Source code for orangecanvas.canvas.items.nodeitem

Node Item

import math
import typing
import string

from operator import attrgetter
from itertools import groupby
from xml.sax.saxutils import escape

from typing import Dict, Any, Optional, List, Iterable, Tuple, Union

from AnyQt.QtWidgets import (
    QGraphicsItem, QGraphicsObject, QGraphicsWidget,
    QGraphicsDropShadowEffect, QStyle, QApplication, QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent,
    QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent, QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, QWidget,
from AnyQt.QtGui import (
    QPen, QBrush, QColor, QPalette, QIcon, QPainter, QPainterPath,
    QPainterPathStroker, QConicalGradient,
from AnyQt.QtCore import (
    Qt, QEvent, QPointF, QRectF, QRect, QSize, QTime, QTimer,
    QPropertyAnimation, QEasingCurve, QObject, QVariantAnimation,
from AnyQt.QtCore import pyqtSignal as Signal, pyqtProperty as Property
from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtProperty

from .graphicspathobject import GraphicsPathObject
from .graphicstextitem import GraphicsTextItem
from .utils import saturated, radial_gradient

from ...scheme.node import UserMessage
from ...registry import NAMED_COLORS, WidgetDescription, CategoryDescription, \
    InputSignal, OutputSignal
from ...resources import icon_loader
from .utils import uniform_linear_layout_trunc
from ...utils import set_flag
from ...utils.mathutils import interp1d

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from ...registry import WidgetDescription
    # from . import LinkItem

def create_palette(light_color, color):
    # type: (QColor, QColor) -> QPalette
    Return a new :class:`QPalette` from for the :class:`NodeBodyItem`.
    palette = QPalette()

    palette.setColor(QPalette.Inactive, QPalette.Light,
                     saturated(light_color, 50))
    palette.setColor(QPalette.Inactive, QPalette.Midlight,
                     saturated(light_color, 90))
    palette.setColor(QPalette.Inactive, QPalette.Button,

    palette.setColor(QPalette.Active, QPalette.Light,
                     saturated(color, 50))
    palette.setColor(QPalette.Active, QPalette.Midlight,
                     saturated(color, 90))
    palette.setColor(QPalette.Active, QPalette.Button,
    palette.setColor(QPalette.ButtonText, QColor("#515151"))
    return palette

def default_palette():
    # type: () -> QPalette
    Create and return a default palette for a node.
    return create_palette(QColor(NAMED_COLORS["light-yellow"]),

def animation_restart(animation):
    # type: (QPropertyAnimation) -> None
    if animation.state() == QPropertyAnimation.Running:


class NodeBodyItem(GraphicsPathObject):
    The central part (body) of the `NodeItem`.
    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        # type: (NodeItem) -> None
        assert isinstance(parent, NodeItem)

        self.__processingState = 0
        self.__progress = -1.
        self.__spinnerValue = 0
        self.__animationEnabled = False
        self.__isSelected = False
        self.__hover = False
        self.__shapeRect = QRectF(-10, -10, 20, 20)
        self.palette = QPalette()

        self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemSendsScenePositionChanges, True)
        self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemSendsGeometryChanges, True)



        self.shadow = QGraphicsDropShadowEffect(
            offset=QPointF(0, 0),

        # An item with the same shape as this object, stacked behind this
        # item as a source for QGraphicsDropShadowEffect. Cannot attach
        # the effect to this item directly as QGraphicsEffect makes the item
        # non devicePixelRatio aware.
        shadowitem = GraphicsPathObject(self, objectName="shadow-shape-item")
        self.__shadow = shadowitem
        self.__blurAnimation = QPropertyAnimation(
            self.shadow, b"blurRadius", self, duration=100

        self.__pingAnimation = QPropertyAnimation(
            self, b"scale", self, duration=250
        self.__pingAnimation.setKeyValues([(0.0, 1.0), (0.5, 1.1), (1.0, 1.0)])

        self.__spinnerAnimation = QVariantAnimation(
            self, startValue=0, endValue=360, duration=2000, loopCount=-1,
        self.__spinnerStartTimer = QTimer(
            self, interval=3000, singleShot=True,

    # TODO: The body item should allow the setting of arbitrary painter
    # paths (for instance rounded rect, ...)
    def setShapeRect(self, rect):
        # type: (QRectF) -> None
        Set the item's shape `rect`. The item should be confined within
        this rect.
        path = QPainterPath()
        self.__shapeRect = rect

    def setPalette(self, palette):
        # type: (QPalette) -> None
        Set the body color palette (:class:`QPalette`).
        self.palette = QPalette(palette)

    def setAnimationEnabled(self, enabled):
        # type: (bool) -> None
        Set the node animation enabled.
        if self.__animationEnabled != enabled:
            self.__animationEnabled = enabled

    def setProcessingState(self, state):
        # type: (int) -> None
        Set the processing state of the node.
        if self.__processingState != state:
            self.__processingState = state
            if not state and self.__animationEnabled:
            if state:

    def setProgress(self, progress):
        # type: (float) -> None
        Set the progress indicator state of the node. `progress` should
        be a number between 0 and 100.
        if self.__progress != progress:
            self.__progress = progress
            if self.__progress >= 0:

    def ping(self):
        # type: () -> None
        Trigger a 'ping' animation.

    def startSpinner(self):

    def stopSpinner(self):

    def __progressTimeout(self):
        if self.__processingState:

    def hoverEnterEvent(self, event):
        self.__hover = True
        return super().hoverEnterEvent(event)

    def hoverLeaveEvent(self, event):
        self.__hover = False
        return super().hoverLeaveEvent(event)

    def paint(self, painter, option, widget=None):
        # type: (QPainter, QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, Optional[QWidget]) -> None
        Paint the shape and a progress meter.
        # Let the default implementation draw the shape
        if option.state & QStyle.State_Selected:
            # Prevent the default bounding rect selection indicator.
            option.state = QStyle.State(option.state ^ QStyle.State_Selected)
        super().paint(painter, option, widget)
        if self.__progress >= 0 or self.__processingState \
                or self.__spinnerAnimation.state() == QVariantAnimation.Running:
            # Draw the progress meter over the shape.
            # Set the clip to shape so the meter does not overflow the shape.
            rect = self.__shapeRect
            painter.setClipPath(self.shape(), Qt.ReplaceClip)
            color = self.palette.color(QPalette.ButtonText)
            pen = QPen(color, 5)
            spinner = self.__spinnerAnimation
            indeterminate = spinner.state() != QVariantAnimation.Stopped
            if indeterminate:
                draw_spinner(painter, rect, 5, color,
                span = max(1, int(360 * self.__progress / 100))
                draw_progress(painter, rect, 5, color, span)

