Source code for orangecanvas.document.quickmenu

Quick Menu

A :class:`QuickMenu` widget provides lists of actions organized in tabs
with a quick search functionality.

import typing
import statistics
import sys
import logging

from collections import namedtuple

from typing import Optional, Any, List, Callable

from AnyQt.QtWidgets import (
    QWidget, QFrame, QToolButton, QAbstractButton, QAction, QTreeView,
    QButtonGroup, QStackedWidget, QHBoxLayout, QVBoxLayout, QSizePolicy,
    QStyleOptionToolButton, QStylePainter, QStyle, QApplication,
    QStyleOptionViewItem, QSizeGrip, QAbstractItemView, QStyledItemDelegate
from AnyQt.QtGui import (
    QIcon, QStandardItemModel, QPolygon, QRegion, QBrush, QPalette,
    QPaintEvent, QColor, QMouseEvent, QPixmap)
from AnyQt.QtCore import (
    Qt, QObject, QPoint, QSize, QRect, QEventLoop, QEvent, QModelIndex,
    QTimer, QRegExp, QSortFilterProxyModel, QItemSelectionModel,
from AnyQt.QtCore import pyqtSignal as Signal, pyqtProperty as Property
from PyQt5.QtCore import QRectF, QPointF
from PyQt5.QtGui import QPainter

from .usagestatistics import UsageStatistics
from ..gui.framelesswindow import FramelessWindow
from ..gui.lineedit import LineEdit
from ..gui.tooltree import ToolTree, FlattenedTreeItemModel
from ..gui.utils import StyledWidget_paintEvent, innerGlowBackgroundPixmap, innerShadowPixmap
from ..registry.qt import QtWidgetRegistry

from ..resources import icon_loader

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class _MenuItemDelegate(QStyledItemDelegate):
    def paint(self, painter: QPainter, option: QStyleOptionViewItem, index: QModelIndex):
        widget = option.widget
        if widget is not None:
            style =
            style =

        opt = QStyleOptionViewItem(option)
        self.initStyleOption(opt, index)
        rect = option.rect
        tl = rect.topLeft()
        br = rect.bottomRight()
        """ Draw icon background """

        # get category color
        brush = as_qbrush(
        if brush is not None:
            color = brush.color()
            color = QColor("FFA840")  # orange!

        # (get) cache(d) pixmap
        bg = innerGlowBackgroundPixmap(color,
                                       QSize(rect.height(), rect.height()))

        # draw background
        bgRect = QRect(tl.x(), tl.y(), rect.height(), rect.height())
        painter.drawPixmap(bgRect, bg, bg.rect())

        """ Draw icon """

        # get item decoration (icon)
        dec = opt.icon
        decSize = option.decorationSize  # use as approximate/minimum size
        x = rect.left() + rect.height() / 2 - decSize.width() / 2
        y = + rect.height() / 2 - decSize.height() / 2

        # decoration rect, where the icon is drawn
        decTl = QPointF(x, y)
        decBr = QPointF(x + decSize.width(), y + decSize.height())
        decRect = QRectF(decTl, decBr)

        # draw icon pixmap
        dec.paint(painter, decRect.toAlignedRect())

        # draw display
        rect = QRect(opt.rect)
        rect.setLeft(bgRect.left() + bgRect.width())  # move to icon area end
        opt.rect = rect
        # no focus display (selected state is the sole indicator)
        opt.state &= ~ QStyle.State_KeyboardFocusChange
        opt.state &= ~ QStyle.State_HasFocus
        # no icon
        opt.decorationSize = QSize()
        opt.icon = QIcon()
        opt.features &= ~QStyleOptionViewItem.HasDecoration
        if not opt.state & QStyle.State_Selected:
            style.drawControl(QStyle.CE_ItemViewItem, opt, painter, widget)
        # draw as 2 side by side items, first with the actual text,
        # the second with 'enter key' shortcut indicator
        optleft = QStyleOptionViewItem(opt)
        optright = QStyleOptionViewItem(opt)

        optright.decorationSize = QSize()
        optright.icon = QIcon()
        optright.features &= ~QStyleOptionViewItem.HasDecoration
        optright.viewItemPosition = QStyleOptionViewItem.End
        optright.textElideMode = Qt.ElideNone
        optright.text = "\u21B5"
        sh = style.sizeFromContents(
            QStyle.CT_ItemViewItem, optright, QSize(), widget)
        rectright = QRect(opt.rect)
        rectright.setLeft(rectright.left() + rectright.width() - sh.width())
        optright.rect = rectright

        rectleft = QRect(opt.rect)
        optleft.rect = rectleft
        optleft.viewItemPosition = QStyleOptionViewItem.Beginning
        optleft.textElideMode = Qt.ElideRight

        style.drawControl(QStyle.CE_ItemViewItem, optright, painter, widget)
        style.drawControl(QStyle.CE_ItemViewItem, optleft, painter, widget)

    def sizeHint(self, option, index):
        # type: (QStyleOptionViewItem, QModelIndex) -> QSize
        if option.widget is not None:
            style =
            style =
        opt = QStyleOptionViewItem(option)
        self.initStyleOption(opt, index)

