action-close-window","Close the window"), shortcut=QKeySequence.Close, triggered=self.close, ) self.save_action = QAction("Save"), self, objectName="action-save","Save current workflow."), triggered=self.save_scheme, shortcut=QKeySequence.Save, ) self.save_as_action = QAction("Save As ..."), self, objectName="action-save-as","Save current workflow as."), triggered=self.save_scheme_as, shortcut=QKeySequence.SaveAs, ) self.quit_action = QAction("Quit"), self, objectName="quit-action", triggered=QApplication.closeAllWindows, menuRole=QAction.QuitRole, shortcut=QKeySequence.Quit, ) self.welcome_action = QAction("Welcome"), self, objectName="welcome-action","Show welcome screen."), triggered=self.welcome_dialog, ) def open_url_for(name): url = config.default.APPLICATION_URLS.get(name) if url is not None: QDesktopServices.openUrl(QUrl(url)) def has_url_for(name): # type: (str) -> bool url = config.default.APPLICATION_URLS.get(name) return url is not None and QUrl(url).isValid() def config_url_action(action, role): # type: (QAction, str) -> None enabled = has_url_for(role) action.setVisible(enabled) action.setEnabled(enabled) if enabled: action.triggered.connect(lambda: open_url_for(role)) self.get_started_action = QAction("Get Started"), self, objectName="get-started-action","View a 'Get Started' introduction."), icon=load_styled_svg_icon("Documentation.svg") ) config_url_action(self.get_started_action, "Quick Start") self.get_started_screencasts_action = QAction("Video Tutorials"), self, objectName="screencasts-action","View video tutorials"), icon=load_styled_svg_icon("YouTube.svg"), ) config_url_action(self.get_started_screencasts_action, "Screencasts") self.documentation_action = QAction("Documentation"), self, objectName="documentation-action","View reference documentation."), icon=load_styled_svg_icon("Documentation.svg"), ) config_url_action(self.documentation_action, "Documentation") self.examples_action = QAction("Example Workflows"), self, objectName="examples-action","Browse example workflows."), triggered=self.examples_dialog, icon=load_styled_svg_icon("Examples.svg") ) self.about_action = QAction("About"), self, objectName="about-action","Show about dialog."), triggered=self.open_about, menuRole=QAction.AboutRole, ) # Action group for for recent scheme actions self.recent_scheme_action_group = QActionGroup( self, objectName="recent-action-group", triggered=self._on_recent_scheme_action ) self.recent_scheme_action_group.setExclusive(False) self.recent_action = QAction("Browse Recent"), self, objectName="recent-action","Browse and open a recent workflow."), triggered=self.recent_scheme, shortcut=QKeySequence("Ctrl+Shift+R"), icon=load_styled_svg_icon("Recent.svg") ) self.reload_last_action = QAction("Reload Last Workflow"), self, objectName="reload-last-action","Reload last open workflow."), triggered=self.reload_last, shortcut=QKeySequence("Ctrl+R") ) self.clear_recent_action = QAction("Clear Menu"), self, objectName="clear-recent-menu-action","Clear recent menu."), triggered=self.clear_recent_schemes ) self.show_properties_action = QAction("Workflow Info"), self, objectName="show-properties-action","Show workflow properties."), triggered=self.show_scheme_properties, shortcut=QKeySequence("Ctrl+I"), icon=load_styled_svg_icon("Document Info.svg") ) self.canvas_settings_action = QAction("Settings"), self, objectName="canvas-settings-action","Set application settings."), triggered=self.open_canvas_settings, menuRole=QAction.PreferencesRole, shortcut=QKeySequence.Preferences ) self.canvas_addons_action = QAction("&Add-ons..."), self, objectName="canvas-addons-action","Manage add-ons."), triggered=self.open_addons, ) self.show_output_action = QAction("&Log"), self,"Show application standard output."), checkable=True, triggered=lambda checked: self.output_dock.setVisible( checked), ) # Actions for native Mac OSX look and feel. self.minimize_action = QAction("Minimize"), self, triggered=self.showMinimized, shortcut=QKeySequence("Ctrl+M"), visible=sys.platform == "darwin", ) self.zoom_action = QAction("Zoom"), self, objectName="application-zoom", triggered=self.toggleMaximized, visible=sys.platform == "darwin", ) self.freeze_action = QAction("Freeze"), self, shortcut=QKeySequence("Shift+F"), objectName="signal-freeze-action", checkable=True,"Freeze signal propagation (Shift+F)"), toggled=self.set_signal_freeze, icon=load_styled_svg_icon("Pause.svg") ) self.toggle_tool_dock_expand = QAction("Expand Tool Dock"), self, objectName="toggle-tool-dock-expand", checkable=True, shortcut=QKeySequence("Ctrl+Shift+D"), triggered=self.set_tool_dock_expanded ) self.toggle_tool_dock_expand.setChecked(True) # Gets assigned in setup_ui (the action is defined in CanvasToolDock) # TODO: This is bad (should be moved here). self.dock_help_action = None self.toogle_margins_action = QAction("Show Workflow Margins"), self, checkable=True,"Show margins around the workflow view."), ) self.toogle_margins_action.setChecked(True) self.toogle_margins_action.toggled.connect( self.set_scheme_margins_enabled) self.float_widgets_on_top_action = QAction("Display Widgets on Top"), self, checkable=True,"Widgets are always displayed above other windows.") ) self.float_widgets_on_top_action.toggled.connect( self.set_float_widgets_on_top_enabled) def setup_menu(self): # QTBUG - 51480 if sys.platform == "darwin" and QT_VERSION >= 0x50000: self.__menu_glob = QMenuBar(None) menu_bar = QMenuBar(self) # File menu file_menu = QMenu("&File"), menu_bar, objectName="file-menu" ) file_menu.addAction(self.new_action) file_menu.addAction(self.open_action) file_menu.addAction(self.open_and_freeze_action) file_menu.addAction(self.reload_last_action) # File -> Open Recent submenu self.recent_menu = QMenu("Open Recent"), file_menu, objectName="recent-menu", ) file_menu.addMenu(self.recent_menu) # An invisible hidden separator action indicating the end of the # actions that with 'open' (new window/document) disposition sep = QAction( "", file_menu, objectName="open-actions-separator", visible=False, enabled=False ) # qt/cocoa native menu bar menu displays hidden separators # sep.setSeparator(True) file_menu.addAction(sep) file_menu.addAction(self.close_window_action) sep = file_menu.addSeparator() sep.setObjectName("close-window-actions-separator") file_menu.addAction(self.save_action) file_menu.addAction(self.save_as_action) sep = file_menu.addSeparator() sep.setObjectName("save-actions-separator") file_menu.addAction(self.show_properties_action) file_menu.addAction(self.quit_action) self.recent_menu.addAction(self.recent_action) # Store the reference to separator for inserting recent # schemes into the menu in `add_recent_scheme`. self.recent_menu_begin = self.recent_menu.addSeparator() icons = QFileIconProvider() # Add recent items. for item in self.recent_schemes: text = os.path.basename(item.path) if item.title: text = "{} ('{}')".format(text, item.title) icon = icons.icon(QFileInfo(item.path)) action = QAction( icon, text, self, toolTip=item.path, iconVisibleInMenu=True ) action.setData(item.path) self.recent_menu.addAction(action) self.recent_scheme_action_group.addAction(action) self.recent_menu.addSeparator() self.recent_menu.addAction(self.clear_recent_action) menu_bar.addMenu(file_menu) editor_menus = self.scheme_widget.menuBarActions() # WARNING: Hard coded order, should lookup the action text # and determine the proper order