    def __updateShadowState(self):
        # type: () -> None
        if self.__isSelected or self.__hover:
            enabled = True
            radius = 17
            enabled = False
            radius = 0

        if enabled and not self.shadow.isEnabled():

        if self.__isSelected:
            color = QColor(SELECTED_SHADOW_COLOR)
            color = QColor(SHADOW_COLOR)


        if self.__animationEnabled:
            if self.__blurAnimation.state() == QPropertyAnimation.Running:


    def __updateBrush(self):
        # type: () -> None
        palette = self.palette
        if self.__isSelected:
            cg = QPalette.Active
            cg = QPalette.Inactive

        c1 = palette.color(QPalette.Light)
        c2 = palette.color(QPalette.Button)
        grad = radial_gradient(c2, c1)

    # TODO: The selected state should be set using the
    # QStyle flags (State_Selected. State_HasFocus)

    def setSelected(self, selected):
        # type: (bool) -> None
        Set the `selected` state.

        .. note:: The item does not have `QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable` flag.
                  This property is instead controlled by the parent NodeItem.

        self.__isSelected = selected

    def __on_finished(self):
        # type: () -> None
        if self.shadow.blurRadius() == 0:

class LinkAnchorIndicator(QGraphicsEllipseItem):
    A visual indicator of the link anchor point at both ends
    of the :class:`LinkItem`.

    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        # type: (Optional[QGraphicsItem]) -> None
        self.__styleState = QStyle.State(0)
        self.__linkState = LinkItem.NoState
        self.setRect(-3.5, -3.5, 7., 7.)
        self.hoverBrush = QBrush(QColor("#959595"))

        self.__hover = False

    def setHoverState(self, state):
        # type: (bool) -> None
        The hover state is set by the LinkItem.
        state = set_flag(self.__styleState, QStyle.State_MouseOver, state)

    def setStyleState(self, state: QStyle.State):
        if self.__styleState != state:
            self.__styleState = state

    def setLinkState(self, state: 'LinkItem.State'):
        if self.__linkState != state:
            self.__linkState = state

    def paint(self, painter, option, widget=None):
        # type: (QPainter, QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, Optional[QWidget]) -> None
        hover = self.__styleState & (QStyle.State_Selected | QStyle.State_MouseOver)
        brush = self.hoverBrush if hover else self.brush()
        if self.__linkState & (LinkItem.Pending | LinkItem.Invalidated):
            brush = QBrush(


def draw_spinner(painter, rect, penwidth, color, angle):
    # type: (QPainter, QRectF, int, QColor, int) -> None
    gradient = QConicalGradient()
    color2 = QColor(color)

    stops = [
        (0.0, color),
        (1.0, color2),
    gradient.setCenter(0.5, 0.5)
    pen = QPen()

def draw_progress(painter, rect, penwidth, color, angle):
    # type: (QPainter, QRectF, int, QColor, int) -> None
    painter.setPen(QPen(color, penwidth))
    painter.drawArc(rect, 90 * 16, -angle * 16)