        # content size without the icon
        optnoicon = QStyleOptionViewItem(opt)
        optnoicon.decorationSize = QSize()
        optnoicon.icon = QIcon()
        optnoicon.features &= ~QStyleOptionViewItem.HasDecoration
        sh = style.sizeFromContents(
            QStyle.CT_ItemViewItem, optnoicon, QSize(), option.widget
        # size with the icon
        shicon = style.sizeFromContents(
            QStyle.CT_ItemViewItem, opt, QSize(), option.widget
        sh.setHeight(max(sh.height(), shicon.height(), 25))
        # add the custom drawn icon area rect to sh (height x height)
        sh.setWidth(sh.width() + sh.height())
        return sh

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    FilterFunc = Callable[[QModelIndex], bool]

class ItemDisableFilter(QSortFilterProxyModel):
    An filter proxy model used to disable selected items based on
    a filtering function.

    def __init__(self, parent=None, **kwargs):
        # type: (Optional[QObject], Any) -> None
        super().__init__(parent, **kwargs)
        self.__filterFunc = None  # type: Optional[FilterFunc]

    def setFilterFunc(self, func):
        # type: (Optional[FilterFunc]) -> None
        Set the filtering function.
        if not (callable(func) or func is None):
            raise TypeError("A callable object or None expected.")

        if self.__filterFunc != func:
            self.__filterFunc = func
            # Mark the whole model as changed.
            self.dataChanged.emit(self.index(0, 0),
                                  self.index(self.rowCount(), 0))

    def flags(self, index):
        # type: (QModelIndex) -> Qt.ItemFlags
        Reimplemented from :class:`QSortFilterProxyModel.flags`
        source = self.mapToSource(index)
        flags = source.flags()

        if self.__filterFunc is not None:
            enabled = flags & Qt.ItemIsEnabled
            if enabled and not self.__filterFunc(source):
                flags = Qt.ItemFlags(flags ^ Qt.ItemIsEnabled)

        return flags

class SuggestMenuPage(MenuPage):
    A MenuMage for the QuickMenu widget supporting item filtering

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def setSearchQuery(self, text):
        Called upon text edited in search query text box.
        proxy = self.__proxy()

        # re-sorts to make sure items that match by title are on top

    def setModel(self, model):
        # type: (QAbstractItemModel) -> None
        Reimplemented from :ref:`MenuPage.setModel`.
        flat = FlattenedTreeItemModel(self)
        proxy = SortFilterProxyModel(self)
        # bypass MenuPage.setModel and its own proxy
        # TODO: store my self.__proxy
        ToolTree.setModel(self, proxy)

    def __proxy(self):
        # type: () -> SortFilterProxyModel
        model = self.view().model()
        assert isinstance(model, SortFilterProxyModel)
        assert model.parent() is self
        return model

    def setFilterFixedString(self, pattern):
        # type: (str) -> None
        Set the fixed string filtering pattern. Only items which contain the
        `pattern` string will be shown.
        proxy = self.__proxy()

    def setFilterRegExp(self, pattern):
        # type: (QRegExp) -> None
        Set the regular expression filtering pattern. Only items matching
        the `pattern` expression will be shown.
        filter_proxy = self.__proxy()

        # re-sorts to make sure items that match by title are on top


    def setFilterFunc(self, func):
        # type: (Optional[FilterFunc]) -> None
        Set a filtering function.
        filter_proxy = self.__proxy()

    def setSortingFunc(self, func):
        # type: (Callable[[Any, Any], bool]) -> None
        Set a sorting function.
        filter_proxy = self.__proxy()

class SortFilterProxyModel(QSortFilterProxyModel):
    An filter proxy model used to sort and filter items based on
    a sort and filtering function.

    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        # type: (Optional[QObject]) -> None

        self.__filterFunc = None  # type: Optional[FilterFunc]
        self.__sortingFunc = None

        self.__query = ''

    def setSearchQuery(self, text):
        Set the search query, used for filtering and sorting widgets
        alongside the filter and sort functions.

        :type text: str
        self.__query = text.lstrip().lower()

    def setFilterFunc(self, func):
        Set the filtering function, used for filtering out widgets
        without compatible signals.

        :type func: Optional[FilterFunc]
        if not (func is None or callable(func)):
            raise ValueError("A callable object or None expected.")

        if self.__filterFunc is not func:
            self.__filterFunc = func

    def filterFunc(self):
        # type: () -> Optional[FilterFunc]
        return self.__filterFunc

    def filterAcceptsRow(self, row, parent=QModelIndex()):
        # type: (int, QModelIndex) -> bool
        flat_model = self.sourceModel()
        index = flat_model.index(row, self.filterKeyColumn(), parent)
        description =, role=QtWidgetRegistry.WIDGET_DESC_ROLE)
        if description is None:
            return False

        name =
        keywords = [k.lower() for k in description.keywords]

        query = self.__query
        # match name and keywords
        accepted = (not query or
                    query in name or
                    query in name.replace(' ', '') or
                    any(k.startswith(query) for k in keywords))

        # if matches query, apply filter function (compatibility with paired widget)
        if accepted and self.__filterFunc is not None:
            model = self.sourceModel()
            index = model.index(row, self.filterKeyColumn(), parent)
            return self.__filterFunc(index)
            return accepted

    def setSortingFunc(self, func):
        Set the sorting function, used for sorting according to statistics.