self.edit_menu = editor_menus[0].menu() self.widget_menu = editor_menus[1].menu() # Edit menu menu_bar.addMenu(self.edit_menu) # View menu self.view_menu = QMenu("&View"), menu_bar, objectName="view-menu" ) # find and insert window group presets submenu window_groups = self.scheme_widget.findChild( QAction, "window-groups-action" ) if window_groups is not None: self.view_menu.addAction(window_groups) sep = self.view_menu.addSeparator() sep.setObjectName("workflow-window-groups-actions-separator") # Actions that toggle visibility of editor views self.view_menu.addAction(self.toggle_tool_dock_expand) self.view_menu.addAction(self.show_output_action) sep = self.view_menu.addSeparator() sep.setObjectName("view-visible-actions-separator") self.view_menu.addAction(self.zoom_in_action) self.view_menu.addAction(self.zoom_out_action) self.view_menu.addAction(self.zoom_reset_action) sep = self.view_menu.addSeparator() sep.setObjectName("view-zoom-actions-separator") self.view_menu.addAction(self.toogle_margins_action) menu_bar.addMenu(self.view_menu) # Options menu self.options_menu = QMenu("&Options"), menu_bar, objectName="options-menu" ) self.options_menu.addAction(self.canvas_settings_action) self.options_menu.addAction(self.canvas_addons_action) # Widget menu menu_bar.addMenu(self.widget_menu) # Mac OS X native look and feel. self.window_menu = QMenu("Window"), menu_bar, objectName="window-menu" ) self.window_menu.addAction(self.minimize_action) self.window_menu.addAction(self.zoom_action) self.window_menu.addSeparator() raise_widgets_action = self.scheme_widget.findChild( QAction, "bring-widgets-to-front-action" ) if raise_widgets_action is not None: self.window_menu.addAction(raise_widgets_action) self.window_menu.addAction(self.float_widgets_on_top_action) menu_bar.addMenu(self.window_menu) menu_bar.addMenu(self.options_menu) # Help menu. self.help_menu = QMenu("&Help"), menu_bar, objectName="help-menu", ) self.help_menu.addActions([ self.about_action, self.welcome_action, self.get_started_screencasts_action, self.examples_action, self.documentation_action ]) menu_bar.addMenu(self.help_menu) self.setMenuBar(menu_bar) def restore(self): """Restore the main window state from saved settings. """ QSettings.setDefaultFormat(QSettings.IniFormat) settings = QSettings() settings.beginGroup("mainwindow") self.dock_widget.setExpanded( settings.value("canvasdock/expanded", True, type=bool) ) floatable = settings.value("toolbox-dock-floatable", False, type=bool) if floatable: self.dock_widget.setFeatures( self.dock_widget.features() | QDockWidget.DockWidgetFloatable ) self.widgets_tool_box.setExclusive( settings.value("toolbox-dock-exclusive", False, type=bool) ) self.toogle_margins_action.setChecked( settings.value("scheme-margins-enabled", False, type=bool) ) self.show_output_action.setChecked( settings.value("output-dock/is-visible", False, type=bool)) self.canvas_tool_dock.setQuickHelpVisible( settings.value("quick-help/visible", True, type=bool) ) self.float_widgets_on_top_action.setChecked( settings.value("widgets-float-on-top", False, type=bool) ) self.__update_from_settings() def __window_added(self, _, action: QAction) -> None: self.window_menu.addAction(action) def __window_removed(self, _, action: QAction) -> None: self.window_menu.removeAction(action) def __update_window_title(self): path = self.current_document().path() if path: self.setWindowTitle("") self.setWindowFilePath(path) else: self.setWindowFilePath("") self.setWindowTitle("Untitled [*]")) def setWindowFilePath(self, filePath): # type: (str) -> None def icon_for_path(path: str) -> 'QIcon': iconprovider = QFileIconProvider() finfo = QFileInfo(path) if finfo.exists(): return iconprovider.icon(finfo) else: return iconprovider.icon(QFileIconProvider.File) if sys.platform == "darwin": super().setWindowFilePath(filePath) # If QApplication.windowIcon() is not null then it is used instead # of the file type specific one. This is wrong so we set it # explicitly. if not QApplication.windowIcon().isNull() and filePath: self.setWindowIcon(icon_for_path(filePath)) else: # use non-empty path to 'force' Qt to add '[*]' modified marker # in the displayed title. if not filePath: filePath = " " super().setWindowFilePath(filePath) def set_document_title(self, title): """Set the document title (and the main window title). If `title` is an empty string a default 'untitled' placeholder will be used. """ if self.__document_title != title: self.__document_title = title if not title: # TODO: should the default name be platform specific title ="untitled") self.setWindowTitle(title + "[*]") def document_title(self): """Return the document title. """ return self.__document_title
[docs] def set_widget_registry(self, widget_registry): # type: (WidgetRegistry) -> None """ Set widget registry. Parameters ---------- widget_registry : WidgetRegistry """ if self.widget_registry is not None: # Clear the dock widget and popup. self.widgets_tool_box.setModel(None) self.quick_category.setModel(None) self.scheme_widget.setRegistry(None) if self.__proxy_model is not None: self.__proxy_model.deleteLater() self.__proxy_model = None self.widget_registry = WidgetRegistry(widget_registry) qreg = QtWidgetRegistry(self.widget_registry, parent=self) self.__registry_model = qreg.model() # Restore category hidden/sort order state proxy = FilterProxyModel(self) proxy.setSourceModel(qreg.model()) self.__proxy_model = proxy self.__update_registry_filters() self.widgets_tool_box.setModel(proxy) self.quick_category.setModel(proxy) self.scheme_widget.setRegistry(qreg) self.scheme_widget.quickMenu().setModel(proxy) # Restore possibly saved widget toolbox tab states settings = QSettings() state = settings.value("mainwindow/widgettoolbox/state", defaultValue=QByteArray(), type=QByteArray) if state: self.widgets_tool_box.restoreState(state)
def set_quick_help_text(self, text): # type: (str) -> None
[docs] def current_document(self): # type: () -> SchemeEditWidget return self.scheme_widget
def on_tool_box_widget_activated(self, action): """A widget action in the widget toolbox has been activated. """ widget_desc = if isinstance(widget_desc, WidgetDescription): scheme_widget = self.current_document() if scheme_widget: statistics = scheme_widget.usageStatistics() statistics.begin_action(UsageStatistics.ToolboxClick) scheme_widget.createNewNode(widget_desc) scheme_widget.view().setFocus(Qt.OtherFocusReason) def on_quick_category_action(self, action): """The quick category menu action triggered. """ category = action.text() settings = QSettings() use_popover = settings.value( "mainwindow/toolbox-dock-use-popover-menu", defaultValue=True, type=bool) if use_popover: # Show a popup menu with the widgets in the category popup = CategoryPopupMenu(self.quick_category) popup.setActionRole(QtWidgetRegistry.WIDGET_ACTION_ROLE) model = self.__registry_model assert model is not None i = index(self.widget_registry.categories(), category, predicate=lambda name, cat: == name) if i != -1: popup.setModel(model) popup.setRootIndex(model.index(i, 0)) popup.adjustSize() button = self.quick_category.buttonForAction(action) pos = popup_position_from_source(popup, button) action = popup.exec(pos) if action is not None: self.on_tool_box_widget_activated(action) else: # Expand the dock and open the category under the triggered button for i in range(self.widgets_tool_box.count()): cat_act = self.widgets_tool_box.tabAction(i) cat_act.setChecked(cat_act.text() == category) self.dock_widget.expand() def set_scheme_margins_enabled(self, enabled): # type: (bool) -> None """Enable/disable the margins around the scheme document. """ if self.