[docs]class AnchorPoint(QGraphicsObject): """ A anchor indicator on the :class:`NodeAnchorItem`. """ #: Signal emitted when the item's scene position changes. scenePositionChanged = Signal(QPointF) #: Signal emitted when the item's `anchorDirection` changes. anchorDirectionChanged = Signal(QPointF) #: Signal emitted when anchor's Input/Output channel changes. signalChanged = Signal(QGraphicsObject) def __init__( self, parent: Optional[QGraphicsItem] = None, signal: Union[InputSignal, OutputSignal, None] = None, **kwargs ) -> None: super().__init__(parent, **kwargs) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsFocusable) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemSendsScenePositionChanges, True) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemHasNoContents, True) self.indicator = LinkAnchorIndicator(self) self.signal = signal self.__direction = QPointF() self.anim = QPropertyAnimation(self, b'pos', self) self.anim.setDuration(50) def setSignal(self, signal): if self.signal != signal: self.signal = signal self.signalChanged.emit(self)
[docs] def anchorScenePos(self): # type: () -> QPointF """ Return anchor position in scene coordinates. """ return self.mapToScene(QPointF(0, 0))
[docs] def setAnchorDirection(self, direction): # type: (QPointF) -> None """ Set the preferred direction (QPointF) in item coordinates. """ if self.__direction != direction: self.__direction = QPointF(direction) self.anchorDirectionChanged.emit(direction)
[docs] def anchorDirection(self): # type: () -> QPointF """ Return the preferred anchor direction. """ return QPointF(self.__direction)
[docs] def itemChange(self, change, value): # type: (QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemChange, Any) -> Any if change == QGraphicsItem.ItemScenePositionHasChanged: self.scenePositionChanged.emit(value) return super().itemChange(change, value)
[docs] def boundingRect(self,): # type: () -> QRectF return QRectF()
def setHoverState(self, enabled): self.indicator.setHoverState(enabled) def setLinkState(self, state: 'LinkItem.State'): self.indicator.setLinkState(state)
def drawDashPattern(dashNum, spaceLen=2, lineLen=16): dashLen = (lineLen - spaceLen * (dashNum - 1)) / dashNum line = [] for _ in range(dashNum - 1): line += [dashLen, spaceLen] line += [dashLen] return line def matchDashPattern(l1, l2, spaceLen=2): if not l1 or not l2 or len(l1) == len(l2): return l1, l2 if len(l2) < len(l1): l1, l2 = l2, l1 reverse = True else: reverse = False l1d = len(l1) // 2 + 1 l2d = len(l2) // 2 + 1 if l1d == 1: # base case dLen = l1[0] l1 = drawDashPattern(l2d, spaceLen=0, lineLen=dLen) return (l2, l1) if reverse else (l1, l2) d = math.gcd(l1d, l2d) if d > 1: # split l1step = (l1d // d) * 2 l2step = (l2d // d) * 2 l1range = l1step - 1 l2range = l2step - 1 l1splits, l2splits = [], [] for l1i, l2i in zip(range(0, len(l1), l1step), range(0, len(l2), l2step)): l1s = l1[l1i:(l1i+l1range)] l2s = l2[l2i:(l2i+l2range)] l1splits += [l1s] l2splits += [l2s] elif l1d % 2 == 0 and l2d % 2 != 0: # split middle 2 lines into 3 l11 = l1[:l1d-2] l1l = l1[l1d] l12 = l1[l1d+1:] l21 = l2[:l2d-3] l2l = l2[l2d-1] l22 = l2[l2d+2:] new_l11, new_l21 = matchDashPattern(l11, l21) new_l12, new_l22 = matchDashPattern(l12, l22) for new_l in (new_l11, new_l21): if new_l: new_l += [spaceLen] for new_l in (new_l12, new_l22): if new_l: new_l.insert(0, spaceLen) l1 = new_l11 + [l1l*2/3, 0, l1l/3, spaceLen, l1l/3, 0, l1l*2/3] + new_l12 l2 = new_l21 + [l2l, spaceLen, l2l/2, 0, l2l/2, spaceLen, l2l] + new_l22 return (l2, l1) if reverse else (l1, l2) elif l1d % 2 != 0 and l2d % 2 == 0: # split line l11 = l1[:l1d - 2] mid = l1[l1d-1] l1m = [mid/2, 0, mid/2] l12 = l1[l1d+1:] l21 = l2[:l2d-3] l2m = l2[l2d-2:l2d+1] l22 = l2[l2d+2:] l1splits = [l11, l1m, l12] l2splits = [l21, l2m, l22] else: # if l1d % 2 != 0 and l2d % 2 != 0 l11 = l1[:l1d - 1] l1m = l1[l1d] l12 = l1[l1d + 2:] l21 = l2[:l2d - 1] l2m = l2[l2d] l22 = l2[l2d + 2:] l1splits = [l11, l1m, l12] l2splits = [l21, l2m, l22] l1 = [] l2 = [] for l1s, l2s in zip(l1splits, l2splits): new_l1, new_l2 = matchDashPattern(l1s, l2s) l1 += new_l1 + [spaceLen] l2 += new_l2 + [spaceLen] # drop trailing space l1 = l1[:-1] l2 = l2[:-1] return (l2, l1) if reverse else (l1, l2) ANCHOR_TEXT_MARGIN = 4 class NodeAnchorItem(GraphicsPathObject): """ The left/right widget input/output anchors. """ def __init__(self, parent, **kwargs): # type: (Optional[QGraphicsItem], Any) -> None super().__init__(parent, **kwargs) self.__parentNodeItem = None # type: Optional[NodeItem] self.setAcceptHoverEvents(True) self.setPen(QPen(Qt.NoPen)) self.normalBrush = QBrush(QColor("#CDD5D9")) self.normalHoverBrush = QBrush(QColor("#9CACB4")) self.connectedBrush = self.normalHoverBrush self.connectedHoverBrush = QBrush(QColor("#959595")) self.setBrush(self.normalBrush) self.__animationEnabled = False self.__hover = False self.__anchorOpen = False self.__compatibleSignals = None self.__keepSignalsOpen = [] # Does this item have any anchored links. self.anchored = False if isinstance(parent, NodeItem): self.__parentNodeItem = parent else: self.__parentNodeItem = None self.__anchorPath = QPainterPath() self.__points = [] # type: List[AnchorPoint] self.__uniformPointPositions = [] # type: List[float] self.__channelPointPositions = [] # type: List[float] self.__incompatible = False # type: bool self.__signals = [] # type: List[Union[InputSignal, OutputSignal]] self.__signalLabels = [] # type: List[GraphicsTextItem] self.__signalLabelAnims = [] # type: List[QPropertyAnimation] self.__fullStroke = QPainterPath() self.__dottedStroke = QPainterPath() self.__channelStroke = QPainterPath() self.__shape = None # type: Optional[QPainterPath] self.shadow = QGraphicsDropShadowEffect( blurRadius=0, color=QColor(SHADOW_COLOR), offset=QPointF(0, 0), ) # self.setGraphicsEffect(self.shadow) self.shadow.setEnabled(False) shadowitem = GraphicsPathObject(self, objectName="shadow-shape-item") shadowitem.setPen(Qt.NoPen) shadowitem.setBrush(QBrush(QColor(SHADOW_COLOR))) shadowitem.setGraphicsEffect(self.shadow) shadowitem.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemStacksBehindParent) self.__shadow = shadowitem self.__blurAnimation = QPropertyAnimation(self.shadow, b"blurRadius", self) self.__blurAnimation.setDuration(50) self.__blurAnimation.finished.connect(self.__on_finished) stroke_path = QPainterPathStroker() stroke_path.setCapStyle(Qt.RoundCap) stroke_path.setWidth(3) self.