        :type func: Callable[[Any, Any], bool]
        self.__sortingFunc = func

    def sortingFunc(self):
        return self.__sortingFunc

    def lessThan(self, left, right):
        # type: (QModelIndex, QModelIndex) -> bool
        if self.__sortingFunc is None:
            return super().lessThan(left, right)
        model = self.sourceModel()
        left_data =
        right_data =
        flat_model = self.sourceModel()
        left_description =, role=QtWidgetRegistry.WIDGET_DESC_ROLE)
        right_description =, role=QtWidgetRegistry.WIDGET_DESC_ROLE)

        def eval_lessthan(predicate, left, right):
            left_match = predicate(left)
            right_match = predicate(right)
            # if one matches, we know the answer
            if left_match != right_match:
                return left_match
            # if both match, fallback to sorting func
            elif left_match and right_match:
                return self.__sortingFunc(left_data, right_data)
            # else, move on
            return None

        query = self.__query

        left_title =
        right_title =

        sorting_predicates = [
            lambda t: query == t,  # full title match
            lambda t: query == t.replace(' ', ''),  # full title match no spaces
            lambda t: query in t.split(' '),  # full subword match
            lambda t: t.startswith(query),  # startswith title match
            lambda t: t.replace(' ', '').startswith(query),  # startswith title match no spaces
            lambda t: any(w.startswith(query) for w in t.split(' '))  # startswith subword match

        for p in sorting_predicates:
            match = eval_lessthan(p, left_title, right_title)
            if match is not None:
                return match

        return self.__sortingFunc(left_data, right_data)

class SearchWidget(LineEdit):
    def __init__(self, parent=None, **kwargs):
        # type: (Optional[QWidget], Any) -> None
        super().__init__(parent, **kwargs)
        self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_MacShowFocusRect, 0)


    def __setupUi(self):
        icon = icon_loader().get("icons/Search.svg")
        action = QAction(icon, "Search", self)
        self.setAction(action, LineEdit.LeftPosition)

        button = self.button(SearchWidget.LeftPosition)

    def setChecked(self, checked):
        button = self.button(SearchWidget.LeftPosition)
        if button.isChecked() != checked:
    # QTBUG-2982

class MenuStackWidget(QStackedWidget):
    Stack widget for the menu pages.

    def sizeHint(self):
        # type: () -> QSize
        Size hint is the maximum width and median height of the widgets
        contained in the stack.
        default_size = QSize(200, 400)
        widget_hints = [default_size]
        for i in range(self.count()):
            hint = self.widget(i).sizeHint()

        width = max([s.width() for s in widget_hints])

        if widget_hints:
            # Take the median for the height
            height = statistics.median([s.height() for s in widget_hints])
            height = default_size.height()
        return QSize(width, int(height))

    def __sizeHintForTreeView(self, view):
        # type: (QTreeView) -> QSize
        hint = view.sizeHint()
        model = view.model()

        count = model.rowCount()
        width = view.sizeHintForColumn(0)

        if count:
            height = view.sizeHintForRow(0)
            height = height * count
            height = hint.height()

        return QSize(max(width, hint.width()), max(height, hint.height()))

class TabButton(QToolButton):
    def __init__(self, parent=None, **kwargs):
        # type: (Optional[QWidget], Any) -> None
        super().__init__(parent, **kwargs)

        self.__flat = True
        self.__showMenuIndicator = False
        self.__shadowLength = 5
        self.__shadowColor = QColor("#000000")

        self.shadowPosition = 0

    def setShadowLength(self, shadowSize):
        if self.__shadowLength != shadowSize:
            self.__shadowLength = shadowSize

    def shadowLength(self):
        return self.__shadowLength

    shadowLength_ = Property(int, fget=shadowLength, fset=setShadowLength, designable=True)

    def setShadowColor(self, shadowColor):
        if self.__shadowColor != shadowColor:
            self.__shadowColor = shadowColor

    def shadowColor(self):
        return self.__shadowColor

    shadowColor_ = Property(QColor, fget=shadowColor, fset=setShadowColor, designable=True)

    def setFlat(self, flat):
        # type: (bool) -> None
        if self.__flat != flat:
            self.__flat = flat

    def flat(self):
        # type: () -> bool
        return self.__flat

    flat_ = Property(bool, fget=flat, fset=setFlat,

    def setShownMenuIndicator(self, show):
        # type: (bool) -> None
        if self.__showMenuIndicator != show:
            self.__showMenuIndicator = show

    def showMenuIndicator(self):
        # type: () -> bool
        return self.__showMenuIndicator

    showMenuIndicator_ = Property(bool, fget=showMenuIndicator,

    def paintEvent(self, event):
        # type: (QPaintEvent) -> None
        opt = QStyleOptionToolButton()
        if self.__showMenuIndicator and self.isChecked():
            opt.features |= QStyleOptionToolButton.HasMenu
        if self.__flat:
            # Use default widget background/border styling.
            StyledWidget_paintEvent(self, event)

            p = QStylePainter(self)
            p.drawControl(QStyle.CE_ToolButtonLabel, opt)
            p = QStylePainter(self)
            p.drawComplexControl(QStyle.CC_ToolButton, opt)

        # if checked, no shadow
        if self.isChecked():

        targetShadowRect = QRect(self.rect().x(), self.rect().y(), self.width(), self.height())

        shadow = innerShadowPixmap(self.__shadowColor,

        p.drawPixmap(targetShadowRect, shadow, shadow.rect())

    def sizeHint(self):
        # type: () -> QSize
        opt = QStyleOptionToolButton()
        if self.__showMenuIndicator and self.isChecked():
            opt.features |= QStyleOptionToolButton.HasMenu
        style =
        hint = style.sizeFromContents(QStyle.CT_ToolButton, opt,
                                      opt.iconSize, self)
        # should there be no margin around the icon, add extra margin;
        # in the absence of a better alternative use the text <-> border margin of a push button
        margin = style.pixelMetric(QStyle.PM_ButtonMargin, None, self)
        width = max(hint.width(), opt.iconSize.width() + margin)
        height = max(hint.height(), opt.iconSize.height() + margin)
        return hint