__scheme_margins_enabled != enabled: self.__scheme_margins_enabled = enabled self.__update_scheme_margins() def _scheme_margins_enabled(self): # type: () -> bool return self.__scheme_margins_enabled scheme_margins_enabled: bool scheme_margins_enabled = Property( # type: ignore bool, _scheme_margins_enabled, set_scheme_margins_enabled) def __update_scheme_margins(self): """Update the margins around the scheme document. """ enabled = self.__scheme_margins_enabled self.__dummy_top_toolbar.setVisible(enabled) self.__dummy_bottom_toolbar.setVisible(enabled) central = self.centralWidget() margin = 20 if enabled else 0 if self.dockWidgetArea(self.dock_widget) == Qt.LeftDockWidgetArea: margins = (margin // 2, 0, margin, 0) else: margins = (margin, 0, margin // 2, 0) central.layout().setContentsMargins(*margins) def is_transient(self): # type: () -> bool """ Is this window a transient window. I.e. a window that was created empty and does not contain any modified contents. In particular it can be reused to load a workflow model without any detrimental effects (like lost information). """ return self.__is_transient # All instances created through the create_new_window below. # They are removed on `destroyed` _instances = [] # type: List[CanvasMainWindow]
[docs] def create_new_window(self): # type: () -> CanvasMainWindow """ Create a new top level CanvasMainWindow instance. The window is positioned slightly offset to the originating window (`self`). Note ---- The window has `Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose` flag set. If this flag is unset it is the callers responsibility to explicitly delete the widget (via `deleteLater` or `sip.delete`). Returns ------- window: CanvasMainWindow """ window = type(self)() # 'preserve' subclass type window.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) window.setGeometry(self.geometry().translated(20, 20)) window.setStyleSheet(self.styleSheet()) window.setWindowIcon(self.windowIcon()) if self.widget_registry is not None: window.set_widget_registry(self.widget_registry) window.restoreState(self.saveState(self.SETTINGS_VERSION), self.SETTINGS_VERSION) window.set_tool_dock_expanded(self.dock_widget.expanded()) window.set_float_widgets_on_top_enabled(self.float_widgets_on_top_action.isChecked()) output = window.output_view() # type: OutputView doc = self.output_view().document() doc = doc.clone(output) output.setDocument(doc) def is_connected(stream: TextStream) -> bool: item = findf(doc.connectedStreams(), lambda s: s is stream) return item is not None # # route the stdout/err if possible # TODO: Deprecate and remove this behaviour (use connectStream) stdout, stderr = sys.stdout, sys.stderr if isinstance(stdout, TextStream) and not is_connected(stdout): doc.connectStream(stdout) if isinstance(stderr, TextStream) and not is_connected(stderr): doc.connectStream(stderr, CanvasMainWindow._instances.append(window) window.destroyed.connect( lambda: CanvasMainWindow._instances.remove(window)) return window
[docs] def new_workflow_window(self): # type: () -> None """ Create and show a new CanvasMainWindow instance. """ newwindow = self.create_new_window() newwindow.ask_load_swp_if_exists() newwindow.raise_() newwindow.activateWindow() settings = QSettings() show = settings.value("schemeinfo/show-at-new-scheme", False, type=bool) if show: newwindow.show_scheme_properties()
def open_scheme_file(self, filename, **kwargs): # type: (Union[str, QUrl], Any) -> None """ Open and load a scheme file. """ if isinstance(filename, QUrl): filename = filename.toLocalFile() if self.is_transient(): window = self else: window = self.create_new_window() window.raise_() window.activateWindow() if kwargs.get("freeze", False): window.freeze_action.setChecked(True) window.load_scheme(filename) def open_example_scheme(self, path): # type: (str) -> None # open an workflow without filename/directory tracking. if self.is_transient(): window = self else: window = self.create_new_window() window.raise_() window.activateWindow() new_scheme = window.new_scheme_from(path) if new_scheme is not None: window.set_scheme(new_scheme) def _open_workflow_dialog(self): # type: () -> QFileDialog """ Create and return an initialized QFileDialog for opening a workflow file. The dialog is a child of this window and has the `Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose` flag set. """ settings = QSettings() settings.beginGroup("mainwindow") start_dir = settings.value("last-scheme-dir", "", type=str) if not os.path.isdir(start_dir): start_dir = user_documents_path() dlg = QFileDialog( self,"Open Orange Workflow File"), acceptMode=QFileDialog.AcceptOpen, fileMode=QFileDialog.ExistingFile, ) dlg.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) dlg.setDirectory(start_dir) dlg.setNameFilters(["Orange Workflow (*.ows)"]) def record_last_dir(): path = settings.setValue("last-scheme-dir", path) dlg.accepted.connect(record_last_dir) return dlg def open_scheme(self): # type: () -> None """ Open a user selected workflow in a new window. """ dlg = self._open_workflow_dialog() dlg.fileSelected.connect(self.open_scheme_file) dlg.exec() def open_and_freeze_scheme(self): # type: () -> None """ Open a user selected workflow file in a new window and freeze signal propagation. """ dlg = self._open_workflow_dialog() dlg.fileSelected.connect(partial(self.open_scheme_file, freeze=True)) dlg.exec() def load_scheme(self, filename): # type: (str) -> None """ Load a scheme from a file (`filename`) into the current document, updates the recent scheme list and the loaded scheme path property. """ new_scheme = None # type: Optional[Scheme] try: with open(filename, "rb") as f: res = self.check_requires(f) if not res: return, os.SEEK_SET) new_scheme = self.new_scheme_from_contents_and_path(f, filename) except readwrite.UnsupportedFormatVersionError: mb = QMessageBox( self,"Error"), icon=QMessageBox.Critical,"Unsupported format version"), "The file was saved in a format not supported by this " "application." ), detailedText="".join(traceback.format_exc()), ) mb.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) mb.setWindowModality(Qt.WindowModal) except Exception as err: mb = QMessageBox( parent=self,"Error"), icon=QMessageBox.Critical,"Could not open: '{}'") .format(os.path.basename(filename)),"Error was: {}").format(err), detailedText="".join(traceback.format_exc()) ) mb.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) mb.setWindowModality(Qt.WindowModal) if new_scheme is not None: self.set_scheme(new_scheme, freeze_creation=True) scheme_doc_widget = self.current_document() scheme_doc_widget.setPath(filename) self.add_recent_scheme(new_scheme.title, filename) if not self.freeze_action.isChecked(): # activate the default window group. scheme_doc_widget.activateDefaultWindowGroup() self.ask_load_swp_if_exists() wm = getattr(new_scheme, "widget_manager", None) if wm is not None: wm.set_creation_policy(wm.Normal) def new_scheme_from(self, filename): # type: (str) -> Optional[Scheme] """ Create and return a new :class:`scheme.Scheme` from a saved `filename`. Return `None` if an error occurs. """ f = None # type: Optional[IO] try: f = open(filename, "rb") except OSError as err: mb = QMessageBox( parent=self, windowTitle="Error", icon=QMessageBox.Critical,"Could not open: '{}'") .format(os.path.basename(filename)),"Error was: {}").format(err), ) mb.