__pathStroker = stroke_path self.__interpDash = None self.__dashInterpFactor = 0 self.__anchorPathAnim = QPropertyAnimation(self, b"anchorDashInterpFactor", self) self.__anchorPathAnim.setDuration(50) self.animGroup = QParallelAnimationGroup() self.animGroup.addAnimation(self.__anchorPathAnim) def setSignals(self, signals): self.__signals = signals self.setAnchorPath(self.__anchorPath) # (re)instantiate anchor paths # TODO this is ugly alignLeft = isinstance(self, SourceAnchorItem) for s in signals: lbl = GraphicsTextItem(self) lbl.setAcceptedMouseButtons(Qt.NoButton) lbl.setAcceptHoverEvents(False) text = lbl.setHtml('<div align="' + ('left' if alignLeft else 'right') + '" style="font-size: small; background-color: palette(base);" >{0}</div>' .format(text)) cperc = self.__getChannelPercent(s) sigPos = self.__anchorPath.pointAtPercent(cperc) lblrect = lbl.boundingRect() transform = QTransform() transform.translate(sigPos.x(), sigPos.y()) transform.translate(0, -lblrect.height() / 2) if not alignLeft: transform.translate(-lblrect.width() - ANCHOR_TEXT_MARGIN, 0) else: transform.translate(ANCHOR_TEXT_MARGIN, 0) lbl.setTransform(transform) lbl.setOpacity(0) self.__signalLabels.append(lbl) lblAnim = QPropertyAnimation(lbl, b'opacity', self) lblAnim.setDuration(50) self.animGroup.addAnimation(lblAnim) self.__signalLabelAnims.append(lblAnim) def setIncompatible(self, enabled): if self.__incompatible != enabled: self.__incompatible = enabled self.__updatePositions() def setKeepAnchorOpen(self, signal): if signal is None: self.__keepSignalsOpen = [] elif not isinstance(signal, list): self.__keepSignalsOpen = [signal] else: self.__keepSignalsOpen = signal self.__updateLabels(self.__keepSignalsOpen) def parentNodeItem(self): # type: () -> Optional['NodeItem'] """ Return a parent :class:`NodeItem` or ``None`` if this anchor's parent is not a :class:`NodeItem` instance. """ return self.__parentNodeItem def setAnchorPath(self, path): # type: (QPainterPath) -> None """ Set the anchor's curve path as a :class:`QPainterPath`. """ self.__anchorPath = QPainterPath(path) # Create a stroke of the path. stroke_path = QPainterPathStroker() stroke_path.setCapStyle(Qt.RoundCap) # Shape is wider (bigger mouse hit area - should be settable) stroke_path.setWidth(25) self.prepareGeometryChange() self.__shape = stroke_path.createStroke(path) stroke_path.setWidth(3) # Match up dash patterns for animations dash6 = drawDashPattern(6) channelAnchor = drawDashPattern(len(self.__signals) or 1) fullAnchor = drawDashPattern(1) dash6, channelAnchor = matchDashPattern(dash6, channelAnchor) channelAnchor, fullAnchor = matchDashPattern(channelAnchor, fullAnchor) self.__unanchoredDash = dash6 self.__channelDash = channelAnchor self.__anchoredDash = fullAnchor # The full stroke stroke_path.setDashPattern(fullAnchor) self.__fullStroke = stroke_path.createStroke(path) # The dotted stroke (when not connected to anything) stroke_path.setDashPattern(dash6) self.__dottedStroke = stroke_path.createStroke(path) # The channel stroke (when channels are open) stroke_path.setDashPattern(channelAnchor) self.__channelStroke = stroke_path.createStroke(path) if self.anchored: self.setPath(self.__fullStroke) self.__pathStroker.setDashPattern(self.__anchoredDash) self.__shadow.setPath(self.__fullStroke) brush = self.connectedHoverBrush if self.__hover else self.connectedBrush self.setBrush(brush) else: self.setPath(self.__dottedStroke) self.__pathStroker.setDashPattern(self.__unanchoredDash) self.__shadow.setPath(self.__dottedStroke) brush = self.normalHoverBrush if self.__hover else self.normalBrush self.setBrush(brush) def anchorPath(self): # type: () -> QPainterPath """ Return the anchor path (:class:`QPainterPath`). This is a curve on which the anchor points lie. """ return QPainterPath(self.__anchorPath) def anchorOpen(self): return self.__anchorOpen @pyqtProperty(float) def anchorDashInterpFactor(self): return self.__dashInterpFactor @anchorDashInterpFactor.setter def anchorDashInterpFactor(self, value): self.__dashInterpFactor = value stroke_path = self.__pathStroker path = self.__anchorPath pattern = self.__interpDash(value) stroke_path.setDashPattern(pattern) stroke = stroke_path.createStroke(path) self.setPath(stroke) self.__shadow.setPath(stroke) def setAnchored(self, anchored): # type: (bool) -> None """ Set the items anchored state. When ``False`` the item draws it self with a dotted stroke. """ self.anchored = anchored if anchored: self.shadow.setEnabled(False) self.setBrush(self.connectedBrush) else: brush = self.normalHoverBrush if self.__hover else self.normalBrush self.setBrush(brush) self.__updatePositions() def setConnectionHint(self, hint=None): """ Set the connection hint. This can be used to indicate if a connection can be made or not. """ raise NotImplementedError def count(self): # type: () -> int """ Return the number of anchor points. """ return len(self.__points) def addAnchor(self, anchor): # type: (AnchorPoint) -> int """ Add a new :class:`AnchorPoint` to this item and return it's index. The `position` specifies where along the `anchorPath` is the new point inserted. """ return self.insertAnchor(self.count(), anchor) def __updateAnchorSignalPosition(self, anchor): cperc = self.__getChannelPercent(anchor.signal) i = self.__points.index(anchor) self.__channelPointPositions[i] = cperc self.__updatePositions() def insertAnchor(self, index, anchor): # type: (int, AnchorPoint) -> int """ Insert a new :class:`AnchorPoint` at `index`. See also -------- NodeAnchorItem.addAnchor """ if anchor in self.__points: raise ValueError("%s already added." % anchor) self.__points.insert(index, anchor) self.__uniformPointPositions.insert(index, 0) cperc = self.__getChannelPercent(anchor.signal) self.__channelPointPositions.insert(index, cperc) self.animGroup.addAnimation(anchor.anim) anchor.setParentItem(self) anchor.destroyed.connect(self.__onAnchorDestroyed) anchor.signalChanged.connect(self.__updateAnchorSignalPosition) positions = self.anchorPositions() positions = uniform_linear_layout_trunc(positions) if anchor.signal in self.__keepSignalsOpen or \ self.__anchorOpen and self.__hover: perc = cperc else: perc = positions[index] pos = self.__anchorPath.pointAtPercent(perc) anchor.setPos(pos) self.setAnchorPositions(positions) self.setAnchored(bool(self.__points)) hover_for_color = self.__hover and len(self.