_Tab = namedtuple(

class TabBarWidget(QWidget):
    A vertical tab bar widget using tool buttons as for tabs.

    currentChanged = Signal(int)

    def __init__(self, parent=None, **kwargs):
        # type: (Optional[QWidget], Any) -> None
        super().__init__(parent, **kwargs)
        layout = QVBoxLayout()
        layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)

        self.__tabs = []  # type: List[_Tab]

        self.__currentIndex = -1
        self.__changeOnHover = False

        self.__iconSize = QSize(26, 26)

        self.__group = QButtonGroup(self, exclusive=True)

        self.__sloppyButton = None  # type: Optional[QAbstractButton]
        self.__sloppyRegion = QRegion()
        self.__sloppyTimer = QTimer(self, singleShot=True)


    def setChangeOnHover(self, changeOnHover):
        #  type: (bool) -> None
        If set to ``True`` the tab widget will change the current index when
        the mouse hovers over a tab button.
        if self.__changeOnHover != changeOnHover:
            self.__changeOnHover = changeOnHover

    def changeOnHover(self):
        # type: () -> bool
        Does the current tab index follow the mouse cursor.
        return self.__changeOnHover

    def count(self):
        # type: () -> int
        Return the number of tabs in the widget.
        return len(self.__tabs)

    def addTab(self, text, icon=QIcon(), toolTip=""):
        # type: (str, QIcon, str) -> int
        Add a new tab and return it's index.
        return self.insertTab(self.count(), text, icon, toolTip)

    def insertTab(self, index, text, icon=QIcon(), toolTip=""):
        # type: (int, str, QIcon, str) -> int
        Insert a tab at `index`
        button = TabButton(self, objectName="tab-button")



        tab = _Tab(text, icon, toolTip, button, None, None)
        self.layout().insertWidget(index, button)

        self.__tabs.insert(index, tab)

        if self.currentIndex() == -1:


        return index

    def removeTab(self, index):
        # type: (int) -> None
        Remove a tab at `index`.
        if 0 <= index < self.count():
            tab = self.__tabs.pop(index)
            layout_index = self.layout().indexOf(tab.button)
            if layout_index != -1:



            if tab.button is self.__sloppyButton:
                self.__sloppyButton = None
                self.__sloppyRegion = QRegion()


            if self.currentIndex() == index:
                if self.count():
                    self.setCurrentIndex(max(index - 1, 0))


    def setTabIcon(self, index, icon):
        # type: (int, QIcon) -> None
        Set the `icon` for tab at `index`.
        self.__tabs[index] = self.__tabs[index]._replace(icon=QIcon(icon))

    def setTabToolTip(self, index, toolTip):
        # type: (int, str) -> None
        Set `toolTip` for tab at `index`.
        self.__tabs[index] = self.__tabs[index]._replace(toolTip=toolTip)

    def setTabText(self, index, text):
        # type: (int, str) -> None
        Set tab `text` for tab at `index`
        self.__tabs[index] = self.__tabs[index]._replace(text=text)

    def setTabPalette(self, index, palette):
        # type: (int, QPalette) -> None
        Set the tab button palette.
        self.__tabs[index] = self.__tabs[index]._replace(palette=QPalette(palette))

    def setCurrentIndex(self, index):
        # type: (int) -> None
        Set the current tab index.
        if self.__currentIndex != index:
            self.__currentIndex = index

            self.__sloppyRegion = QRegion()
            self.__sloppyButton = None

            if index != -1:


    def currentIndex(self):
        # type: () -> int
        Return the current index.
        return self.__currentIndex

    def button(self, index):
        # type: (int) -> QAbstractButton
        Return the `TabButton` instance for index.
        return self.__tabs[index].button

    def setIconSize(self, size):
        # type: (QSize) -> None
        if self.__iconSize != size:
            self.__iconSize = QSize(size)
            for tab in self.__tabs:

    def __updateTab(self, index):
        # type: (int) -> None
        Update the tab button.
        tab = self.__tabs[index]
        b = tab.button

        if tab.text:

        if tab.icon is not None and not tab.icon.isNull():

        if tab.palette:

    def __updateShadows(self):
        currentIndex = self.currentIndex()

        buttons = [tab.button for tab in self.__tabs if tab.button.isVisibleTo(self.parent())]
        if not buttons:

