Workflow Events (events)


Bases: PyQt5.QtCore.QEvent

NodeAdded = QEvent.Type(...)

Delivered to Scheme when a node has been added (NodeEvent)

NodeRemoved = QEvent.Type(...)

Delivered to Scheme when a node has been removed (NodeEvent)

LinkAdded = QEvent.Type(...)

A Link has been added to the scheme (LinkEvent)

LinkRemoved = QEvent.Type(...)

A Link has been removed from the scheme (LinkEvent)

InputLinkAdded = QEvent.Type(...)

An input Link has been added to a node (LinkEvent)

OutputLinkAdded = QEvent.Type(...)

An output Link has been added to a node (LinkEvent)

InputLinkRemoved = QEvent.Type(...)

An input Link has been removed from a node (LinkEvent)

OutputLinkRemoved = QEvent.Type(...)

An output Link has been removed from a node (LinkEvent)

NodeStateChange = QEvent.Type(...)

Node’s (runtime) state has changed (NodeEvent)

LinkStateChange = QEvent.Type(...)

Link’s (runtime) state has changed (LinkEvent)

InputLinkStateChange = QEvent.Type(...)

Input link’s (runtime) state has changed (LinkEvent)

OutputLinkStateChange = QEvent.Type(...)

Output link’s (runtime) state has changed (LinkEvent)

NodeActivateRequest = QEvent.Type(...)

Node user activate request (e.g. on double click in the canvas GUI)

WorkflowResourceChange = QEvent.Type(...)

Workflow resource changed (e.g. work directory, env variable)

AnnotationAdded = QEvent.Type(...)
AnnotationRemoved = QEvent.Type(...)
AnnotationChange = QEvent.Type(...)
ActivateParentRequest = QEvent.Type(...)

Request activation (show and raise) of the window containing the workflow view

class, node, pos=-1)[source]


An event notifying the receiver of an workflow link change.

This event is used with:

node() → SchemeNode[source]
Returns:node – The node instance.
Return type:SchemeNode
pos() → int[source]

For NodeAdded/NodeRemoved events this is the position into which the node is inserted or removed from (is -1 if not applicable))

New in version 0.1.16.

class, link, pos=-1)[source]


An event notifying the receiver of an workflow link change.

This event is used with:

  • etype (QEvent.Type) –
  • link (SchemeLink) – The link subject to change
  • pos (int) – The link position index.
Returns:link – The link instance.
Return type:SchemeLink
pos() → int[source]

The index position into which the link was inserted.

For LinkAdded/LinkRemoved this is the index in the Scheme.links sequence from which the link was removed or was inserted into.

For InputLinkAdded/InputLinkRemoved it is the sequential position in the input links to the sink node.

For OutputLinkAdded/OutputLinkRemoved it is the sequential position in the output links from the source node.

New in version 0.1.16.

class, annotation, pos=-1)[source]


An event notifying the receiver of an workflow annotation changes

This event is used with:

  • etype (QEvent.Type) –
  • annotation (BaseSchemeAnnotation) – The annotation that is a subject of change.
  • pos (int) –
annotation() → BaseSchemeAnnotation[source]
Returns:annotation – The annotation instance.
Return type:BaseSchemeAnnotation
pos() → int[source]

The index position of the annotation in the Scheme.annotations

New in version 0.1.16.

class, newValue, oldValue)[source]


An event notifying the receiver of a workflow environment change.

  • name (str) – The name of the environment property that was changed
  • newValue (Any) – The new value
  • oldValue (Any) – The old value

See also


name() → str[source]

The name of the environment property.

oldValue() → Any[source]

The old value.

newValue() → Any[source]

The new value.