__points) > 1 # a stylistic choice anchor.setHoverState(hover_for_color) return index def removeAnchor(self, anchor): # type: (AnchorPoint) -> None """ Remove and delete the anchor point. """ anchor = self.takeAnchor(anchor) self.animGroup.removeAnimation(anchor.anim) anchor.hide() anchor.setParentItem(None) anchor.deleteLater() positions = self.anchorPositions() positions = uniform_linear_layout_trunc(positions) self.setAnchorPositions(positions) def takeAnchor(self, anchor): # type: (AnchorPoint) -> AnchorPoint """ Remove the anchor but don't delete it. """ index = self.__points.index(anchor) del self.__points[index] del self.__uniformPointPositions[index] del self.__channelPointPositions[index] anchor.destroyed.disconnect(self.__onAnchorDestroyed) self.__updatePositions() self.setAnchored(bool(self.__points)) return anchor def __onAnchorDestroyed(self, anchor): # type: (QObject) -> None try: index = self.__points.index(anchor) except ValueError: return del self.__points[index] del self.__uniformPointPositions[index] del self.__channelPointPositions[index] def anchorPoints(self): # type: () -> List[AnchorPoint] """ Return a list of anchor points. """ return list(self.__points) def anchorPoint(self, index): # type: (int) -> AnchorPoint """ Return the anchor point at `index`. """ return self.__points[index] def setAnchorPositions(self, positions): # type: (Iterable[float]) -> None """ Set the anchor positions in percentages (0..1) along the path curve. """ if self.__uniformPointPositions != positions: self.__uniformPointPositions = list(positions) self.__updatePositions() def anchorPositions(self): # type: () -> List[float] """ Return the positions of anchor points as a list of floats where each float is between 0 and 1 and specifies where along the anchor path does the point lie (0 is at start 1 is at the end). """ return list(self.__uniformPointPositions) def shape(self): # type: () -> QPainterPath if self.__shape is not None: return QPainterPath(self.__shape) else: return super().shape() def boundingRect(self): if self.__shape is not None: return self.__shape.controlPointRect() else: return GraphicsPathObject.boundingRect(self) def setHovered(self, enabled): self.__hover = enabled if enabled: brush = self.connectedHoverBrush if self.anchored else self.normalHoverBrush else: brush = self.connectedBrush if self.anchored else self.normalBrush self.setBrush(brush) self.__updateHoverState() def hoverEnterEvent(self, event): self.setHovered(True) return super().hoverEnterEvent(event) def hoverLeaveEvent(self, event): self.setHovered(False) return super().hoverLeaveEvent(event) def setAnimationEnabled(self, enabled): # type: (bool) -> None """ Set the anchor animation enabled. """ if self.__animationEnabled != enabled: self.__animationEnabled = enabled def signalAtPos(self, scenePos, signalsToFind=None): if signalsToFind is None: signalsToFind = self.__signals pos = self.mapFromScene(scenePos) def signalLengthToPos(s): perc = self.__getChannelPercent(s) p = self.__anchorPath.pointAtPercent(perc) return (p - pos).manhattanLength() return min(signalsToFind, key=signalLengthToPos) def __updateHoverState(self): self.__updateShadowState() self.__updatePositions() for indicator in self.anchorPoints(): indicator.setHoverState(self.__hover) def __getChannelPercent(self, signal): if signal is None: return 0.5 signals = self.__signals ci = signals.index(signal) gap_perc = 1 / 8 seg_perc = (1 - (gap_perc * (len(signals) - 1))) / len(signals) return (ci * (gap_perc + seg_perc)) + seg_perc / 2 def __updateShadowState(self): # type: () -> None radius = 5 if self.__hover else 0 if radius != 0 and not self.shadow.isEnabled(): self.shadow.setEnabled(True) if self.__animationEnabled: if self.__blurAnimation.state() == QPropertyAnimation.Running: self.__blurAnimation.stop() self.__blurAnimation.setStartValue(self.shadow.blurRadius()) self.__blurAnimation.setEndValue(radius) self.__blurAnimation.start() else: self.shadow.setBlurRadius(radius) def setAnchorOpen(self, anchorOpen): self.__anchorOpen = anchorOpen self.__updatePositions() def setCompatibleSignals(self, compatibleSignals): self.__compatibleSignals = compatibleSignals self.__updatePositions() def __updateLabels(self, showSignals): for signal, label in zip(self.__signals, self.__signalLabels): if signal not in showSignals: opacity = 0 elif self.__compatibleSignals is not None \ and signal not in self.__compatibleSignals: opacity = 0.65 else: opacity = 1 label.setOpacity(opacity) def __initializeAnimation(self, targetPoss, endDash, showSignals): anchorOpen = self.__anchorOpen # TODO if animation currently running, set start value/time accordingly for a, t in zip(self.__points, targetPoss): currPos = a.pos() a.anim.setStartValue(currPos) pos = self.__anchorPath.pointAtPercent(t) a.anim.setEndValue(pos) for sig, lbl, lblAnim in zip(self.__signals, self.__signalLabels, self.__signalLabelAnims): lblAnim.setStartValue(lbl.opacity()) lblAnim.setEndValue(1 if sig in showSignals else 0) startDash = self.__pathStroker.dashPattern() self.__interpDash = interp1d(startDash, endDash) self.__anchorPathAnim.setStartValue(0) self.__anchorPathAnim.setEndValue(1) def __updatePositions(self): # type: () -> None """Update anchor points positions. """ if self.__keepSignalsOpen or self.__anchorOpen and self.__hover: dashPattern = self.__channelDash stroke = self.__channelStroke targetPoss = self.__channelPointPositions showSignals = self.__keepSignalsOpen or self.__signals elif self.anchored: dashPattern = self.__anchoredDash stroke = self.__fullStroke targetPoss = self.__uniformPointPositions showSignals = self.__signals if self.__incompatible else [] else: dashPattern = self.__unanchoredDash stroke = self.__dottedStroke targetPoss = self.__uniformPointPositions showSignals = self.__signals if self.__incompatible else [] if self.animGroup.state() == QPropertyAnimation.Running: self.animGroup.stop() if self.__animationEnabled: self.__initializeAnimation(targetPoss, dashPattern, showSignals) self.animGroup.start() else: for point, t in zip(self.__points, targetPoss): pos = self.__anchorPath.pointAtPercent(t) point.setPos(pos) self.__updateLabels(showSignals) self.__pathStroker.setDashPattern(dashPattern) self.setPath(stroke) self.