        # set right shadow
        buttonShadows = [2] * len(buttons)

        # if button not visible
        if self.__tabs[currentIndex].button not in buttons:
            belowChosen = aboveChosen = None
            i = currentIndex + 1
            belowChosen = self.__tabs[i].button if i < len(self.__tabs) else None

            i = currentIndex - 1
            aboveChosen = self.__tabs[i].button if i >= 0 else None

        for i in range(len(buttons)):
            button = buttons[i]
            if button is belowChosen:
                buttonShadows[i] |= 1
            if button is aboveChosen:
                buttonShadows[i] |= 4

            if buttonShadows[i] != button.shadowPosition:
                button.shadowPosition = buttonShadows[i]

    def __onButtonPressed(self, button):
        # type: (QAbstractButton) -> None
        for i, tab in enumerate(self.__tabs):
            if tab.button is button:

    def __calcSloppyRegion(self, current):
        # type: (QPoint) -> QRegion
        Given a current mouse cursor position return a region of the widget
        where hover/move events should change the current tab only on a
        p1 = current + QPoint(0, 2)
        p2 = current + QPoint(0, -2)
        p3 = self.pos() + QPoint(self.width()+10, 0)
        p4 = self.pos() + QPoint(self.width()+10, self.height())
        return QRegion(QPolygon([p1, p2, p3, p4]))

    def __setSloppyButton(self, button):
        # type: (QAbstractButton) -> None
        Set the current sloppy button (a tab button inside sloppy region)
        and reset the sloppy timeout.
        if not button.isChecked():
            self.__sloppyButton = button
            delay =, None)
            # The delay timeout is the same as used by Qt in the QMenu.

    def __onSloppyTimeout(self):
        # type: () -> None
        if self.__sloppyButton is not None:
            button = self.__sloppyButton
            self.__sloppyButton = None
            if not button.isChecked():
                index = [tab.button for tab in self.__tabs].index(button)

    def eventFilter(self, receiver, event):
        if event.type() == QEvent.MouseMove and \
                isinstance(receiver, TabButton):
            pos = receiver.mapTo(self, event.pos())
            if self.__sloppyRegion.contains(pos):
                if not receiver.isChecked():
                    index = [tab.button for tab in self.__tabs].index(receiver)
                #also update sloppy region if mouse is moved on the same icon
                self.__sloppyRegion = self.__calcSloppyRegion(pos)

        return super().eventFilter(receiver, event)

    def leaveEvent(self, event):
        self.__sloppyButton = None
        self.__sloppyRegion = QRegion()

        return super().leaveEvent(event)

class PagedMenu(QWidget):
    Tabbed container for :class:`MenuPage` instances.
    triggered = Signal(QAction)
    hovered = Signal(QAction)

    currentChanged = Signal(int)

    def __init__(self, parent=None, **kwargs):
        # type: (Optional[QWidget], Any) -> None
        super().__init__(parent, **kwargs)

        self.__currentIndex = -1

        layout = QHBoxLayout()
        layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)

        self.__tab = TabBarWidget(self)

        self.__stack = MenuStackWidget(self)

        self.navigator = ItemViewKeyNavigator(self)

        layout.addWidget(self.__tab, alignment=Qt.AlignTop)



    def addPage(self, page, title, icon=QIcon(), toolTip=""):
        # type: (QWidget, str, QIcon, str) -> int
        Add a `page` to the menu and return its index.
        return self.insertPage(self.count(), page, title, icon, toolTip)

    def insertPage(self, index, page, title, icon=QIcon(), toolTip=""):
        # type: (int, QWidget, str, QIcon, str) -> int
        Insert `page` at `index`.

        self.__stack.insertWidget(index, page)
        self.__tab.insertTab(index, title, icon, toolTip)
        return index

    def page(self, index):
        # type: (int) -> QWidget
        Return the page at index.
        return self.__stack.widget(index)

    def removePage(self, index):
        # type: (int) -> None
        Remove the page at `index`.
        page = self.__stack.widget(index)


    def count(self):
        # type: () -> int
        Return the number of pages.
        return self.__stack.count()

    def setCurrentIndex(self, index):
        # type: (int) -> None
        Set the current page index.
        if self.__currentIndex != index:
            self.__currentIndex = index

            view = self.currentPage().view()


    def currentIndex(self):
        # type: () -> int
        Return the index of the current page.
        return self.__currentIndex

    def nextPage(self):
        Set current index to next index, if one exists.
        index = self.currentIndex() + 1
        if index < self.__stack.count():

    def previousPage(self):
        Set current index to previous index, if one exists.
        index = self.currentIndex() - 1
        if index >= 0:

    def setCurrentPage(self, page):
        # type: (QWidget) -> None
        Set `page` to be the current shown page.
        index = self.__stack.indexOf(page)

    def currentPage(self):
        # type: () -> QWidget
        Return the current page.
        return self.__stack.currentWidget()

    def indexOf(self, page):
        # type: (QWidget) -> int
        Return the index of `page`.
        return self.__stack.indexOf(page)

    def tabButton(self, index):
        # type: (int) -> QAbstractButton
        Return the tab button instance for index.
        return self.__tab.button(index)

    def update_from_settings(self):
        settings = QSettings()
        showCategories = settings.value("quickmenu/show-categories", False, bool)

        if self.count() != 0 and not showCategories:

        if showCategories:
            self.__tab._TabBarWidget__updateShadows()  # why must this be called manually?


def as_qbrush(value):
    # type: (Any) -> Optional[QBrush]
    if isinstance(value, QBrush):
        return value
        return None

# format with:
# {0} - inactive background
# {1} - active/checked/hover background
# {2} - shadow color
TabButton {{
    qproperty-flat_: false;
    qproperty-shadowColor_: {2};
    background: {0};
    border: none;
    border-right: 2px solid {0};

TabButton:checked {{
    background: {1};
    border-right: hidden;

# TODO: Cleanup the QuickMenu interface. It should not have a 'dual' public
# interface (i.e. as an item model view (`setModel` method) and `addPage`,
# ...)