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) mb.setWindowModality(Qt.WindowModal) return None else: return self.new_scheme_from_contents_and_path(f, filename) finally: if f is not None: f.close() def new_scheme_from_contents_and_path( self, fileobj: IO, path: str) -> Optional[Scheme]: """ Create and return a new :class:`scheme.Scheme` from contents of `fileobj`. Return `None` if an error occurs. In case of an error show an error message dialog and return `None`. Parameters ---------- fileobj: IO An open readable IO stream. path: str Associated filesystem path. Returns ------- workflow: Optional[Scheme] """ new_scheme = config.workflow_constructor(parent=self) new_scheme.set_runtime_env( "basedir", os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(path))) errors = [] # type: List[Exception] try: new_scheme.load_from( fileobj, registry=self.widget_registry, error_handler=errors.append ) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.exception("") message_critical("Could not load an Orange Workflow file."),"Error"),"An unexpected error occurred " "while loading '%s'.") % path, exc_info=True, parent=self) return None if errors: details = render_error_details(errors) message_warning("Could not load the full workflow."),"Workflow Partially Loaded"), "Some of the nodes/links could not be reconstructed " "and were omitted from the workflow." ), details=details, parent=self, ) return new_scheme def check_requires(self, fileobj: IO) -> bool: requires = scheme_requires(fileobj, self.widget_registry) requires = [req for req in requires if not is_requirement_available(req)] if requires: details_ = [ "<h4>Required packages:</h4><ul>", *["<li>{}</li>".format(escape(r)) for r in requires], "</ul>" ] details = "".join(details_) mb = QMessageBox( parent=self, objectName="install-requirements-message-box", icon=QMessageBox.Question, windowTitle="Install Additional Packages", text="Workflow you are trying to load contains widgets " "from missing add-ons." "<br/>" + details + "<br/>" "Would you like to install them now?", standardButtons=QMessageBox.Ok | QMessageBox.Abort | QMessageBox.Ignore, informativeText=( "After installation you will have to restart the " "application and reopen the workflow."), ) mb.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.Ok) bok = mb.button(QMessageBox.Ok) bok.setText("Install add-ons") bignore = mb.button(QMessageBox.Ignore) bignore.setText("Ignore missing widgets") bignore.setToolTip( "Load partial workflow by omitting missing nodes and links." ) mb.setWindowModality(Qt.WindowModal) mb.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose, True) status = mb.exec() if status == QMessageBox.Abort: return False elif status == QMessageBox.Ignore: return True status = self.install_requirements(requires) if status == QDialog.Rejected: return False else: message_information( title="Please Restart", text="Please restart and reopen the file.", parent=self ) return False return True def install_requirements(self, requires: Sequence[str]) -> int: dlg = addons.AddonManagerDialog( parent=self, windowTitle="Install required packages", enableFilterAndAdd=False, modal=True ) dlg.setStyle( dlg.setConfig(config.default) req = addons.Requirement names = [req(r).name for r in requires] normalized_names = {normalize_name(r) for r in names} def set_state(*args): # select all query items for installation # TODO: What if some of the `names` failed. items = dlg.items() state = dlg.itemState() for item in items: if item.normalized_name in normalized_names: normalized_names.remove(item.normalized_name) state.append((addons.Install, item)) dlg.setItemState(state) f = dlg.runQueryAndAddResults(names) f.add_done_callback(qinvoke(set_state, context=dlg)) return dlg.exec() def reload_last(self): # type: () -> None """ Reload last opened scheme. """ settings = QSettings() recent = QSettings_readArray( settings, "mainwindow/recent-items", {"path": str} ) # type: List[Dict[str, str]] if recent: path = recent[0]["path"] self.open_scheme_file(path) def set_scheme(self, new_scheme: Scheme, freeze_creation=False): """ Set new_scheme as the current shown scheme in this window. The old scheme will be deleted. """ scheme_doc = self.current_document() old_scheme = scheme_doc.scheme() if old_scheme: self.__is_transient = False freeze_signals = self.freeze_action.isChecked() manager = getattr(new_scheme, "signal_manager", None) if freeze_signals and manager is not None: manager.pause() wm = getattr(new_scheme, "widget_manager", None) if wm is not None: wm.set_float_widgets_on_top( self.float_widgets_on_top_action.isChecked() ) wm.set_creation_policy( wm.OnDemand if freeze_creation else wm.Normal ) scheme_doc.setScheme(new_scheme) if old_scheme is not None: # Send a close event to the Scheme, it is responsible for # closing/clearing all resources (widgets). QApplication.sendEvent(old_scheme, QEvent(QEvent.Close)) old_scheme.deleteLater() def __title_for_scheme(self, scheme): # type: (Optional[Scheme]) -> str title ="untitled") if scheme is not None: title = scheme.title or title return title def ask_save_changes(self): # type: () -> int """Ask the user to save the changes to the current scheme. Return QDialog.Accepted if the scheme was successfully saved or the user selected to discard the changes. Otherwise return QDialog.Rejected. """ document = self.current_document() scheme = document.scheme() path = document.path() if path: filename = os.path.basename(document.path()) message ='Do you want to save changes made to %s?') % filename else: message ='Do you want to save this workflow?') selected = message_question( message,"Save Changes?"),"Your changes will be lost if you do not save them."), buttons=QMessageBox.Save | QMessageBox.Cancel | \ QMessageBox.Discard, default_button=QMessageBox.Save, parent=self) if selected == QMessageBox.Save: return self.save_scheme() elif selected == QMessageBox.Discard: return QDialog.Accepted elif selected == QMessageBox.Cancel: return QDialog.Rejected else: assert False def save_scheme(self): # type: () -> int """Save the current scheme. If the scheme does not have an associated path then prompt the user to select a scheme file. Return QDialog.Accepted if the scheme was successfully saved and QDialog.Rejected if the user canceled the file selection. """ document = self.current_document() curr_scheme = document.scheme() if curr_scheme is None: return QDialog.Rejected assert curr_scheme is not None path = document.path() if path: if self.save_scheme_to(curr_scheme, path): document.setModified(False) self.add_recent_scheme(curr_scheme.title, document.path()) return QDialog.Accepted else: return QDialog.Rejected else: return self.save_scheme_as() def save_scheme_as(self): # type: () -> int """ Save the current scheme by asking the user for a filename. Return `QFileDialog.Accepted` if the scheme was saved successfully and `QFileDialog.Rejected` if not. """ document = self.current_document() curr_scheme = document.scheme() assert curr_scheme is not None title = self.