__shadow.setPath(stroke) def __on_finished(self): # type: () -> None if self.shadow.blurRadius() == 0: self.shadow.setEnabled(False) class SourceAnchorItem(NodeAnchorItem): """ A source anchor item """ pass class SinkAnchorItem(NodeAnchorItem): """ A sink anchor item. """ pass def standard_icon(standard_pixmap): # type: (QStyle.StandardPixmap) -> QIcon """ Return return the application style's standard icon for a `QStyle.StandardPixmap`. """ style = QApplication.instance().style() return style.standardIcon(standard_pixmap) class GraphicsIconItem(QGraphicsWidget): """ A graphics item displaying an :class:`QIcon`. """ def __init__(self, parent=None, icon=QIcon(), iconSize=QSize(), **kwargs): # type: (Optional[QGraphicsItem], QIcon, QSize, Any) -> None super().__init__(parent, **kwargs) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption, True) if icon is None: icon = QIcon() if iconSize is None or iconSize.isNull(): style = QApplication.instance().style() size = style.pixelMetric(style.PM_LargeIconSize) iconSize = QSize(size, size) self.__transformationMode = Qt.SmoothTransformation self.__iconSize = QSize(iconSize) self.__icon = QIcon(icon) self.anim = QPropertyAnimation(self, b"opacity") self.anim.setDuration(350) self.anim.setStartValue(1) self.anim.setKeyValueAt(0.5, 0) self.anim.setEndValue(1) self.anim.setEasingCurve(QEasingCurve.OutQuad) self.anim.setLoopCount(5) def setIcon(self, icon): # type: (QIcon) -> None """ Set the icon (:class:`QIcon`). """ if self.__icon != icon: self.__icon = QIcon(icon) self.update() def icon(self): # type: () -> QIcon """ Return the icon (:class:`QIcon`). """ return QIcon(self.__icon) def setIconSize(self, size): # type: (QSize) -> None """ Set the icon (and this item's) size (:class:`QSize`). """ if self.__iconSize != size: self.prepareGeometryChange() self.__iconSize = QSize(size) self.update() def iconSize(self): # type: () -> QSize """ Return the icon size (:class:`QSize`). """ return QSize(self.__iconSize) def setTransformationMode(self, mode): # type: (Qt.TransformationMode) -> None """ Set pixmap transformation mode. (`Qt.SmoothTransformation` or `Qt.FastTransformation`). """ if self.__transformationMode != mode: self.__transformationMode = mode self.update() def transformationMode(self): # type: () -> Qt.TransformationMode """ Return the pixmap transformation mode. """ return self.__transformationMode def boundingRect(self): # type: () -> QRectF return QRectF(0, 0, self.__iconSize.width(), self.__iconSize.height()) def paint(self, painter, option, widget=None): # type: (QPainter, QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, Optional[QWidget]) -> None if not self.__icon.isNull(): if option.state & QStyle.State_Selected: mode = QIcon.Selected elif option.state & QStyle.State_Enabled: mode = QIcon.Normal elif option.state & QStyle.State_Active: mode = QIcon.Active else: mode = QIcon.Disabled w, h = self.__iconSize.width(), self.__iconSize.height() target = QRect(0, 0, w, h) painter.setRenderHint( QPainter.SmoothPixmapTransform, self.__transformationMode == Qt.SmoothTransformation ) self.__icon.paint(painter, target, Qt.AlignCenter, mode)
[docs]class NodeItem(QGraphicsWidget): """ An widget node item in the canvas. """ #: Signal emitted when the scene position of the node has changed. positionChanged = Signal() #: Signal emitted when the geometry of the channel anchors changes. anchorGeometryChanged = Signal() #: Signal emitted when the item has been activated (by a mouse double #: click or a keyboard) activated = Signal() #: The item is under the mouse. hovered = Signal() #: Signal emitted the the item's selection state changes. selectedChanged = Signal(bool) #: Span of the anchor in degrees ANCHOR_SPAN_ANGLE = 90 #: Z value of the item Z_VALUE = 100 def __init__(self, widget_description=None, parent=None, **kwargs): # type: (WidgetDescription, QGraphicsItem, Any) -> None self.__boundingRect = None # type: Optional[QRectF] super().__init__(parent, **kwargs) self.setFocusPolicy(Qt.ClickFocus) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemSendsGeometryChanges, True) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable, True) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsMovable, True) self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsFocusable, True) self.mousePressTime = QTime() self.mousePressTime.start() self.__title = "" self.__processingState = 0 self.__progress = -1. self.__statusMessage = "" self.__renderedText = "" self.__error = None # type: Optional[str] self.__warning = None # type: Optional[str] self.__info = None # type: Optional[str] self.__messages = {} # type: Dict[Any, UserMessage] self.__anchorLayout = None self.__animationEnabled = False self.setZValue(self.Z_VALUE) shape_rect = QRectF(-24, -24, 48, 48) self.shapeItem = NodeBodyItem(self) self.shapeItem.setShapeRect(shape_rect) self.shapeItem.setAnimationEnabled(self.__animationEnabled) # Rect for widget's 'ears'. anchor_rect = QRectF(-31, -31, 62, 62) self.inputAnchorItem = SinkAnchorItem(self) input_path = QPainterPath() start_angle = 180 - self.ANCHOR_SPAN_ANGLE / 2 input_path.arcMoveTo(anchor_rect, start_angle) input_path.arcTo(anchor_rect, start_angle, self.ANCHOR_SPAN_ANGLE) self.inputAnchorItem.setAnchorPath(input_path) self.inputAnchorItem.setAnimationEnabled(self.__animationEnabled) self.outputAnchorItem = SourceAnchorItem(self) output_path = QPainterPath() start_angle = self.ANCHOR_SPAN_ANGLE / 2 output_path.arcMoveTo(anchor_rect, start_angle) output_path.arcTo(anchor_rect, start_angle, - self.ANCHOR_SPAN_ANGLE) self.outputAnchorItem.setAnchorPath(output_path) self.outputAnchorItem.setAnimationEnabled(self.__animationEnabled) self.inputAnchorItem.hide() self.outputAnchorItem.hide() # Title caption item self.captionTextItem = GraphicsTextItem(self) self.captionTextItem.setPlainText("") self.captionTextItem.setPos(0, 33) def iconItem(standard_pixmap): # type: (QStyle.StandardPixmap) -> GraphicsIconItem item = GraphicsIconItem( self, icon=standard_icon(standard_pixmap), iconSize=QSize(16, 16) ) item.hide() return item self.errorItem = iconItem(QStyle.SP_MessageBoxCritical) self.warningItem = iconItem(QStyle.SP_MessageBoxWarning) self.infoItem = iconItem(QStyle.SP_MessageBoxInformation) self.prepareGeometryChange() self.__boundingRect = None if widget_description is not None: self.setWidgetDescription(widget_description) @classmethod def from_node(cls, node): """ Create an :class:`NodeItem` instance and initialize it from a :class:`SchemeNode` instance. """ self = cls() self.setWidgetDescription(node.description) # self.setCategoryDescription(node.category) return self @classmethod def from_node_meta(cls, meta_description): """ Create an `NodeItem` instance from a node meta description. """ self = cls() self.setWidgetDescription(meta_description) return self # TODO: Remove the set[Widget|Category]Description. The user should # handle setting of icons, title, ...