[docs]class QuickMenu(FramelessWindow): """ A quick menu popup for the widgets. The widgets are set using :func:`QuickMenu.setModel` which must be a model as returned by :func:`QtWidgetRegistry.model` """ #: An action has been triggered in the menu. triggered = Signal(QAction) #: An action has been hovered in the menu hovered = Signal(QAction) def __init__(self, parent=None, **kwargs): # type: (Optional[QWidget], Any) -> None super().__init__(parent, **kwargs) self.setWindowFlags(self.windowFlags() | Qt.Popup) self.__filterFunc = None # type: Optional[FilterFunc] self.__sortingFunc = None # type: Optional[Callable[[Any, Any], bool]] self.setLayout(QVBoxLayout(self)) self.layout().setContentsMargins(6, 6, 6, 6) self.layout().setSpacing(self.radius()) self.__search = SearchWidget(self, objectName="search-line") self.__search.setPlaceholderText("Search for a widget...") ) self.__search.setChecked(True) self.layout().addWidget(self.__search) self.__frame = QFrame(self, objectName="menu-frame") layout = QVBoxLayout() layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) layout.setSpacing(2) self.__frame.setLayout(layout) self.layout().addWidget(self.__frame) self.__pages = PagedMenu(self, objectName="paged-menu") self.__pages.currentChanged.connect(self.setCurrentIndex) self.__pages.triggered.connect(self.triggered) self.__pages.hovered.connect(self.hovered) self.__frame.layout().addWidget(self.__pages) self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Expanding) self.__suggestPage = SuggestMenuPage(self, objectName="suggest-page") self.__suggestPage.setActionRole(QtWidgetRegistry.WIDGET_ACTION_ROLE) self.__suggestPage.setIcon(icon_loader().get("icons/Search.svg")) self.__search.installEventFilter(self.__pages.navigator) self.__pages.navigator.setView(self.__suggestPage.view()) if sys.platform == "darwin": view = self.__suggestPage.view() view.verticalScrollBar().setAttribute(Qt.WA_MacMiniSize, True) # Don't show the focus frame because it expands into the tab bar. view.setAttribute(Qt.WA_MacShowFocusRect, False) i = self.addPage("Quick Search"), self.__suggestPage) button = self.__pages.tabButton(i) button.setVisible(False) searchAction = self.__search.actionAt(SearchWidget.LeftPosition) searchAction.hovered.connect(self.triggerSearch) self.__pages.currentChanged.connect(lambda index: self.__search.setChecked(i == index)) self.__search.textEdited.connect(self.__on_textEdited) self.__grip = WindowSizeGrip(self) # type: Optional[WindowSizeGrip] self.__grip.raise_() self.__loop = None # type: Optional[QEventLoop] self.__model = None # type: Optional[QAbstractItemModel] self.setModel(QStandardItemModel()) self.__triggeredAction = None # type: Optional[QAction]
[docs] def setSizeGripEnabled(self, enabled): # type: (bool) -> None """ Enable the resizing of the menu with a size grip in a bottom right corner (enabled by default). """ if bool(enabled) != bool(self.__grip): if self.__grip: self.__grip.deleteLater() self.__grip = None else: self.__grip = WindowSizeGrip(self) self.__grip.raise_()
[docs] def sizeGripEnabled(self): # type: () -> bool """ Is the size grip enabled. """ return bool(self.__grip)
[docs] def addPage(self, name, page): # type: (str, MenuPage) -> int """ Add the `page` (:class:`MenuPage`) with `name` and return it's index. The `page.icon()` will be used as the icon in the tab bar. """ return self.insertPage(self.__pages.count(), name, page)
def insertPage(self, index, name, page): # type: (int, str, MenuPage) -> int icon = page.icon() tip = name if page.toolTip(): tip = page.toolTip() index = self.__pages.insertPage(index, page, name, icon, tip) # Route the page's signals page.triggered.connect(self.__onTriggered) page.hovered.connect(self.hovered) # All page views focus on the search LineEdit page.view().setFocusProxy(self.__search) return index
[docs] def createPage(self, index): # type: (QModelIndex) -> MenuPage """ Create a new page based on the contents of an index (:class:`QModeIndex`) item. """ page = MenuPage(self) page.setModel(index.model()) page.setRootIndex(index) view = page.view() if sys.platform == "darwin": view.verticalScrollBar().setAttribute(Qt.WA_MacMiniSize, True) # Don't show the focus frame because it expands into the tab # bar at the top. view.setAttribute(Qt.WA_MacShowFocusRect, False) name = str( page.setTitle(name) icon = if isinstance(icon, QIcon): page.setIcon(icon) page.setToolTip( return page
def __clear(self): # type: () -> None for i in range(self.__pages.count() - 1, 0, -1): self.__pages.removePage(i)
[docs] def setModel(self, model): # type: (QAbstractItemModel) -> None """ Set the model containing the actions. """ if self.__model is not None: self.__model.dataChanged.disconnect(self.__on_dataChanged) self.__model.rowsInserted.disconnect(self.__on_rowsInserted) self.__model.rowsRemoved.disconnect(self.__on_rowsRemoved) self.__clear() for i in range(model.rowCount()): index = model.index(i, 0) self.__insertPage(i + 1, index) self.__model = model self.__suggestPage.setModel(model) if model is not None: model.dataChanged.connect(self.__on_dataChanged) model.rowsInserted.connect(self.__on_rowsInserted) model.rowsRemoved.connect(self.__on_rowsRemoved)