__title_for_scheme(curr_scheme) settings = QSettings() settings.beginGroup("mainwindow") if document.path(): start_dir = document.path() else: start_dir = settings.value("last-scheme-dir", "", type=str) if not os.path.isdir(start_dir): start_dir = user_documents_path() start_dir = os.path.join(start_dir, title + ".ows") filename, _ = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self,"Save Orange Workflow File"), start_dir,"Orange Workflow (*.ows)") ) if filename: settings.setValue("last-scheme-dir", os.path.dirname(filename)) if self.save_scheme_to(curr_scheme, filename): document.setPath(filename) document.setModified(False) self.add_recent_scheme(curr_scheme.title, document.path()) return QFileDialog.Accepted return QFileDialog.Rejected def save_scheme_to(self, scheme, filename): # type: (Scheme, str) -> bool """ Save a Scheme instance `scheme` to `filename`. On success return `True`, else show a message to the user explaining the error and return `False`. """ dirname, basename = os.path.split(filename) title = scheme.title or "untitled" # First write the scheme to a buffer so we don't truncate an # existing scheme file if `scheme.save_to` raises an error. buffer = io.BytesIO() try: scheme.set_runtime_env("basedir", os.path.abspath(dirname)) scheme.save_to(buffer, pretty=True, pickle_fallback=True) except Exception: log.error("Error saving %r to %r", scheme, filename, exc_info=True) message_critical('An error occurred while trying to save workflow ' '"%s" to "%s"') % (title, basename),"Error saving %s") % basename, exc_info=True, parent=self ) return False try: with open(filename, "wb") as f: f.write(buffer.getvalue()) self.clear_swp() return True except FileNotFoundError as ex: log.error("%s saving '%s'", type(ex).__name__, filename, exc_info=True) message_warning('Workflow "%s" could not be saved. The path does ' 'not exist') % title, title="","Choose another location."), parent=self ) return False except PermissionError as ex: log.error("%s saving '%s'", type(ex).__name__, filename, exc_info=True) message_warning('Workflow "%s" could not be saved. You do not ' 'have write permissions.') % title, title="", "Change the file system permissions or choose " "another location."), parent=self ) return False except OSError as ex: log.error("%s saving '%s'", type(ex).__name__, filename, exc_info=True) message_warning('Workflow "%s" could not be saved.') % title, title="", informative_text=os.strerror(ex.errno), exc_info=True, parent=self ) return False except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.error("Error saving %r to %r", scheme, filename, exc_info=True) message_critical('An error occurred while trying to save workflow ' '"%s" to "%s"') % (title, basename),"Error saving %s") % basename, exc_info=True, parent=self ) return False def save_swp(self): """ Save a difference of node properties and the undostack to '.<workflow-filename>.swp.p' in the same directory. If the workflow has not yet been saved, save to 'scratch.ows.p' in configdir/scratch-crashes. """ document = self.current_document() undoStack = document.undoStack() if not document.isModifiedStrict() and undoStack.isClean(): return swpname = swp_name(self) if swpname is not None: self.save_swp_to(swpname) def save_swp_to(self, filename): """ Save a tuple of properties diff and undostack diff to a file. """ document = self.current_document() undoStack = document.undoStack() propertiesDiff = document.uncleanProperties() undoDiff = [UndoCommand.from_QUndoCommand(undoStack.command(i)) for i in range(undoStack.cleanIndex(), undoStack.count())] diff = (propertiesDiff, undoDiff) try: with open(filename, "wb") as f: Pickler(f, document).dump(diff) except Exception: log.error("Could not write swp file %r.", filename, exc_info=True) def clear_swp(self): """ Delete the document's swp file, should it exist. """ document = self.current_document() path = document.path() def remove(filename: str) -> None: try: os.remove(filename) except FileNotFoundError: pass except OSError as e: log.warning("Could not delete swp file: %s", e) if path or self in canvas_scratch_name_memo: remove(swp_name(self)) else: swpnames = glob_scratch_swps() for swpname in swpnames: remove(swpname) def ask_load_swp_if_exists(self): """ Should a swp file for this canvas exist, ask the user if they wish to restore changes, loading on yes, discarding on no. Returns True if swp was loaded, False if not. """ document = self.current_document() path = document.path() if path: swpname = swp_name(self) if not os.path.exists(swpname): return False else: if not QSettings().value('startup/load-crashed-workflows', True, type=bool): return False swpnames = glob_scratch_swps() if not swpnames or \ all([s in canvas_scratch_name_memo.values() for s in swpnames]): return False return self.ask_load_swp() def ask_load_swp(self): """ Ask to restore changes, loading swp file on yes, clearing swp file on no. """ title ='Restore unsaved changes from crash?') name = QApplication.applicationName() or "Orange" selected = message_information( title,"Restore Changes?"),"{} seems to have crashed at some point.\n" "Changes will be discarded if not restored now.").format(name), buttons=QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No, default_button=QMessageBox.Yes, parent=self) if selected == QMessageBox.Yes: self.load_swp() return True elif selected == QMessageBox.No: self.clear_swp() return False else: assert False def load_swp(self): """ Load and restore the undostack and widget properties from '.<workflow-filename>.swp.p' in the same directory, or 'scratch.ows.p' in configdir/scratch-crashes if the workflow has not yet been saved. """ document = self.scheme_widget undoStack = document.undoStack() if document.path(): # load hidden file in same directory swpname = swp_name(self) if not os.path.exists(swpname): return self.load_swp_from(swpname) else: # load scratch files in config directory swpnames = [name for name in glob_scratch_swps() if name not in canvas_scratch_name_memo.values()] if not swpnames: return self.load_swp_from(swpnames[0]) for swpname in swpnames[1:]: w = self.create_new_window() w.load_swp_from(swpname) w.raise_() w.activateWindow() def load_swp_from(self, filename): """ Load a diff of node properties and UndoCommands from a file """ document = self.current_document() undoStack = document.undoStack() try: with open(filename, "rb") as f: loaded: Tuple[Dict[SchemeNode, dict], List[UndoCommand]] loaded = Unpickler(f, document.scheme()).load() except Exception: log.error("Could not load swp file: %r", filename, exc_info=True) message_critical( "Could not load restore data.", title="Error", exc_info=True, ) # delete corrupted swp file try: os.remove(filename) except OSError: pass return register_loaded_swp(self, filename) document.undoCommandAdded.disconnect(self.save_swp) commands = loaded[1] for c in commands: undoStack.push(c) properties = loaded[0] document.restoreProperties(properties) document.undoCommandAdded.connect(self.save_swp) def load_diff(self, properties_and_commands): """ Load a diff of node properties and UndoCommands Parameters --------- properties_and_commands : ({SchemeNode : {}}, [UndoCommand]) """ document = self.scheme_widget undoStack = document.undoStack() commands = properties_and_commands[1] for c in commands: undoStack.push(c) properties = properties_and_commands[0] document.restoreProperties(properties) def recent_scheme(self): # type: () -> int """ Browse recent schemes. Return QDialog.Rejected if the user canceled the operation and QDialog.Accepted otherwise. """ settings = QSettings() recent_items = QSettings_readArray( settings, "mainwindow/recent-items", { "title": (str, ""), "path": (str, "") } ) # type: List[Dict[str, str]] recent = [RecentItem(**item) for item in recent_items] recent = [item for item in recent if os.path.exists(item.path)] items = [previewmodel.PreviewItem(name=item.title, path=item.path) for item in recent] dialog = previewdialog.PreviewDialog(self) model = previewmodel.PreviewModel(dialog, items=items) title ="Recent Workflows") dialog.setWindowTitle(title) template = ('<h3 style="font-size: 26px">\n' #'<img height="26" src="canvas_icons:Recent.svg">\n' '{0}\n' '</h3>') dialog.setHeading(template.format(title)) dialog.setModel(model) model.delayedScanUpdate() status = dialog.exec() index = dialog.currentIndex() dialog.deleteLater() model.deleteLater() if status == QDialog.Accepted: selected = model.item(index) self.open_scheme_file(selected.path()) return status def examples_dialog(self): # type: () -> int """ Browse a collection of tutorial/example schemes. Returns QDialog.Rejected if the user canceled the dialog else loads the selected scheme into the canvas and returns QDialog.Accepted. """ tutors = examples.workflows(config.default) items = [previewmodel.PreviewItem(path=t.abspath()) for t in tutors] dialog = previewdialog.PreviewDialog(self) model = previewmodel.PreviewModel(dialog, items=items) title ="Example Workflows") dialog.setWindowTitle(title) template = ('<h3 style="font-size: 26px">\n' '{0}\n' '</h3>') dialog.setHeading(template.format(title)) dialog.setModel(model) model.delayedScanUpdate() status = dialog.exec() index = dialog.currentIndex() dialog.deleteLater() if status == QDialog.Accepted: selected = model.item(index) self.open_example_scheme(selected.path()) return status def welcome_dialog(self): # type: () -> int """Show a modal welcome dialog for Orange Canvas. """ name = QApplication.applicationName() if name: title ="Welcome to {}").format(name) else: title ="Welcome") dialog = welcomedialog.WelcomeDialog(self, windowTitle=title) feedback = config.default.APPLICATION_URLS.get("Feedback", "") if feedback: dialog.setFeedbackUrl(feedback) def new_scheme(): if not self.is_transient(): self.new_workflow_window() dialog.accept() def open_scheme(): dlg = self._open_workflow_dialog() dlg.setParent(dialog, Qt.Dialog) dlg.fileSelected.connect(self.open_scheme_file) dlg.accepted.connect(dialog.accept) dlg.exec() def open_recent(): if self.recent_scheme() == QDialog.Accepted: dialog.accept() def browse_examples(): if self.examples_dialog() == QDialog.Accepted: dialog.accept() new_action = QAction("New"), dialog,"Open a new workflow."), triggered=new_scheme, shortcut=QKeySequence.New, icon=load_styled_svg_icon("New.svg") ) open_action = QAction("Open"), dialog, objectName="welcome-action-open","Open a workflow."), triggered=open_scheme, shortcut=QKeySequence.Open, icon=load_styled_svg_icon("Open.svg") ) recent_action = QAction("Recent"), dialog, objectName="welcome-recent-action","Browse and open a recent workflow."), triggered=open_recent, shortcut=QKeySequence("Ctrl+Shift+R"), icon=load_styled_svg_icon("Recent.svg") ) examples_action = QAction("Examples"), dialog, objectName="welcome-examples-action","Browse example workflows."), triggered=browse_examples, icon=load_styled_svg_icon("Examples.svg") ) bottom_row = [self.get_started_action, examples_action, self.documentation_action] if self.get_started_screencasts_action.isEnabled(): bottom_row.insert(0, self.get_started_screencasts_action) self.new_action.triggered.connect(dialog.accept) top_row = [new_action, open_action, recent_action] dialog.addRow(top_row, background="light-grass") dialog.addRow(bottom_row, background="light-orange") settings = QSettings() dialog.setShowAtStartup( settings.value("startup/show-welcome-screen", True, type=bool) ) status = dialog.exec() settings.setValue("startup/show-welcome-screen", dialog.showAtStartup()) dialog.deleteLater() return status def scheme_properties_dialog(self): # type: () -> SchemeInfoDialog """Return an empty `SchemeInfo` dialog instance. """ settings = QSettings() value_key = "schemeinfo/show-at-new-scheme" dialog = SchemeInfoDialog( self,"Workflow Info"), ) dialog.setFixedSize(725, 450) dialog.setShowAtNewScheme(settings.value(value_key, False, type=bool)) def onfinished(): # type: () -> None settings.setValue(value_key, dialog.showAtNewScheme()) dialog.finished.connect(onfinished) return dialog def show_scheme_properties(self): # type: () -> int """ Show current scheme properties. """ current_doc = self.current_document() scheme = current_doc.scheme() assert scheme is not None dlg = self.scheme_properties_dialog() dlg.setAutoCommit(False) dlg.setScheme(scheme) status = dlg.exec() if status == QDialog.Accepted: editor = dlg.editor stack = current_doc.undoStack() stack.beginMacro("Change Info")) current_doc.setTitle(editor.title()) current_doc.setDescription(editor.description()) stack.endMacro() return status def set_signal_freeze(self, freeze): # type: (bool) -> None scheme = self.current_document().scheme() manager = getattr(scheme, "signal_manager", None) if manager is not None: if freeze: manager.pause() else: manager.resume() wm = getattr(scheme, "widget_manager", None) if wm is not None: wm.set_creation_policy( wm.OnDemand if freeze else wm.Normal ) def remove_selected(self): # type: () -> None """Remove current scheme selection. """ self.current_document().removeSelected() def select_all(self): # type: () -> None self.current_document().selectAll() def open_widget(self): # type: () -> None """Open/raise selected widget's GUI. """ self.current_document().openSelected() def rename_widget(self): # type: () -> None """Rename the current focused widget. """ doc = self.current_document() nodes = doc.selectedNodes() if len(nodes) == 1: doc.editNodeTitle(nodes[0]) def open_canvas_settings(self): # type: () -> None """Open canvas settings/preferences dialog """ dlg = UserSettingsDialog(self) dlg.setWindowTitle("Preferences")) status = dlg.exec() if status == 0: self.user_preferences_changed_notify_all() @staticmethod def user_preferences_changed_notify_all(): # type: () -> None """ Notify all top level `CanvasMainWindow` instances of user preferences change. """ for w in QApplication.topLevelWidgets(): if isinstance(w, CanvasMainWindow) or isinstance(w, QuickMenu): w.update_from_settings() def open_addons(self): # type: () -> int """Open the add-on manager dialog. """ name = QApplication.applicationName() or "Orange" from orangecanvas.application.utils.addons import have_install_permissions if not have_install_permissions(): QMessageBox(QMessageBox.Warning, "Add-ons: insufficient permissions", "Insufficient permissions to install add-ons. Try starting {name} " "as a system administrator or install {name} in user folders." .format(name=name), parent=self).exec() dlg = addons.AddonManagerDialog( self,"Installer"), modal=True ) dlg.setStyle( dlg.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) dlg.start(config.default) return dlg.exec() def set_float_widgets_on_top_enabled(self, enabled): # type: (bool) -> None if self.float_widgets_on_top_action.isChecked() != enabled: self.float_widgets_on_top_action.setChecked(enabled) wm = self.current_document().widgetManager() if wm is not None: wm.set_float_widgets_on_top(enabled) def output_view(self): # type: () -> OutputView """Return the output text widget. """ return self.output_dock.widget() def open_about(self): # type: () -> None """Open the about dialog. """ dlg = AboutDialog(self) dlg.