[docs] def setWidgetDescription(self, desc): # type: (WidgetDescription) -> None """ Set widget description. """ self.widget_description = desc if desc is None: return icon = icon_loader.from_description(desc).get(desc.icon) if icon: self.setIcon(icon) if not self.title(): self.setTitle( if desc.inputs: self.inputAnchorItem.setSignals(desc.inputs) if desc.outputs: self.outputAnchorItem.setSignals(desc.outputs) tooltip = NodeItem_toolTipHelper(self) self.setToolTip(tooltip)
[docs] def setWidgetCategory(self, desc): # type: (CategoryDescription) -> None """ Set the widget category. """ self.category_description = desc if desc and desc.background: background = NAMED_COLORS.get(desc.background, desc.background) color = QColor(background) if color.isValid(): self.setColor(color)
[docs] def setIcon(self, icon): # type: (QIcon) -> None """ Set the node item's icon (:class:`QIcon`). """ self.icon_item = GraphicsIconItem( self.shapeItem, icon=icon, iconSize=QSize(36, 36) ) self.icon_item.setPos(-18, -18)
[docs] def setColor(self, color, selectedColor=None): # type: (QColor, Optional[QColor]) -> None """ Set the widget color. """ if selectedColor is None: selectedColor = saturated(color, 150) palette = create_palette(color, selectedColor) self.shapeItem.setPalette(palette)
[docs] def setTitle(self, title): # type: (str) -> None """ Set the node title. The title text is displayed at the bottom of the node. """ if self.__title != title: self.__title = title self.__updateTitleText()
[docs] def title(self): # type: () -> str """ Return the node title. """ return self.__title
title_ = Property(str, fget=title, fset=setTitle, doc="Node title text.")
[docs] def setAnimationEnabled(self, enabled): # type: (bool) -> None """ Set the node animation enabled state. """ if self.__animationEnabled != enabled: self.__animationEnabled = enabled self.shapeItem.setAnimationEnabled(enabled) self.outputAnchorItem.setAnimationEnabled(self.__animationEnabled) self.inputAnchorItem.setAnimationEnabled(self.__animationEnabled)
[docs] def animationEnabled(self): # type: () -> bool """ Are node animations enabled. """ return self.__animationEnabled
[docs] def setProcessingState(self, state): # type: (int) -> None """ Set the node processing state i.e. the node is processing (is busy) or is idle. """ if self.__processingState != state: self.__processingState = state self.shapeItem.setProcessingState(state) if not state: # Clear the progress meter. self.setProgress(-1) if self.__animationEnabled:
[docs] def processingState(self): # type: () -> int """ The node processing state. """ return self.__processingState
processingState_ = Property(int, fget=processingState, fset=setProcessingState)
[docs] def setProgress(self, progress): # type: (float) -> None """ Set the node work progress state (number between 0 and 100). """ if progress is None or progress < 0 or not self.__processingState: progress = -1. progress = max(min(progress, 100.), -1.) if self.__progress != progress: self.__progress = progress self.shapeItem.setProgress(progress) self.__updateTitleText()
[docs] def progress(self): # type: () -> float """ Return the node work progress state. """ return self.__progress
progress_ = Property(float, fget=progress, fset=setProgress, doc="Node progress state.")
[docs] def setStatusMessage(self, message): # type: (str) -> None """ Set the node status message text. This text is displayed below the node's title. """ if self.__statusMessage != message: self.__statusMessage = message self.__updateTitleText()
def statusMessage(self): # type: () -> str return self.__statusMessage
[docs] def setStateMessage(self, message): # type: (UserMessage) -> None """ Set a state message to display over the item. Parameters ---------- message : UserMessage Message to display. `message.severity` is used to determine the icon and `message.contents` is used as a tool tip. """ self.__messages[message.message_id] = message self.__updateMessages()
def setErrorMessage(self, message): if self.__error != message: self.__error = message self.__updateMessages() def setWarningMessage(self, message): if self.__warning != message: self.__warning = message self.__updateMessages() def setInfoMessage(self, message): if self.__info != message: self.__info = message self.__updateMessages()
[docs] def newInputAnchor(self, signal=None): # type: (Optional[InputSignal]) -> AnchorPoint """ Create and return a new input :class:`AnchorPoint`. """ if not (self.widget_description and self.widget_description.inputs): raise ValueError("Widget has no inputs.") anchor = AnchorPoint(self, signal=signal) self.inputAnchorItem.addAnchor(anchor) return anchor
[docs] def removeInputAnchor(self, anchor): # type: (AnchorPoint) -> None """ Remove input anchor. """ self.inputAnchorItem.removeAnchor(anchor)
[docs] def newOutputAnchor(self, signal=None): # type: (Optional[OutputSignal]) -> AnchorPoint """ Create and return a new output :class:`AnchorPoint`. """ if not (self.widget_description and self.widget_description.outputs): raise ValueError("Widget has no outputs.") anchor = AnchorPoint(self, signal=signal) self.outputAnchorItem.addAnchor(anchor) return anchor
[docs] def removeOutputAnchor(self, anchor): # type: (AnchorPoint) -> None """ Remove output anchor. """ self.outputAnchorItem.removeAnchor(anchor)
[docs] def inputAnchors(self): # type: () -> List[AnchorPoint] """ Return a list of all input anchor points. """ return self.inputAnchorItem.anchorPoints()
[docs] def outputAnchors(self): # type: () -> List[AnchorPoint] """ Return a list of all output anchor points. """ return self.outputAnchorItem.anchorPoints()
[docs] def setAnchorRotation(self, angle): # type: (float) -> None """ Set the anchor rotation. """ self.inputAnchorItem.setRotation(angle) self.outputAnchorItem.setRotation(angle) self.anchorGeometryChanged.emit()
[docs] def anchorRotation(self): # type: () -> float """ Return the anchor rotation. """ return self.inputAnchorItem.rotation()