def __on_dataChanged(self, topLeft, bottomRight): # type: (QModelIndex, QModelIndex) -> None parent = topLeft.parent() # Only handle top level item (categories). if not parent.isValid(): for row in range(topLeft.row(), bottomRight.row() + 1): index = topLeft.sibling(row, 0) # Note: the tab buttons are offest by 1 (to accommodate # the Suggest Page). button = self.__pages.tabButton(row + 1) brush = as_qbrush( if brush is not None: base_color = brush.color() shadow_color = base_color.fromHsv(base_color.hsvHue(), base_color.hsvSaturation(), 100) button.setStyleSheet( TAB_BUTTON_STYLE_TEMPLATE.format (base_color.darker(110).name(),, ) def __on_rowsInserted(self, parent, start, end): # type: (QModelIndex, int, int) -> None # Only handle top level item (categories). assert self.__model is not None if not parent.isValid(): for row in range(start, end + 1): index = self.__model.index(row, 0) self.__insertPage(row + 1, index) def __on_rowsRemoved(self, parent, start, end): # type: (QModelIndex, int, int) -> None # Only handle top level item (categories). if not parent.isValid(): for row in range(end, start - 1, -1): self.__removePage(row + 1) def __insertPage(self, row, index): # type: (int, QModelIndex) -> None page = self.createPage(index) page.setActionRole(QtWidgetRegistry.WIDGET_ACTION_ROLE) i = self.insertPage(row, page.title(), page) brush = as_qbrush( if brush is not None: base_color = brush.color() shadow_color = base_color.fromHsv(base_color.hsvHue(), base_color.hsvSaturation(), 100) button = self.__pages.tabButton(i) button.setStyleSheet( TAB_BUTTON_STYLE_TEMPLATE.format (base_color.darker(110).name(),, ) def __removePage(self, row): # type: (int) -> None page = page.triggered.disconnect(self.__onTriggered) page.hovered.disconnect(self.hovered) page.view().removeEventFilter(self) self.__pages.removePage(row)
[docs] def setSortingFunc(self, func): # type: (Callable[[Any, Any], bool]) -> None """ Set a sorting function in the suggest (search) menu. """ if self.__sortingFunc != func: self.__sortingFunc = func for i in range(0, self.__pages.count()): page = if isinstance(page, SuggestMenuPage): page.setSortingFunc(func)
[docs] def setFilterFunc(self, func): # type: (Optional[FilterFunc]) -> None """ Set a filter function. """ if func != self.__filterFunc: self.__filterFunc = func for i in range(0, self.__pages.count()):
[docs] def popup(self, pos=None, searchText=""): # type: (Optional[QPoint], str) -> None """ Popup the menu at `pos` (in screen coordinates). 'Search' text field is initialized with `searchText` if provided. """ if pos is None: pos = QPoint() self.__clearCurrentItems() self.__search.setText(searchText) self.__suggestPage.setSearchQuery(searchText) UsageStatistics.set_last_search_query(searchText) self.ensurePolished() if self.testAttribute(Qt.WA_Resized) and self.sizeGripEnabled(): size = self.size() else: size = self.sizeHint() settings = QSettings() ssize = settings.value('quickmenu/size', defaultValue=QSize(), type=QSize) if ssize.isValid(): size.setHeight(ssize.height()) size = size.expandedTo(self.minimumSizeHint()) desktop = QApplication.desktop() screen_geom = desktop.availableGeometry(pos) # Adjust the size to fit inside the screen. if size.height() > screen_geom.height(): size.setHeight(screen_geom.height()) if size.width() > screen_geom.width(): size.setWidth(screen_geom.width()) geom = QRect(pos, size) if < geom.setTop( if geom.left() < screen_geom.left(): geom.setLeft(screen_geom.left()) bottom_margin = screen_geom.bottom() - geom.bottom() right_margin = screen_geom.right() - geom.right() if bottom_margin < 0: # Falls over the bottom of the screen, move it up. geom.translate(0, bottom_margin) # TODO: right to left locale if right_margin < 0: # Falls over the right screen edge, move the menu to the # other side of pos. geom.translate(-size.width(), 0) self.setGeometry(geom) self.setFocusProxy(self.__search)
[docs] def exec_(self, pos=None, searchText=""): # type: (Optional[QPoint], str) -> Optional[QAction] """ Execute the menu at position `pos` (in global screen coordinates). Return the triggered :class:`QAction` or `None` if no action was triggered. 'Search' text field is initialized with `searchText` if provided. """ self.popup(pos, searchText) self.setFocus(Qt.PopupFocusReason) self.__triggeredAction = None self.__loop = QEventLoop() self.__loop.exec_() self.__loop.deleteLater() self.__loop = None action = self.__triggeredAction self.__triggeredAction = None return action
[docs] def hideEvent(self, event): """ Reimplemented from :class:`QWidget` """ settings = QSettings() settings.setValue('quickmenu/size', self.size()) super().hideEvent(event) if self.__loop: self.__loop.exit()
[docs] def setCurrentPage(self, page): # type: (MenuPage) -> None """ Set the current shown page to `page`. """ self.__pages.setCurrentPage(page)
[docs] def setCurrentIndex(self, index): # type: (int) -> None """ Set the current page index. """ self.__pages.setCurrentIndex(index)