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) dlg.exec() def add_recent_scheme(self, title, path): # type: (str, str) -> None """Add an entry (`title`, `path`) to the list of recent schemes. """ if not path: # No associated persistent path so we can't do anything. return text = os.path.basename(path) if title: text = "{} ('{}')".format(text, title) settings = QSettings() settings.beginGroup("mainwindow") recent_ = QSettings_readArray( settings, "recent-items", {"title": str, "path": str} ) # type: List[Dict[str, str]] recent = [RecentItem(**d) for d in recent_] filename = os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(path)) filename = os.path.normpath(filename) actions_by_filename = {} for action in self.recent_scheme_action_group.actions(): path = if isinstance(path, str): actions_by_filename[path] = action if filename in actions_by_filename: # reuse/update the existing action action = actions_by_filename[filename] self.recent_menu.removeAction(action) self.recent_scheme_action_group.removeAction(action) action.setText(text) else: icons = QFileIconProvider() icon = icons.icon(QFileInfo(filename)) action = QAction( icon, text, self, toolTip=filename, iconVisibleInMenu=True ) action.setData(filename) # Find the separator action in the menu (after 'Browse Recent') recent_actions = self.recent_menu.actions() begin_index = index(recent_actions, self.recent_menu_begin) action_before = recent_actions[begin_index + 1] self.recent_menu.insertAction(action_before, action) self.recent_scheme_action_group.addAction(action) recent.insert(0, RecentItem(title=title, path=filename)) for i in reversed(range(1, len(recent))): try: same = os.path.samefile(recent[i].path, filename) except OSError: same = False if same: del recent[i] recent = recent[:self.num_recent_schemes] QSettings_writeArray( settings, "recent-items", [{"title": item.title, "path": item.path} for item in recent] ) def clear_recent_schemes(self): # type: () -> None """Clear list of recent schemes """ actions = self.recent_scheme_action_group.actions() for action in actions: self.recent_menu.removeAction(action) self.recent_scheme_action_group.removeAction(action) settings = QSettings() QSettings_writeArray(settings, "mainwindow/recent-items", []) def _on_recent_scheme_action(self, action): # type: (QAction) -> None """ A recent scheme action was triggered by the user """ filename = str( self.open_scheme_file(filename) def _on_dock_location_changed(self, location): # type: (Qt.DockWidgetArea) -> None """Location of the dock_widget has changed, fix the margins if necessary. """ self.__update_scheme_margins() def set_tool_dock_expanded(self, expanded): # type: (bool) -> None """ Set the dock widget expanded state. """ self.dock_widget.setExpanded(expanded) def _on_tool_dock_expanded(self, expanded): # type: (bool) -> None """ 'dock_widget' widget was expanded/collapsed. """ if expanded != self.toggle_tool_dock_expand.isChecked(): self.toggle_tool_dock_expand.setChecked(expanded) def createPopupMenu(self): # Override the default context menu popup (we don't want the user to # be able to hide the tool dock widget). return None def changeEvent(self, event): # type: (QEvent) -> None if event.type() == QEvent.ModifiedChange: # clear transient flag on any change self.__is_transient = False super().changeEvent(event) def closeEvent(self, event): # type: (QCloseEvent) -> None """ Close the main window. """ document = self.current_document() if document.isModifiedStrict(): if self.ask_save_changes() == QDialog.Rejected: # Reject the event event.ignore() return self.clear_swp() old_scheme = document.scheme() # Set an empty scheme to clear the document document.setScheme(config.workflow_constructor(parent=self)) if old_scheme is not None: QApplication.sendEvent(old_scheme, QEvent(QEvent.Close)) old_scheme.deleteLater() document.usageStatistics().close() geometry = self.saveGeometry() state = self.saveState(version=self.SETTINGS_VERSION) settings = QSettings() settings.beginGroup("mainwindow") settings.setValue("geometry", geometry) settings.setValue("state", state) settings.setValue("canvasdock/expanded", self.dock_widget.expanded()) settings.setValue("scheme-margins-enabled", self.scheme_margins_enabled) settings.setValue("widgettoolbox/state", self.widgets_tool_box.saveState()) settings.setValue("quick-help/visible", self.canvas_tool_dock.quickHelpVisible()) settings.setValue("widgets-float-on-top", self.float_widgets_on_top_action.isChecked()) settings.endGroup() self.help_dock.close() self.output_dock.close() super().closeEvent(event) windowlist = WindowListManager.instance() windowlist.removeWindow(self) __did_restore = False def restoreState(self, state, version=0): # type: (Union[QByteArray, bytes, bytearray], int) -> bool restored = super().restoreState(state, version) self.__did_restore = self.__did_restore or restored return restored def showEvent(self, event): # type: (QShowEvent) -> None if self.__first_show: settings = QSettings() settings.beginGroup("mainwindow") # Restore geometry if not already positioned if not (self.testAttribute(Qt.WA_Moved) or self.testAttribute(Qt.WA_Resized)): geom_data = settings.value("geometry", QByteArray(), type=QByteArray) if geom_data: self.restoreGeometry(geom_data) state = settings.value("state", QByteArray(), type=QByteArray) # Restore dock/toolbar state if not already done so if state and not self.__did_restore: self.restoreState(state, version=self.SETTINGS_VERSION) self.__first_show = False super().showEvent(event) def quickHelpEvent(self, event: QuickHelpTipEvent) -> None: if event.priority() == QuickHelpTipEvent.Normal: self.dock_help.showHelp(event.html()) elif event.priority() == QuickHelpTipEvent.Temporary: self.dock_help.showHelp(event.html(), event.timeout()) elif event.priority() == QuickHelpTipEvent.Permanent: self.dock_help.showPermanentHelp(event.html()) event.accept() def __handle_help_query_response(self, res: Optional[QUrl]): if res is None: mb = QMessageBox("There is no documentation for this widget."),"No help found"), icon=QMessageBox.Information, parent=self, objectName="no-help-found-message-box" ) mb.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) mb.setWindowModality(Qt.ApplicationModal) else: self.show_help(res) def whatsThisClickedEvent(self, event: QWhatsThisClickedEvent) -> None: url = QUrl(event.href()) if url.scheme() == "help" and url.authority() == "search": loop = get_event_loop() qself = qobjref(self) async def run(query_coro: Awaitable[QUrl], query: QUrl): url: Optional[QUrl] = None try: url = await query_coro except (KeyError, futures.TimeoutError):"No help topic found for %r", query) self_ = qself() if self_ is not None: self_.