[docs] def boundingRect(self): # type: () -> QRectF # TODO: Important because of this any time the child # items change geometry the self.prepareGeometryChange() # needs to be called. if self.__boundingRect is None: self.__boundingRect = self.childrenBoundingRect() return QRectF(self.__boundingRect)
[docs] def shape(self): # type: () -> QPainterPath # Shape for mouse hit detection. # TODO: Should this return the union of all child items? return self.shapeItem.shape()
def __updateTitleText(self): # type: () -> None """ Update the title text item. """ text = ['<div align="center">%s' % escape(self.title())] status_text = [] progress_included = False if self.__statusMessage: msg = escape(self.__statusMessage) format_fields = dict(parse_format_fields(msg)) if "progress" in format_fields and len(format_fields) == 1: # Insert progress into the status text format string. spec, _ = format_fields["progress"] if spec is not None: progress_included = True progress_str = "{0:.0f}%".format(self.progress()) status_text.append(msg.format(progress=progress_str)) else: status_text.append(msg) if self.progress() >= 0 and not progress_included: status_text.append("%i%%" % int(self.progress())) if status_text: text += ["<br/>", '<span style="font-style: italic">', "<br/>".join(status_text), "</span>"] text += ["</div>"] text = "".join(text) if self.__renderedText != text: self.__renderedText = text # The NodeItems boundingRect could change. self.prepareGeometryChange() self.__boundingRect = None self.captionTextItem.setHtml(text) self.__layoutCaptionTextItem() def __layoutCaptionTextItem(self): self.prepareGeometryChange() self.__boundingRect = None self.captionTextItem.document().adjustSize() width = self.captionTextItem.textWidth() self.captionTextItem.setPos(-width / 2.0, 33) def __updateMessages(self): # type: () -> None """ Update message items (position, visibility and tool tips). """ items = [self.errorItem, self.warningItem, self.infoItem] messages = list(self.__messages.values()) + [ UserMessage(self.__error or "", UserMessage.Error, message_id="_error"), UserMessage(self.__warning or "", UserMessage.Warning, message_id="_warn"), UserMessage(self.__info or "", UserMessage.Info, message_id="_info"), ] key = attrgetter("severity") messages = groupby(sorted(messages, key=key, reverse=True), key=key) for (_, message_g), item in zip(messages, items): message = "<br/>".join(m.contents for m in message_g if m.contents) item.setVisible(bool(message)) if bool(message): item.anim.start(QPropertyAnimation.KeepWhenStopped) item.setToolTip(message or "") shown = [item for item in items if item.isVisible()] count = len(shown) if count: spacing = 3 rects = [item.boundingRect() for item in shown] width = sum(rect.width() for rect in rects) width += spacing * max(0, count - 1) height = max(rect.height() for rect in rects) origin = self.shapeItem.boundingRect().top() - spacing - height origin = QPointF(-width / 2, origin) for item, rect in zip(shown, rects): item.setPos(origin) origin = origin + QPointF(rect.width() + spacing, 0)
[docs] def mousePressEvent(self, event): # type: (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent) -> None if self.mousePressTime.elapsed() < QApplication.doubleClickInterval(): # Double-click triggers two mouse press events and a double-click event. # Ignore the second mouse press event (causes widget's node relocation with # Logitech's Smart Move). event.ignore() else: self.mousePressTime.restart() if self.shapeItem.path().contains(event.pos()): super().mousePressEvent(event) else: event.ignore()
[docs] def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event): # type: (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent) -> None if self.shapeItem.path().contains(event.pos()): super().mouseDoubleClickEvent(event) QTimer.singleShot(0, self.activated.emit) else: event.ignore()
[docs] def contextMenuEvent(self, event): # type: (QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent) -> None if self.shapeItem.path().contains(event.pos()): super().contextMenuEvent(event) else: event.ignore()
[docs] def changeEvent(self, event): if event.type() == QEvent.PaletteChange: self.__updatePalette() elif event.type() == QEvent.FontChange: self.__updateFont() super().changeEvent(event)
[docs] def itemChange(self, change, value): # type: (QGraphicsItem.GraphicsItemChange, Any) -> Any if change == QGraphicsItem.ItemSelectedHasChanged: self.shapeItem.setSelected(value) self.captionTextItem.setSelectionState(value) self.selectedChanged.emit(value) elif change == QGraphicsItem.ItemPositionHasChanged: self.positionChanged.emit() return super().itemChange(change, value)
def __updatePalette(self): # type: () -> None palette = self.palette() self.captionTextItem.setPalette(palette) def __updateFont(self): # type: () -> None self.prepareGeometryChange() self.captionTextItem.setFont(self.font()) self.__layoutCaptionTextItem()
TOOLTIP_TEMPLATE = """\ <html> <head> <style type="text/css"> {style} </style> </head> <body> {tooltip} </body> </html> """ def NodeItem_toolTipHelper(node, links_in=[], links_out=[]): # type: (NodeItem, List[LinkItem], List[LinkItem]) -> str """ A helper function for constructing a standard tooltip for the node in on the canvas. Parameters: =========== node : NodeItem The node item instance. links_in : list of LinkItem instances A list of input links for the node. links_out : list of LinkItem instances A list of output links for the node. """ desc = node.widget_description channel_fmt = "<li>{0}</li>" title_fmt = "<b>{title}</b><hr/>" title = title_fmt.format(title=escape(node.title())) inputs_list_fmt = "Inputs:<ul>{inputs}</ul><hr/>" outputs_list_fmt = "Outputs:<ul>{outputs}</ul>" if desc.inputs: inputs = [channel_fmt.format( for inp in desc.inputs] inputs = inputs_list_fmt.format(inputs="".join(inputs)) else: inputs = "No inputs<hr/>" if desc.outputs: outputs = [channel_fmt.format( for out in desc.outputs] outputs = outputs_list_fmt.format(outputs="".join(outputs)) else: outputs = "No outputs" tooltip = title + inputs + outputs style = "ul { margin-top: 1px; margin-bottom: 1px; }" return TOOLTIP_TEMPLATE.format(style=style, tooltip=tooltip) def parse_format_fields(format_str): # type: (str) -> List[Tuple[str, Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[str]]]] formatter = string.Formatter() format_fields = [(field, (spec, conv)) for _, field, spec, conv in formatter.parse(format_str) if field is not None] return format_fields from .linkitem import LinkItem