def __clearCurrentItems(self): # type: () -> None """ Clear any selected (or current) items in all the menus. """ for i in range(self.__pages.count()): def __onTriggered(self, action): # type: (QAction) -> None """ Re-emit the action from the page. """ self.__triggeredAction = action # Hide and exit the event loop if necessary. self.hide() self.triggered.emit(action) def __on_textEdited(self, text): # type: (str) -> None self.__suggestPage.setSearchQuery(text) self.__pages.setCurrentPage(self.__suggestPage) self.__selectFirstIndex() UsageStatistics.set_last_search_query(text) def __selectFirstIndex(self): # type: () -> None view = self.__pages.currentPage().view() model = view.model() index = model.index(0, 0) view.setCurrentIndex(index)
[docs] def triggerSearch(self): # type: () -> None """ Trigger action search. This changes to current page to the 'Suggest' page and sets the keyboard focus to the search line edit. """ self.__pages.setCurrentPage(self.__suggestPage) self.__search.setFocus(Qt.ShortcutFocusReason) # Make sure that the first enabled item is set current. self.__suggestPage.ensureCurrent()
def update_from_settings(self): self.__pages.update_from_settings()
class ItemViewKeyNavigator(QObject): """ A event filter class listening to key press events and responding by moving 'currentItem` on a :class:`QListView`. """ def __init__(self, parent=None, **kwargs): # type: (Optional[QObject], Any) -> None super().__init__(parent, **kwargs) self.__view = None # type: Optional[QAbstractItemView] self.__categoriesEnabled = False def setCategoriesEnabled(self, enabled): self.__categoriesEnabled = enabled def setView(self, view): # type: (Optional[QAbstractItemView]) -> None """ Set the QListView. """ if self.__view != view: self.__view = view def view(self): # type: () -> Optional[QAbstractItemView] """ Return the view """ return self.__view def eventFilter(self, obj, event): etype = event.type() if etype == QEvent.KeyPress: key = event.key() # down if key == Qt.Key_Down: self.moveCurrent(1, 0) return True # up elif key == Qt.Key_Up: self.moveCurrent(-1, 0) return True # enter / return elif key == Qt.Key_Enter or key == Qt.Key_Return: self.activateCurrent() return True # shift + tab elif key == Qt.Key_Backtab: if self.__categoriesEnabled: self.parent().previousPage() return True # tab elif key == Qt.Key_Tab: if self.__categoriesEnabled: self.parent().nextPage() return True return super().eventFilter(obj, event) def moveCurrent(self, rows, columns=0): # type: (int, int) -> None """ Move the current index by rows, columns. """ if self.__view is not None: view = self.__view model = view.model() root = view.rootIndex() curr = view.currentIndex() curr_row, curr_col = curr.row(), curr.column() sign = 1 if rows >= 0 else -1 row = curr_row row_count = model.rowCount(root) for _ in range(row_count): row = (row + sign) % row_count index = root.child(row, 0) if root.isValid() else model.index(row, 0) if index.flags() & Qt.ItemIsEnabled: view.selectionModel().setCurrentIndex( index, QItemSelectionModel.ClearAndSelect ) break # TODO: move by columns def activateCurrent(self): # type: () -> None """ Activate the current index. """ if self.__view is not None: curr = self.__view.currentIndex() if curr.isValid(): self.__view.activated.emit(curr) def ensureCurrent(self): # type: () -> None """ Ensure the view has a current item if one is available. """ if self.__view is not None: model = self.__view.model() curr = self.__view.currentIndex() if not curr.isValid(): root = self.__view.rootIndex() for i in range(model.rowCount(root)): index = root.child(i, 0) if root.isValid() else model.index(i, 0) if index.flags() & Qt.ItemIsEnabled: self.__view.setCurrentIndex(index) break class WindowSizeGrip(QSizeGrip): """ Automatically positioning :class:`QSizeGrip`. The widget automatically maintains its position in the window corner during resize events. """ def __init__(self, parent): super().__init__(parent) self.__corner = Qt.BottomRightCorner self.resize(self.sizeHint()) self.__updatePos() def setCorner(self, corner): """ Set the corner (:class:`Qt.Corner`) where the size grip should position itself. """ if corner not in [Qt.TopLeftCorner, Qt.TopRightCorner, Qt.BottomLeftCorner, Qt.BottomRightCorner]: raise ValueError("Qt.Corner flag expected") if self.__corner != corner: self.__corner = corner self.__updatePos() def corner(self): """ Return the corner where the size grip is positioned. """ return self.__corner def eventFilter(self, obj, event): if obj is self.window(): if event.type() == QEvent.Resize: self.__updatePos() return super().eventFilter(obj, event) def sizeHint(self): self.ensurePolished() sh = super().sizeHint() # Qt5 on macOS forces size grip to be zero size. if sh.width() == 0 and \ == "QMacStyle": sh.setWidth(sh.height()) return sh def changeEvent(self, event): # type: (QEvent) -> None super().changeEvent(event) if event.type() in (QEvent.StyleChange, QEvent.MacSizeChange): self.resize(self.sizeHint()) self.__updatePos() super().changeEvent(event) def __updatePos(self): window = self.window() if window is not self.parent(): return corner = self.__corner size = self.size() window_geom = window.geometry() window_size = window_geom.size() if corner in [Qt.TopLeftCorner, Qt.BottomLeftCorner]: x = 0 else: x = window_geom.width() - size.width() if corner in [Qt.TopLeftCorner, Qt.TopRightCorner]: y = 0 else: y = window_size.height() - size.height() self.move(x, y)