__handle_help_query_response(url) loop.create_task(run(, url)) elif url.scheme() == "action" and url.path(): action = self.findChild(QAction, url.path()) if action is not None: action.trigger() else: log.warning("No target action found for %r", url.toString()) def event(self, event): # type: (QEvent) -> bool if event.type() == QEvent.StatusTip and \ isinstance(event, QuickHelpTipEvent): self.quickHelpEvent(event) if event.isAccepted(): return True elif event.type() == QEvent.WhatsThisClicked: event = cast(QWhatsThisClickedEvent, event) self.whatsThisClickedEvent(event) return True return super().event(event) def show_help(self, url): # type: (QUrl) -> None """ Show `url` in a help window. """"Setting help to url: %r", url) settings = QSettings() use_external = settings.value( "help/open-in-external-browser", defaultValue=False, type=bool) if use_external or self.help_view is None: url = QUrl(url) QDesktopServices.openUrl(url) else: self.help_view.load(QUrl(url)) self.help_dock.raise_() def toggleMaximized(self) -> None: """Toggle normal/maximized window state. """ if self.isMinimized(): # Do nothing if window is minimized return if self.isMaximized(): self.showNormal() else: self.showMaximized() def sizeHint(self): # type: () -> QSize """ Reimplemented from QMainWindow.sizeHint """ hint = super().sizeHint() return hint.expandedTo(QSize(1024, 720)) def update_from_settings(self): # type: () -> None """ Update the state from changed user preferences. This method is called on all top level windows (that are subclasses of CanvasMainWindow) after the preferences dialog is closed. """ self.__update_from_settings() def __update_from_settings(self): # type: () -> None settings = QSettings() settings.beginGroup("mainwindow") toolbox_floatable = settings.value("toolbox-dock-floatable", defaultValue=False, type=bool) features = self.dock_widget.features() features = updated_flags(features, QDockWidget.DockWidgetFloatable, toolbox_floatable) self.dock_widget.setFeatures(features) toolbox_exclusive = settings.value("toolbox-dock-exclusive", defaultValue=False, type=bool) self.widgets_tool_box.setExclusive(toolbox_exclusive) self.num_recent_schemes = settings.value("num-recent-schemes", defaultValue=15, type=int) float_widgets_on_top = settings.value("widgets-float-on-top", defaultValue=False, type=bool) self.set_float_widgets_on_top_enabled(float_widgets_on_top) settings.endGroup() settings.beginGroup("quickmenu") triggers = 0 dbl_click = settings.value("trigger-on-double-click", defaultValue=True, type=bool) if dbl_click: triggers |= SchemeEditWidget.DoubleClicked right_click = settings.value("trigger-on-right-click", defaultValue=True, type=bool) if right_click: triggers |= SchemeEditWidget.RightClicked space_press = settings.value("trigger-on-space-key", defaultValue=True, type=bool) if space_press: triggers |= SchemeEditWidget.SpaceKey any_press = settings.value("trigger-on-any-key", defaultValue=False, type=bool) if any_press: triggers |= SchemeEditWidget.AnyKey self.scheme_widget.setQuickMenuTriggers(triggers) settings.endGroup() settings.beginGroup("schemeedit") show_channel_names = settings.value("show-channel-names", defaultValue=True, type=bool) self.scheme_widget.setChannelNamesVisible(show_channel_names) open_anchors_ = settings.value( "open-anchors-on-hover", defaultValue=False, type=bool ) if open_anchors_: open_anchors = SchemeEditWidget.OpenAnchors.Always else: open_anchors = SchemeEditWidget.OpenAnchors.OnShift self.scheme_widget.setOpenAnchorsMode(open_anchors) node_animations = settings.value("enable-node-animations", defaultValue=False, type=bool) self.scheme_widget.setNodeAnimationEnabled(node_animations) settings.endGroup() self.__update_registry_filters() def __update_registry_filters(self): # type: () -> None if self.widget_registry is None: return settings = QSettings() visible_state = {} for cat in self.widget_registry.categories(): visible, _ = category_state(cat, settings) visible_state[] = visible if self.__proxy_model is not None: self.__proxy_model.setFilters([ FilterProxyModel.Filter( 0, QtWidgetRegistry.CATEGORY_DESC_ROLE, category_filter_function(visible_state)) ]) def connect_output_stream(self, stream: TextStream): """ Connect a :class:`TextStream` instance to this window's output view. The `stream` will be 'inherited' by new windows created by `create_new_window`. """ doc = self.output_view().document() doc.connectStream(stream) def disconnect_output_stream(self, stream: TextStream): """ Disconnect a :class:`TextStream` instance from this window's output view. """ doc = self.output_view().document() doc.disconnectStream(stream)
def updated_flags(flags, mask, state): return set_flag(flags, mask, state) def identity(item): return item def index(sequence, *what, **kwargs): """index(sequence, what, [key=None, [predicate=None]]) Return index of `what` in `sequence`. """ what = what[0] key = kwargs.get("key", identity) predicate = kwargs.get("predicate", operator.eq) for i, item in enumerate(sequence): item_key = key(item) if predicate(what, item_key): return i raise ValueError("%r not in sequence" % what) def category_filter_function(state): # type: (Dict[str, bool]) -> Callable[[Any], bool] def category_filter(desc): if not isinstance(desc, CategoryDescription): # Is not a category item return True return state.get(, not desc.hidden) return category_filter class UrlDropEventFilter(QObject): urlDropped = Signal(QUrl) def acceptsDrop(self, mime: QMimeData) -> bool: if mime.hasUrls() and len(mime.urls()) == 1: url = mime.urls()[0] if url.scheme() == "file": filename = url.toLocalFile() _, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) if ext == ".ows": return True return False def eventFilter(self, obj, event): etype = event.type() if etype == QEvent.DragEnter or etype == QEvent.DragMove: if self.acceptsDrop(event.mimeData()): event.acceptProposedAction() return True elif etype == QEvent.Drop: if self.acceptsDrop(event.mimeData()): urls = event.mimeData().urls() if urls: url = urls[0] self.urlDropped.emit(url) return True return super().eventFilter(obj, event) class RecentItem(SimpleNamespace): title = "" # type: str path = "" # type: str def scheme_requires( stream: IO, registry: Optional[WidgetRegistry] = None ) -> List[str]: """ Inspect the given ows workflow `stream` and return a list of project names recorded as implementers of the contained nodes. Nodes are first mapped through any `replaces` entries in `registry` first. """ # parse to 'intermediate' form and run replacements with registry. desc = readwrite.parse_ows_stream(stream) if registry is not None: desc = readwrite.resolve_replaced(desc, registry) return list(unique(m.project_name for m in desc.nodes if m.project_name)) K = TypeVar("K") V = TypeVar("V") def render_error_details(errors: Iterable[Exception]) -> str: """ Render a detailed error report for observed errors during workflow load. Parameters ---------- errors : Iterable[Exception] Returns ------- text: str """ def collectall( items: Iterable[Tuple[K, Iterable[V]]], pred: Callable[[K], bool] ) -> Sequence[V]: return reduce( list.__iadd__, (v for k, v in items if pred(k)), [] ) errors_by_type = group_by_all(errors, key=type) missing_node_defs = collectall( errors_by_type, lambda k: issubclass(k, UnknownWidgetDefinition) ) link_type_erors = collectall( errors_by_type, lambda k: issubclass(k, IncompatibleChannelTypeError) ) other = collectall( errors_by_type, lambda k: not issubclass(k, (UnknownWidgetDefinition, IncompatibleChannelTypeError)) ) contents = [] if missing_node_defs is not None: contents.extend([ "Missing node definitions:", *[" \N{BULLET} " + e.args[0] for e in missing_node_defs], "", # "(possibly due to missing install requirements)" ]) if link_type_erors: contents.extend([ "Incompatible connection types:", *[" \N{BULLET} " + e.args[0] for e in link_type_erors], "" ]) if other: def format_exception(e: BaseException): return "".join(traceback.format_exception_only(type(e), e)) contents.extend([ "Unqualified errors:", *[" \N{BULLET} " + format_exception(e) for e in other] ]) return "\n".join(contents)